The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 320: keep fighting

The latest website: "Can evaluation be improved by potions?" Zhang Yue asked curiously, he knew that some kind of ritual could improve his talent.

"Yes, but the conditions are a bit harsh. Only when you have a high talent in one aspect, you can achieve the purpose of promotion by making up for your shortcomings."

"Just like Wang Ling, she has a very strong physique, but her spiritual origin, that is, her lack of spiritual power, blocked her promotion to perfection."

"Now that the shortcomings are made up, the promotion is not a problem."

The pastor explained, and handed the potion in his hand to Wang Ling.

"Aunt Xin, I will return the energy points that I owe you." Wang Ling said gratefully. She knows Aunt Xin's rules, and special potion refining is 20 million energy points once.

"I said, I treat you as my junior. You still call me Aunt Xin. If you don't have money, you're a good boy. You can help me if you have the opportunity to go to the battlefield." The priest said with a smile. , She liked this simple female shield bearer very much, and she also had a love of talent in her heart, which gave her the perfect way to promote her.

"Aunt Xin's strength I have to pay, and I have to pay back the money." Wang Ling said firmly. She owed no one except her parents since she was a child. She would not owe so much money if it weren't for improving her strength .

"It's up to you, I don't force it, it's a good thing to be ambitious." The pastor said with a smile, it may be this kind of female man's style that she likes.

After Wang Ling got the potion, she found a training ground to start her promotion to perfection.

In the training ground, Zhang Yue looked at the shield-shaped Wang Ling in the middle of the training ground, and nodded. This shelf, he knew that there was an expert pointing.

Zhao Yunshu, who was holding Zhang Yue's arm, saw Zhang Yue nodding, and said with a smile: "As a senior, you don't want to give pointers."

"You don't need to give pointers. You are a very good teammate." Zhang Yue praised. Now Wang Ling is almost the same as when he first advanced to Tier 3.

At this moment, when Wang Ling in the distance heard Zhao Yunshu's words, her eyes lit up, as if she hadn't consulted seniors yet.

"Brother-in-law, give some advice to the younger generation. I know that my brother-in-law is very strong." Wang Ling said, before drinking the medicine, her body function should reach its peak state, so that the effect of the medicine can be maximized.

After Zhang Yue heard Wang Ling's words, he knew that he could not refuse.

"Does your shield-holding style always feel like something?" Zhang Yue walked to Wang Ling and said.

"Yes, every time I practice the shield pose, I always feel mysterious and mysterious, but I always feel incomprehensible." Wang Ling thought for a while and said.

"Your physique and comprehension are not bad, there is nothing to point you, you are almost a bit exciting now."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, an earth bear appeared beside him.

"Keep Tier 5 strength, go to attack Wang Ling, don't stop." Zhang Yue ordered the Earth Elemental Earth Bear.

As soon as Zhang Yue's voice fell, a flying shadow rushed towards Wang Ling who was practicing the shield pose.


Compared to the Earth Elemental Earth Bear of the fifth-tier peak strength, Wang Ling did not check for a while, and was instantly knocked into the air by the Earth Bear.

"A little bit of death thrill."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, the entire training field had been surrounded by him using shield mountain crystals to turn into an arena.

"Brother Yue, Zhuang Ling will be fine, right?" Zhao Yunshu asked worriedly.

"Or I will let her out." Zhang Yue said.

When Zhao Yunshu hesitated, Wang Ling's voice came.

"No, brother-in-law is right, I was almost a death stimulus," said the embarrassed Wang Ling.

In the battle of hope, it was Zhao Yunshu who added the summoned beast armor to her to deal with some strange beasts that she did not seem to be challenging at all.


Wang Ling was knocked into the air again and hit the inner wall of Shield Mountain.

"Go to fight, to defend, I won't let the Earth Bear stop."

"Your shield is not only the shield in your hand. Your body, your spirit, and your will are all your shield."

Zhang Yue's voice hit Wang Ling's soul directly.

This is a question she has never considered.


Was knocked off again.

After Wang Ling fell, there was a huge boulder in the sky facing Wang Ling who fell on the ground.

"Golden Power: Defense"


The huge boulder fell, and a steel railroad man over three meters high held a shield against Wang Ling.

"It's interesting, Yun Shu, did she use this trick before?" Zhang Yue asked.

"I haven't seen it, but Brother Yue, you are really a killer." Zhao Yunshu asked.

"How come, it's your teammate after all, I'm not in a hurry to give instructions, how can I kill her."

"Sometimes, if you don't excite, you really don't know the potential."

"I guess you haven't experienced a real life-and-death battle, the kind of life hanging by a thread."

Zhang Yue said that when he thought of fighting with Gou Fugui's team, he had experienced several life and death crises, and the ten thousand race battlefield behind him, he couldn't count how many times he faced death.

"Yes, our Xiaohua team really did not have a life or death battle." Zhao Yunshu said, she thought that this aspect was also something she lacked.

"That's right, take a good look at your teammates, I guess the fire is coming." Zhang Yue pointed to Wang Ling who was resisting stubbornly in the arena and said.

At this time, Wang Ling had reached the limit, but the offensive of the Earth Bear on the opposite side continued to increase.

Stone thorns popped up on the ground from time to time, and boulders in the sky would smash down from time to time.

At this moment, a gravity spear appeared in the hands of the Bear of the Earth and shot towards Wang Ling.

Wang Ling resisted with a shield.


The spear of gravity exploded, and a terrifying suction suddenly appeared next to Wang Ling, breaking Wang Ling's will.

After the suction, Wang Ling lay directly on the ground, thinking that her brother-in-law would not kill me.

Seeing Wang Ling lying down, Earth Bear stopped and walked towards Wang Ling.

Looking at Wang Ling lying on the ground, the Earth Bear showed disdain in its eyes, and looked down upon the coward who gave up fighting.

In the bear's paw, a huge sword condensed by shield mountain crystals appeared.

The huge sword hung on Wang Ling's head for a moment, and then it pierced directly at the head.

In an instant, Wang Ling's soul went wild, this was the rhythm that would kill me.

"I said I will not stop, you now have two choices, give up fighting and die, or continue fighting."

Zhang Yue looked at Wang Ling below and said lightly, Xindao Zhuangling today let you see the sinister society.

Wang Ling's other teammates looked at Zhang Yue a little angrily. They didn't expect the brother-in-law who laughed a moment ago, but now turned into a demon.

"Keep fighting, if you don't want to be a little flower in the greenhouse for a lifetime."

In a word, Wang Ling was instantly ignited.

"Brother-in-law, wait, I must abuse you once in the future like this." Wang Ling said fiercely looking at Zhang Yue.

Then he took the initiative to slam into the bear with the shield.

"Heavy money!"



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