The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 341: Intermediate artifact

The secondary area, under a pure gold mountain.

Zhang Yue looked at the nine teammates and took out the gravity spear that he had prepared before.

"Dark purple gravity spear, throw it out when you encounter a space monster."

"The rest, I'm using it when I meet the strange beasts you can't deal with."

At this time, an earth bear appeared next to Zhang Yue, slowly began to transform, and finally became a warrior wearing heavy armor and holding a huge shield.

"I'm no longer here, but you must have shield holders by your side, so let Xiaotu follow you and perform my duties as a teammate on my behalf." Zhang Yue said.

To mobilize the laws of the earth, Zhang Yue had nine more crystal rings in front of him, and in each ring, Zhang Yue sealed the power of the earth protection.

"You bring the ring, it can save lives at critical moments."

Zhang Yue distributed the ring to everyone.

Yi Mengshuang looked at the crystal ring in his hand and thought: "This ring, if only for the old lady alone."

"Brother Xiong, how do I feel that you are like a father who sent his son to the battlefield." Lu Heng said while looking at the ring in his hand.

"That's right, I haven't reacted to Brother Lu even if you don't tell me. The set of things you gave, Brother Xiong, is almost the same as when you are with us."

She said that Xu Lingxuan pointed to Xiaotu who had just transformed into a heavy armored shield bearer.

"Brother Xiong's pets have changed appearances similar to those of Brother Xiong."

"I am not worried about you." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

"Brother Xiong, do you know that our current team, throwing you away, has four legendary combat power."

"This configuration is already very luxurious."

"Well, you are all grown up." Zhang Yue felt like a child grew up.

"..." Everyone

After Zhang Yue separated from the team, he moved towards the third-level area just now.

"I saw a lot of divine beasts on the road just now, and now they are all killed when I go back." Zhang Yue said while looking at the bracelet on his wrist.

"Hey, now there is no one who speaks alone. Is this how a master feels lonely."

There was a sound of flying in the sky.

Another round robot appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

"Hello, I am your accompanying robot, please take care of it in the future." said the ball robot.

"I'm alone and you send one, isn't it a waste of it?" Zhang Yue asked.

"You alone can be as efficient as ten teams, so you don't have to lose one robot," said the robot.

Zhang Yue looked at the robot in front of him with a gleam in his eyes.

"Are all our actions under your surveillance?" Zhang Yue asked.

"After we return, there will be data uploads, but it only records how many gods and master artifacts you have gained, and will not upload any information other than that." The ball robot replied.

At this moment, a voice sounded from the bottom of Zhang Yue's heart.

"Master, what it says is true. I have tested its program just now and it did not lie."

Yunjian Smart Xiaoyun conveyed to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue became relieved after hearing Xiaoyun's affirmative answer.

"All right, you can follow me in the future, and it's a chat."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he started the Earth Ship under his feet, and moved towards the third-level area.

When passing by a huge colorful mountain, a powerful gravity instantly restrained Zhang Yue, and the hand of the earth under his feet collapsed.

The colorful mountains are transformed into giants of more than 500 meters high and metallic giants with colored eyes, from which colored divine light is shot towards Zhang Yue.

The beam of light instantly penetrated the potential of the earth shield and hit Zhang Yue's Royal Star Shield.

Zhang Yue endured the huge impact force and couldn't help taking a step back, and instantly the surrounding land of more than 1,000 meters was shattered.

"It's interesting, I haven't seen such a powerful enemy in a long time." Zhang Yue said excitedly.


"The Power of the Earth and the Sea: The Vortex of the Earth"

‘Earth Vein Power: Endless Energy’


An oversized earth vortex appeared on the earth centered on the giant, and instantly swallowed half of the metallic giant's body.


The roar of the metallic giant resounded throughout the world, and immediately began to struggle, trying to break free from the earth vortex, the divine light in his eyes kept shooting at Zhang Yue.

Is Zhang Yue's shield-holding defender a beam of light?

"I want to break free, dream."

‘The Power of the Earth and the Sea: The Earth Is Forever’

In an instant, the metallic giant stopped struggling, because it found that its struggle was useless, and it had to kill the bugs in front of it to solve the problem.

A thousand-meter-long giant sword appeared in the hands of the metallic giant, and slashed towards Zhang Yue. The toughness was shining with an unknown cold light, which made Zhang Yue also feel a little trembling.

"Earth Field: Everlasting Shield Mountain"

A light yellow crystal giant mountain appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

'boom! ! ’

The sky broke and the earth shattered, and the giant sword shattered half of the immortal shield mountain, stuck in the middle of the mountain, and the metallic giant could not be taken out.

"It's up to me now." Zhang Yue said with a shield looking at the huge face of the metallic giant in the sky.

As soon as the voice fell, a huge mountain of thousands of meters appeared in the sky.

‘Earth Force Field: Characteristic Overweight’

The huge mountain floating in the sky suddenly smashed down at the inaccessible metallic giant.

"Little Golden Man, I'll add more stuff to you."

‘Super Gravity’

‘Earth Force Field: Five Times Gravity’

There was flames in Zhang Yue's eyes, and he hadn't had full firepower for a long time.

Feeling more than a hundred times the gravity, the metallic giant looked at the huge mountain smashed in the sky, finally leaking a look of fear in his eyes.

Under the support of huge gravity, the space around the huge mountain that was about to fall in the sky began to become unstable.

'boom! ! ! ’

‘Boom! ’

The earth with a radius of a hundred miles suddenly fell into a violent earthquake, and the terrifying cracks in the earth stretched for hundreds of kilometers, forming huge cracks and canyons.

"Is it too heavy."

After the aftermath, Zhang Yue looked at the unrecognizable world around him and said that the power of the aftermath had completely destroyed everything around him.

Zhang Yue waved away the mountain that was pressing on the metal giant.

The mountain peaks may merge into the earth as quicksand.

"The harvest is quite rich."

Zhang Yue looked at the more than 70 divinities floating in the air and said The divinities floating in the air are mostly golden, and the remaining few divinities are other attributes.

After collecting the divinity with the hand ring, Zhang Yue picked up the giant sword on the ground.

"Is this the weapon used by the metallic giant just now? It should be a divine weapon." Zhang Yue said while looking at the giant sword in his hand.

At this time, the orb robot appeared beside Zhang Yue.

"This is a standard artifact of a giant spirit tribe god-level warrior. It is an intermediate artifact. After you leave the trial world, you will not be required to hand it in."

After hearing the words of the orb robot, Zhang Yue was taken aback.

"Do you have to hand in something?" Zhang Yue asked.

"By the way, the divinity, the law runes, the main artifact fragments, the main artifact, and some secret treasures, all of which need to be turned in for points."


Zhang Yue didn't have too much anger. This is the world of trials for others. He naturally has his own rules. Besides, he is a small, third-rate arrogant who has no right to resist.

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