The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 342: World compass

Zhang Yue walked all the way and pushed horizontally. After that earth-shaking battle, Zhang Yue never encountered the strange beast that made him difficult.

When thinking about whether to go to the fourth-level area to see there, a sword light suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Yue's chest, passing through the earth guard, and slashing on Zhang Yue's Star God heavy armor.

The Royal Star Shield instantly appeared in Zhang Yue's hand, blocking the front.

"There is no space fluctuation, it's not a divine creature of the space system."

"No energy fluctuations, strange."

Zhang Yue maximized his perception.

At this moment, a sword light appeared from the sky and cut directly at the top of Zhang Yue's head.

'boom! ’

Zhang Yue sank into the earth.

"What a pure sword intent." Zhang Yue said as he sensed the subtle energy fluctuations in the sky.

While Zhang Yue was talking, there were a few sword lights slashing at Zhang Yue from all directions.

"No more fun." Zhang Yue said angrily.

‘Polar Power’

The extremes of the earth were in full swing, and Zhang Ran saw the enemy who had just attacked him.

A group of humanoid ghosts holding swords are guarded by a sword intent shield all over their bodies.

"A divine beast formed by the law of the sword?" Zhang Yue said in surprise.

Ten hands of the earth stretched out from the earth and grabbed them towards the human ghost. As a result, Zhang Yue was dumbfounded in the next scene. These divine beasts of the law of swords were actually immune to physical attacks.

Several ghosts attacked Zhang Yue with their swords, but this time the sword light was directly seen in Zhang Yue's spiritual space.

Feeling the tickling attack in the mental space, Zhang Yue smiled and scratched his head, not to mention that it was really itchy.

"How do you deal with this form of life form?"

Zhang Yue looked at the sword soul that had been attacking him and said, this is the name Zhang Yue gave them. I don't know if the little rabbit will protest.

Finally, Zhang Yue maximized the gravity before getting rid of the group of sword souls.

On the ship of the earth, Zhang Yue looked at the colorful world, a little intoxicated. These are the arts and crafts intertwined with the forces of various lines.

Looking at the bracelet on his hand, there are already more than 160 points of divinity, among which the metallic divinity has been merged into a law rune, quietly in the space of the bracelet.

"Ball, do you know how this trial world was formed?" Zhang Yue asked curiously. It was a bit boring for a person to swipe the alien beasts alone, so he thought of chatting with the robot behind him.

"This is a battlefield of the gods, more than 10 **** kings and countless true gods have fallen here."

"After they die, the world formed by the strength and law chain they have gathered together with the mighty power of the Godhead."

"It took hundreds of millions of years of evolution to finally form such a peculiar environment."

The introduction of the robot made Zhang Yue an eye-opener.

"Then there is a godhead here?" Zhang Yue asked expectantly, this is also his purpose here.

"Since Divine Grace took over this world, there has been no divine character, only this divine creature that cannot be killed."

"take over?"

"Yes, this is the next trial world of the Divine Grace from the hands of the Divine Tribe. Otherwise, the land of the Divine King's fall will not be the turn of a first-class race to take over." The Orb Robot said.

"Do you have your own self-awareness?" Zhang Ran said, the more he talked, the less he looked like a robot.

"I am the supervising artifact that the Protoss put into this world. I have nothing to do with the Gods outside. The only connection is to transmit data. All the robots that come here will be taken over by me." said the ball robot.

"Oh, I thought you were a product of the Machine Race." Zhang Yue said.

"Hey, it would be nice if I was a mechanical clan. They treat me as an artifact spirit and generally have the opportunity to transform into a mechanical clan."

"And I am in a miserable situation. I have to work here for endless hours until the world is destroyed."


Zhang Yue only said one word and wanted me to be hooked, but there was no way.

"Don't you feel sorry for me." The orb robot's tone began to change slowly, and there was a feeling that the little girl didn't want candy.


"You don't want to save me and me."

"I don't want to."

"No, you want to, as long as you can..."

The Orb Robot was interrupted by Zhang Yue before he finished speaking.

"You can be rescued by someone else, but you can't wait for the next batch." Zhang Yue said lightly. He knew that after going out, there would be a true **** to test everyone. He didn't want to cause trouble, but just quietly farmed the alien beasts, and then exchanged the **** and Yunjian upgrade materials.

"A young model of the main artifact." Orb robot said lightly.

"............" This is not the end.

Zhang Yue stopped the ship of the earth in an instant, and landed in a sea of ​​seven-colored flowers, waving his hands, a tea room was condensed and completed.

After taking out a tea set and water, Zhang Yue began to boil water and tea.

After pouring two cups of tea, Zhang Yue piled a cup in front of the Orb Robot opposite.

"Now you can talk about how to save you."

"Tell me about the premise, why are you looking for me." Zhang Yue said.

"Then tell me first, what do you mean by pouring me tea?" Orb Robot asked strangely.

"To show respect." Zhang Yue said lightly.

"Well, you are the strongest among this batch of trialers."

"Second, you have something in your body that can help me escape from this world."

"What?" Zhang Yue asked.

"A stone, why, let me go down and say no." The Orb Robot's tone was a little joke.

"Needless to say." Zhang Yue said instantly, he didn't know how this artifact spirit knew that he had the space **** stone.

"Okay, let me talk about how you can save me."

"First, defeat a rune monster of the space system to get the main divine weapon juvenile, and then kill a time attribute divine beast to obtain the divine nature."

"Combine the main artifact juvenile with the time and then put the main artifact juvenile in the space with that stone and it's done."

Zhang Yue frowned as he listened.

"The more I listen, the more I feel that you are asking me to die. Don't think that I don't know the concept of space-based rune beasts, and that time-based divine beast. This thing is not easy to provoke."

"You believe in yourself, you can, don't you still have my help."

"You first spend a year hunting the divine beasts of the earth attribute to improve your strength, and then you will find those two beasts."

"After the matter is over, I will give you a set of secret methods that can promote the intelligent life in you to the true **** level. This is a rare opportunity." The Orb Robot said.

"The deal, but after I feel that my life is threatened, our deal will be invalidated." Zhang Yue thought for a while and said, a young master artifact plus a secret method for Xiaoyun to advance to the true **** level.

"By the way, what is the juvenile main artifact?" Zhang Yue asked curiously.

"World Compass, for your race, this is the thruster of development. With it, it is absolutely no problem for your human race to be promoted to a first-class race within 5000 years."

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