The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 343: Earth Law Rune Alien Beast

'boom! ’

A super-heavy crystal pillar with a diameter of one meter in the sky directly exploded a divine beast in the shape of a giant tiger.

Zhang Yue stepped forward and put away the pure golden divinity floating in the air.

"You mean, I am still no match for the baby animal of the guardian divine tool?" Zhang Yue asked.

"Yes, the space monster is the most difficult to deal with. Your understanding of space can't penetrate the gap in the space where the alien beast is located." The orb robot said in a circle around Zhang Yue.


"Then how to play this stuff, I can't touch it at all. Isn't my extreme position good?" Zhang Yue asked.

"Although your extreme power is powerful, it is not omnipotent, and now it can only shield the outermost space."

"So you need more targeted rules, such as ground-to-air potential." said the orb robot.

"I don't have the talent for space, how can I understand."

Zhang Yue said that he is not very clear about the law of fusion now, but he understands a little bit. To understand the law of fusion, he must have the corresponding talent.

"Isn't there me? I'm not sure, I will come to you, for this matter, I have planned for tens of thousands of years."

"Unfortunately, the strength of the teams that entered the trial in each session did not reach the minimum standard. Only now, I have waited for you." As the Orb Robot said, there was a feeling of wanting to cry. For more than 10,000 years, It's going crazy in this boring world.

"Is there no Protoss either?" Zhang Yue asked.

"I can not."


"Alright, tell me how can I defeat that space rune monster."

Zhang Yue summoned an overweight crystal stone pillar from the sky and smashed it into the ground. After a burst of landslides, nine ocher spatial divinities appeared on the spot.

"God-level arrogance like you can generally absorb 100 divine natures corresponding to your own attributes. You will first absorb 90 divine natures, and then you are absorbing 10 divine natures of the earth and space."

"At that time, if you have a little bit of insight, you will understand the law of fusion of the earth and space, and then go to deal with that space rune monster." The Orb Robot said.

"It's as simple as that." Zhang Yue said, listening as if anyone could go.

"Yes, it's that simple, your combat power meets the standard, just follow the plan."

"When you leave this world at that time, your combat power has greatly increased and you have gained the main artifact, so I can travel infinitely in the world of heaven. It is really the best of both worlds."

The tone of the orb robot reminds Zhang Yue of those children who are looking forward to the future.

"You are an artifact spirit, why do you yearn for the outside world so much?" Zhang Yue said strangely. He was the first to see an artifact spirit with such rich emotions.

"After that, you don't understand. In the future, after your artifact is born with a real spirit, don't stop it from yearning for free life." said the orb robot.

"It feels a bit nonsense, let's go and collect divinity first." Zhang Yue scratched his head and said.

In the second-level area, Lu Heng and the others are being attacked by a group of fire wolves.

The heavy armored shield-bearer transformed by the bear of the earth holds a huge shield firmly in front.

Lu Heng holding a halberd behind the heavy armored shield bearer, did he pop up to harvest a wave?

The rest of the melee fighters guarded the rear of the team, firmly guarding the long-range output in the middle.

"Arcane: Frost Armor"

A large amount of icy breath dropped in the sky, forming frost armor on the outer melee body.

"Lingxuan, thanks."

Chu Feng slashed the attacking fire wolf and said that although the divine beasts that attacked them were not strong, they formed a passive effect similar to the high temperature field, which caused everyone to suffer.

Xu Lingxuan nodded towards Chu Feng, and the arcane staff in her hand nodded towards the sky with all her strength.

"Arcane: Sea World"

"Arcane: Ice Storm"

In an instant, the surrounding world turned into a watery world, drowning all the fire wolves besieging them in the sea, and then the water began to layer, countless dagger-like ice rushing through the cracks quickly, killing a large number of fire wolves in an instant.

"Lingxuan, good job." Everyone praised.

"Didn't you find any problems?" Xu Lingxuan watched as all the fire wolves that were killed turned into energy clouds and were absorbed by other fire wolves.

"I found it, but this doesn't prevent us from complimenting you." Ning Xiu said that everyone nodded.

"........." Xu Lingxuan.

With the efforts of everyone, a fire wolf more than ten meters high finally appeared in front of everyone.

"This is the gap. The alien beast that Brother Xiong can pinch to death at will, if we change it to us, we have to do our best."

As soon as Lu Heng's voice fell, the Temple of the People, which was hit by a burst of fireball, scattered.

"I can't stand it anymore, Xiao Tu, come on." Chu Feng said.

The heavy armored shield bearer directly transformed the giant shield and pushed it up.

"How can you fight the boss without a tank."


An earth-based divine giant snake was caught in the air by a huge earth hand, and the giant sword was inserted in the sky and directly beheaded.

Looking at the six divine natures floating in the air, Zhang Yue frowned and said: "The efficiency is too slow. I found two Divine Beasts of the Earth type in one day."

The circular robot looked at Zhang Yue with an invincible and lonely appearance, and said to Zhang Yue: "Otherwise, I will show you some excitement."

"In the fourth-level area, I know of an Earth-based divine rune monster, and one will achieve the goal."

Zhang Ran's eyes lit up and he hurriedly said, "Then you don't have to say it earlier."

The Orb Robot did not speak, but led Zhang Yue to move forward to a place.

One week later.

"Polar Power: Return to Ruins"

'boom! ’

The giant hand that grabbed Zhang Yue shattered, and Zhang Yue took the opportunity to escape from the land of the Divine Rune Monster.

Zhang Yue, who was in a panic, ran back to the third-level area.

Zhang Yue sat on the ground, panting, his almost dry body began to slowly recover energy.

"This is a divine rune monster! It's terrifying."

"This thing can be killed by Intermediate." Zhang Yue murmured.

That divine rune giant turtle, in its area, was like a **** in charge of the earth element. All Zhang Yue's methods had become a joke in front of the rune giant turtle.

In the end, he almost got himself in this time, the orb robot flew to Zhang Yue's side.

"Well, isn't it exciting."

The orb robot's tone was a bit playful.

"If the space rune monster you let me kill is also of this level, then I can only say sorry."

Zhang Yue took out a bottle of life water from the storage space and began to drink it. It was the first time that his body energy was so exhausted since he understood the power of the earth veins.

"Of course not, that giant turtle is not the best to condense a complete chain of laws, of course you can't beat it." said the ball robot.

"How many law runes are needed for the chain of fusion laws." Zhang Yue asked.

"The 100,000 law rune."

'boom! ’

The orb robot was directly crushed by the hand of the earth.

"Hit me!"

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