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Looking at the Zikong Condor, Afu Braun began to tremble all over, as if a poor ghost had won a big prize.

"Brother Zhang Yue, can I touch it." Afu Braun said excitedly.

"Whatever, if you don't buy it, I'll let Zikong eat it." Zhang Yue said indifferently, but could it help him advance to the true god? What's so exciting.

"Don't! Don't eat it, or I will regret it forever."

"Brother Zhang Yue, wait for me for a while."

As Afu Braun said, he took out a nebula-shaped ball and threw it into the sky.

The orb exploded on the sea, and a very splendid space gate appeared on the sea.

"Afu, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I won't have your son."

"Using the once-in-a-lifetime teleportation of the big world, if the value is not up to expectations, your traveling business career is unnecessary."

A sturdy voice sounded, and a wandering merchant, one size bigger than Afu Braun, came out of the teleportation formation riding a sky bird.

"My God, what is this!!"

Afu Braun’s father couldn’t believe his eyes. This was the purple condor he wanted to see in his dreams.

"Father, give me 30,000 gods, and I will ask my brother to help you catch one." Afu Braun said triumphantly.

"Give me the trading position?" Afu Braun's father asked expectantly, but his eyes were still fixed on the Zikong Condor.

"Father, you think too much. It's just a temporary transaction, and the cost is still yours." Afu Braun said treacherously.

A **** source space stone appeared in the hands of Afu Braun's father and said to Zhang Yue: "Hello, my Braun family's best friend, may your **** source fill the entire sky."

Zhang Yue took the God Source Space Stone and found that there were 35,000 God Sources inside, and he burst into laughter.

"It is my honor to be the best friend of the Braun family. I accept your gift." Zhang Yue said with a smile. I thought to myself, the traveling merchants are really rich.

"Zikong, when you found the Zikong Condor, remember to catch it. I will pack your food."

Zhang Yue said that this condensed a space stone, threw it into the air, and was swallowed by the space crack.

Seeing the crack in space, Afu Braun's father flashed a purple light in his eyes, and his eyes instantly became infatuated, what a perfect space creature.

"Father, don't think about it. It's my brother Zhang Yue's pet, and I don't sell it." Afu Braun said with a smile. When he first saw Zikong, he was even more obsessed.

Afu Braun’s father retracted his gaze and said apologetically to Zhang Yue: "I'm sorry, it's rude."

"It's okay."

Then the two traveling merchants began to chat with Zhang Yue. The characteristics of each tribe, the secrets of the gods, and the current situation in the world of the heavens, with the ability of the two traveling merchants to make friends, it is almost impossible to ask.

After talking for a long time, Zhang Yue separated from the traveling merchants.

Looking at the wandering merchants who disappeared in the air, Zhang Yue sighed and said: "Unexpectedly, this situation now turns out to be the most peaceful period in the heavens."

"It's really big news that the biggest enemies of those top races are no longer in the world of heaven."

When Zhang Yue was about to go home, the sky was shrouded in dark clouds, and a murloc came out of the good sea.

"Boy, hand over everything on you, I can leave you a whole body."

Zhang Yue looked at the murloc and said lightly: "Didn't our two clans sign a contract? The sea is your territory, and the land is ours."

"Furthermore, you, a third-rate middle-level murloc, dare to go ashore and threaten me as a human race, isn't it too arrogant?"

"Don't talk nonsense, you are an intermediate strength, dare to come here to die."

As he said, the dark clouds in the sky turned into heavy water and formed a sea king fork, which fiercely penetrated towards Zhang Yue.

"Do you think your ninth rank is very strong."

The murlocs looked at the arrogant Zhang Yue, instantly furious, and a half of the field was directly covered.

"Semi-domain, heavy water space"

I saw countless sea water springing up in the half-domain, attached to the sea king fork, and pressing against Zhang Yue with the force of a sea.

"If you are an alien demigod, I can still look at you directly, but looking at your posture, I simply don't have the desire to do it." Zhang Yue said as he looked at the Sea King Cha that was inserted into the sky.

"Go to death when you finish talking." The murloc clan shouted. He has been staring at Zhang Yue for a long time. He heard the conversation between Zhang Yue and the traveling merchants. He thought that the turning point of his fish life was coming. , Shenyuan, that is something that the demigods don't have in the clan.

"Okay, I'm finished talking about the show, you can go to death." Zhang Yue snapped his fingers after speaking.

I saw a hundred-meter long sword thrust into the sky against the murlocs.

'boom! ’

Everything disappeared.

"You have been staring at me for almost a day. Even if you don't come out, you won't be able to leave." Zhang Yue said while looking at the murloc clan who had been inserted into scum.

The Earth spaceship appeared, and Zhang Yue returned to the city.

"After the matter is handled, the next step is to return to the star realm to concentrate on cultivation." Zhang Yue looked at the sea in the distance and said, there is no large-scale war, and everything around him has been handled.

At this moment, the voice of Zhang Yue communicator's emergency contact sounded.

Zhang Yue quickly connected, Zhao Gaoshi's anxious voice came from the communicator.

"Xiaoyue, you come to the Yanwu District, your master has an accident!"

"Master, what happened!" Zhang Yue asked hurriedly.

"I'll know after coming over."

After talking about Zhao Gaoshi, he hung up the call, and then Zhang Yue received a message that the Yanwu area has suffered a large-scale invasion by the King Kong Ape Clan. At present, the semi-shen Wei Duntian of our clan has used forbidden techniques.

The earth spacecraft in midair instantly accelerated towards the main city of the Xiyun area.

On the top floor of the West Cloud City Transmission Center, Zhang Yue used his authority to directly transmit to Yanwu City.

As soon as he left the teleportation center~www.ltnovel.com~, Zhang Yue saw the towering stone giant outside the city. The King Kong ape tribe outside the city had retreated, under the feet of a group of stone giants.


Zhang Yue rushed to the feet of the stone armored giant in an instant, and he felt the aura of the master in the stone armored giant, but now the stone armored giant has no vitality in his body.

In this, a little aura appeared in the eyebrows of the head of the giant stone armor, slowly drifting towards Zhang Yue.

"Xiaoyue, didn't you ever ask me what the power of the earth spirit is? I answered vaguely at the time because I don't want you to understand."

"Because of this trend, you can only use it once in your life."

"Now I will show it to you."

After listening to this passage, Zhang Yue entered a virtual world.

Still outside Yanwu City, the Human Race and the King Kong Ape Race have started a full-scale war, and Wei Duntian confronted the Tian Ape ancestor on another battlefield.

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