The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 357: Power of the Earth Spirit

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"Wei Duntian, your human race is very lucky to have a defender like you who can resist the true god." The ancestor of the sky ape looked at Wei Duntian and said lightly.

The human race in front of him was one of the people he hated the most. Now it doesn't matter anymore, no matter how powerful it is, he will die today.

"You have been quiet for a while, what tricks did you make today?" Wei Duntian said, the indifferent expression on his face was comparable to that of the ancestor of the sky ape, but he was already alert to the extreme.

Wei Duntian looked at the ancestor of the sky ape a little headache, why do you always stop at the critical moment, the time is just right, another ten years later, when Xiaoyue is promoted to the demigod, you will be finished, you can’t Wait quietly.

The ancestor of the sky ape did not talk nonsense, and directly took out a statue of the avatar of the sacred ape. It was a great price for him to make the avatar of the sacred ape in advance.

Wei Duntian squinted his eyes and put on the strongest defensive state. The moment the ancestor Tian Yuan took out the statue, a sense of danger hovered in his heart. His feeling told him, run away, not run away. Will die.

At this moment, the statue in the hands of the ancestor of the sky began to burst out a strong blue light. For a while, all the water elements in the world began to converge, and an ape man who was a thousand-thousand-thousand condensed by the water element and the laws of the water system appeared on the battlefield.

Wei Duntian looked at the giant thousand battles in front of him and knew that he couldn't die well today.

"Why not wait for a while," Wei Duntian sighed.

Suddenly, a water prison appeared around Wei Duntian, which firmly surrounded him, and the Thousand-Strike Water Elemental Ape Man stretched out his huge palm and patted Wei Duntian.

"Thousand Lakes and Seas"

Wei Duntian, who was trapped in the water jail, had no resistance, and the surrounding elements had been controlled by the water elemental apes in front of him.

This is definitely not the strength of the low-level true gods, why does the ancestor of the sky ape still have such a hole card.

"This is fate."

Looking at the palm of the heavy water of Qianhu, Wei Duntian's eyes appeared to die.

"Xiaoyue, I can only fight for you for 10 years, and the rest is up to you."

Speaking of Wei Duntian's eyebrows, the whole body began to bloom with holy light, and for a while, everyone on the battlefield felt the majestic vitality from the earth.

"Ancestor Sky Ape, today will be your anniversary next year."

Wei Duntian roared, and the Holy Light instantly covered the entire battlefield.

‘The Power of the Earth’s Spirit: Fit with the Body’

At this moment, time seemed to freeze, and Wei Duntian's life experience from childhood to adulthood flashed through his mind.

The happy time with family in the first world when I was young, the shock of discovering and entering the world of the heavens when I was young, the happiness of growing strength when I was young, and the later adventures, being a shield holder, love, war, and closing Apprentice, high-level achievement.

Wei Duntian felt that he had been busy all his life, and suddenly felt so tired. He wanted to bury himself in a warm place.

There is holy light all around, and the world around is getting warmer and warmer, and a voice appears in his ears.

"What do you want to exchange."

"I want to use everything I have to exchange the peace of Human Race for twenty years."

"Your request has exceeded your own value. You can turn into an earth puppet and guard your race for ten years at most."

"Ten years are ten years."

For a moment, Wei Duntian's consciousness was covered by the Holy Light.

At this time, Wei Duntian's body began to grow bigger, breaking through the water prison, withstanding the giant palm of the Thousand Strikes of Water Elemental Ape Man, and the last one was as high as the Thousand Strikes of Water Element Ape Man.

"Wei Duntian, is this your last trump card? If you don't become a true god, you will eventually be a small bug in front of the intermediate true **** clone." Tian Yuan Ancestor said arrogantly.

The giant incarnation of Wei Duntian slightly lowered his head to look at the ancestor of the sky ape and said: "The Wei Duntian you mentioned has returned to the embrace of Mother Earth, and now this body is temporarily controlled by me."

"My name is Dihun No.169."

As the giant said, a field spread out around his body, instantly covering the entire battlefield.

"High-quality transactions should enjoy high-quality services."

A word from the giant caused the impulse to dedicate themselves to the earth in the hearts of all the King Kong ape races in the entire battlefield.


The Terran warriors at the scene found that the King Kong Ape Race opposite had been turned into stone sculptures.

"Oh, there are also you two, a little scum who has just been promoted to the true god, and a clone of the intermediate true god. Unfortunately, this body is only a demigod, otherwise you can't run away."

"Although I can't kill you, it's okay to let you feel the warmth of the earth."

As he said, the giant began to laugh, like a charming woman, which made all the people present feel strange.

"Domain: Overweight Nirvana"

The water element ape man and the sky ape ancestors changed around the world, and they all appeared on a strange planet in the star field.

The giant appeared on the planet.

"The true **** clone still has no way, so you just stay by the side."

As soon as the words fell, an earth vortex appeared under the water elemental ape man, sucking the water element ape man into the center of the planet under his feet.

"Well, I got in the way, and you are down below, a King Kong ape clan who has just become a true god."

"In Wei Duntian's memory, you are a stinky chess basket, playing a good hand of cards. I am curious to ask. If the answer satisfies me, I might let you go." The giant looked curiously. The ancestor of the sky ape.

The ancestor of the sky ape is simply a dog at this time, and there is no accident every time, and the situation is stable.

Feeling the endless suction from the planet under my feet, my divine power, soul, and even spiritual will are being absorbed at all times.

"I control a trace of destiny." The ancestor of the sky ape didn't say much.

"Oh, I see, it's another poor worm trying to control his destiny."

"Give one-third of your soul, and you can leave. This is also the result of asking me to shoot." The giant said lightly.

The ancestor of the sky ape instantly exposed, and a large number of energy spars of various lines burst out in the air.

For a time, the elements converged in At this time, a thunder arrow guided all the elements into a thunder gun and pierced the giant's head.

"Why do you have to do such a useless struggle."

The giant shook his head, raised his left hand falsely, and a round of bright moon appeared in the sky, and instantly a horrible elemental attraction introduced the thunder gun rushing towards the giant into the bright moon.

At this time, a phantom appeared behind the ancestor of the sky, and a picture scroll like heaven unfolded. In the picture scroll, countless diamond ape tribes were praying and offering their wishes.

The scroll hadn't fully unfolded, and it was squeezed and exploded by the giant volley.

"Sorry, your kingdom of God cannot be expanded yet, otherwise it would be really difficult for me to suppress you."

As the giant said, he stretched out his huge hand and pointed towards the ancestor of the sky ape.

"Burning Soul"

The ancestor of the sky ape looked at the giant finger burning with green flames, and the hot feeling of the soul made him feel a great crisis. If the giant finger pointed it out, then his soul was very likely to be ignited.

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