The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 358: Life bracelet

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The ancestor of the sky ape looked at the huge finger that was getting closer and closer, gritted his teeth, and behind him a portal to the kingdom of God appeared. His soul got out of his body and quickly got into the portal.

"I told you a long time ago, don't let me do it myself."

"It is better to abandon one third of the soul to lose the divine body." The giant slowly said as he watched the disappearance of the sky ape ancestor.

The giant looked back at the world around him and sighed.

"The free time outside is always short, and I have to go back again."

"But it's not without gain, this fellow's disciple turned out to be a god-level Tianjiao, if I get a god-level soul, then my mission can be rid of it." The giant recalled.

"Well, it's time to go back."

The moment the giant disappeared, the world suddenly froze.

Zhang Yue's figure appeared in this world.

"Xiaoyue, the power of the earth spirit, can be said to be a condition for trading with the **** of elements. If you offer everything, if the conditions are right, you can meet any conditions you want."

Wei Duntian's phantom appeared behind Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue suddenly turned his head and said to Wei Duntian's phantom: "Master, are you leaving now."

"Yes, after seeing your last look, I am leaving."

"Is there any other way to save you? I have a divine weapon, I have a divine source, and I can get anything." Zhang Yue said as his eyes began to turn red.

"Silly boy, it's too late, I'm about to return to Mother Earth's embrace, maybe this is my destination."

"I'm dying, I still have a regret that I haven't finished it. It's very simple." Wei Duntian's virtual shadow said with a smile.

"You said, I will do it for you."

A tear struck Zhang Yue's cheek, and he couldn't remember how long he hadn't cried.

"Bring a word to a beauty named Ji Hongyue."

"Just say: I will make up for the wedding I owe you in my next life."

"Understand." Zhang Yue said with tears in his head.

"Xiaoyue, I have only been a puppet for ten years, and the control has been handed over to Zhuge Army God."

"I want to fight for more time for you, but unfortunately there is no chance."

"Xiaoyue, after ten years, Human Race will rely on you."

After Wei Duntian's phantom had finished speaking, it turned into a light spot and disappeared into the air.


When Zhang Yue recovered himself again, he returned to the feet of the giant.

"Xiaoyue, don't be sad, there are still a lot of things we need to do later." Zhao Gaoshi patted Zhang Yue's shoulder and said, he knew that the most sad now is the disciple who was carefully taught by his master.

Zhang Yue touched a tear and said: "I'm fine, the master is not dead, but the soul is in a secret place in the world of heaven."

"I will bring back Master's soul."

"Okay, I believe you." Zhao Gaoshi said.

At this time, a white-haired old man appeared at the feet of the giant, surrounded by four demigods.

When everyone saw the gray-haired old man, they all bowed to show respect.

"Hello Zhuge Army God!"

Zhuge Changqing nodded in response, and then walked slowly to the feet of the giant.

"Another old man is missing."

The tone was desolate and lonely. Since the beginning of the war, the old friends of the past have almost gone.

"In the future, there won't even be a person who will drink tea in reminiscences of the past, nothing more, you all go, Human Race, I will guard for you." Zhuge Changqing said slowly.

At this moment, the tall and vertical giant began to change and shrink, and finally turned into a walking stick in Zhuge Changqing's hand.

"Haha, old man, you have to laugh at me to death."

Speaking, Zhuge Changqing took the crutches and came to Zhang Yue.

"If you don't have to resist the King Kong Ape Clan, I really want to put this in the Shield Bearer's headquarters to give it to you. Unfortunately, it's not working yet."

Zhuge Changqing coughed as he spoke, and the guard next to him hurriedly passed it to him.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Yue remembered that he had talked about Zhuge Changqing when he was chatting with his master. This was one of the people that his master admired most.

In the middle of the battle of the Rat tribe, they were in danger, and they planned to withstand the attack of half of the galaxy by the Rat tribe’s forces. After the tribe’s victory, they became white-headed overnight and later came to the Tauren tribe. When the other tribe was in the military, the tauren was replaced. Family friendship.

The tauren clan wanted to use the eternal life contract of twenty demigods as the human race in exchange for Zhuge Changqing to enter the reincarnation pool of other races, but was rejected by the human race.

Later, due to the massive consumption of brain power, the root cause of Zhuge Changqing's strength remained at the middle level forever, and now it is maintained by expensive longevity medicine.

Zhang Yue said quickly: "This is Master's wish, and the incarnation of Master is in your hands to be most useful."

All around nodded and said.

"Thank you for your understanding. I just came to see the best hope of our human race."

"Xiaoyue, the thoughts left by your master just now have already told me everything, don't put too much pressure, ten years are not enough, I can use me to exchange you for another ten years."

"We old guys are still very powerful." Zhuge Changqing said, with gratification in his eyes. With these arrogances, how could Human Race not thrive.

"How can I let you go on a horse? Ten years is enough. Ten years later, I will take the head of the ancestor of the sky ape here to pay tribute to the spirit of my master in the sky." Zhang Yue said firmly, the ancestor of the sky ape Both body and soul will make atonement for this.

"Okay, I'll raise my breath with these words. I'm waiting for that day." Zhuge Changqing said with a smile.

At this time, Zhuge Changqing began to cough again, and the demigod guard beside him delivered medicine again.

"It's old, a bit useless."

Looking at the coughing Zhuge Changqing, a wooden bracelet appeared in Zhang Yue's hand. This is a life bracelet exchanged by Zhang Yue from the merchants. The branches of the tree of life contain a lot of life power, even if an ordinary person wears it. , Can also live healthy for more than 1,000 years.

Demigods or professionals bring their bodies are at their peak all the time, one of 300 gods, and Zhang Yue exchanged 10 of them.

"You brought this, originally wanted to give it to Master, now he doesn't need it anymore, just leave it to you."

"It's good for your old body." Zhang Yue said respectfully, having heard the legend of this military **** when he was in school.

Feeling the powerful vitality of the life bracelet, Zhuge Changqing slowly brought the life bracelet to his hand.

The moment he put on the bracelet, Zhuge Changqing's spirit was shocked, and he felt that his body was at its peak in an instant.

Only a few seconds later, Zhuge Changqing's hair had completely turned black, and his face had returned to its middle-aged appearance.

"This bracelet should be very precious and expensive, and its value must be higher than that of the artifact." Zhuge Changqing asked. The Human Race had also exchanged for him from other races for something similar. The artifact containing the law of life was effective at first. , But in the later stage, he has begun to shield this feeling.

"It's not valuable, you just take it with you." Zhang Yue said.

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