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"Then I will accept it."

After feeling the body reached its peak state, Zhuge Changqing really didn't want to take off the bracelet.

"With everything you have done for the Terran, you are bringing ten, and I dare not ask for money." Zhang Yue said, he didn't want to be eaten by others.

"I have time to come to my house in the future, let's talk." Zhuge Changqing said.

"I have time to disturb."

After Zhuge Changqing spoke a few more words with everyone present, he left because of a meeting.

"Xiao Yue, what do you plan to do next?" Zhao Gaoshi asked.

Although the incarnation puppet left by Wei Duntian can resist the true god, it is no longer as deterrent than before. Then as the news of Wei Duntian's death spread to the surrounding alien races, the future human race will face will be even more severe.

"The last message from Master Master said that the divine body of the ancestor of the sky ape has been damaged, and it will not come out in recent years, so I plan to concentrate on practicing in a secret place and strive to be promoted to the high level within two years." After thinking about it, he must be promoted to a demigod within ten years, and time is precious.

"Are you going to retreat and submerge yourself?" Zhao Gaoshi said while looking at his apprentice.

"Yes, I will retreat and practice after finishing the affairs of the teacher and bus."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yue took out a set of heavy armored low-level artifacts of the orc race, plus a low-level artifact big shield.

"This is?" Zhao Gaoshi looked at this set of artifacts and asked, thinking that this was not for himself.

"This is for Master. Master also had a set originally, but it's a pity." Zhang Yue said dimly. If Master had already had a set of such artifacts, would the result be different.

"Master is gone, I don't want to lose master anymore."

Zhao Gaoshi took the artifact and felt it.

After seeing Master's artifact, Zhang Yue took out another crystal glass ball.

"Master, you left a soul mark on this crystal glass ball."

"this is?"

"I have an artifact that can be resurrected in the artifact after leaving a mark." Zhang Yue said, this happened before the plan to resurrect the temple was launched.

"Then can your master be resurrected?" Zhao Gaoshi said suddenly excited.

"There is Master's mark in it, but unfortunately it has lost contact with Master's soul and cannot be resurrected." Zhang Yue said, shaking his head.

Zhao Gaoshi sighed, left a soul mark on the crystal glass ball and handed it to Zhang Yue.

After doing all this, Zhang Yue looked at the original giant's place.

"Shigong's tombstone has also been built. Master, see if there is anything else to add."

Zhang Yue said with his hands that he slowly escaped from the height where the giant was standing, and the clouds gathered in the sky slowly broke apart.

Everyone looked up to the sky, only to see a tombstone in the sky that was thousands of meters high, slowly falling.

"Boom boom~"

The huge stone tombstone slowly fell, serializing with the earth.

"Master, please discuss with a few senior uncles and elders about what characters are carved on the stone tablet."

"it is good."

In the Sky City, Zhang Yue appeared outside the door of a half-god residence.

As soon as Zhang Yue arrived, the door of the house opened automatically.

Entering the gate, a kind old lady is lying in the courtyard basking in the sun.

"Excuse me, is Ms. Ji Hongyue here?" Zhang Yue asked politely.

According to Zhang Yue's fantasy, the object of Master's love should be the image of a middle-aged beautiful woman.

"Don't I look like?" The old lady said leisurely.

"When I was young, I overdrawn a lot of life potential, so I became like this."

"When I was young, I was the number one beauty in the human race." The old lady said with a smile.

The moment Zhang Yue saw the old lady's face, he suddenly remembered a sentence that was not a poem.

"The white-haired Lord Daihua doesn't smile, years have never defeated a beauty."

When the old lady was young, she must be a graceful and luxurious, stunning beauty in the world.

"I believe."

Just now Zhang Yue took the old lady inadvertently, and had already used the authority to quietly adjust Ji Hongyue's information, and found that it was the old lady in front of him.

"Did you believe it after reading the information?"


"Okay, let's not tease you anymore, old Wei has something to say last."

Speaking of Wei Duntian, the old lady's expression dimmed, her brows frowned slightly, as if she was lost in memories.

"Master said: I will make up for the wedding I owe you in my next life."

Hearing these words, the old lady was shocked, her face full of loneliness.

"That person was timid for a lifetime, and he didn't expect that when he was about to die in the end, he would also let his disciples pass on words."

"It seems that my generation can't wait for you to say something that you dare to say in person."

He sighed and said that the loneliness of this life was exhausted.

Zhang Yue opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"You are curious why."

Zhang Yue nodded.

"We met on the battlefield. I was responsible for tactical planning. He was the top shield bearer in the army."

"We are all proud people and we are not allowed to bow our heads to anyone."

"The two people who shouldn't be together finally fall in love."

"But when we finally got married, he was seduced and cheated by a female illusionist. The illusionist was pregnant with his child in the end."

"He who didn't know the truth, finally chose to break up with me."

"But not long after, when the illusionist was out on a mission, he was ambushed by the rat tribe, and the entire army was wiped out, even with the child in his belly."

"At that time, he almost died."

"I went to comfort him. Our two unyielding personalities had a dispute. After a big fight, we broke up."

Speaking of this, the old lady slowed down for a while, and continued: "After a while, I finally couldn't bear to see him degenerate, so I asked him to take the initiative to reconcile."

"Unexpectedly, this old thing was hiding from me, but since that time he has cheered up and restored the human shield style."

"I continued to find him to get back together, and he hid again. At that time, I swore that I would never find him for the rest of my life."

"But even so, we both can feel that we still love each other."

"He didn't hesitate to use his demigod foundation to protect me. I also ruined my own path to becoming a **** to save him."

"That's it, until now."

At the end of the conversation, Zhang Yue understood from the ordinary words of the old lady, the feelings between the teacher and the teacher.

"Sister, haven't you two met since then?" Zhang Yue asked.

"Your teacher is very nice~www.ltnovel.com~ It's a pity that I can't wait for an official status in my life."

"We also met, but we all met without the other party's knowledge."

"I found out once, that old man was a bit shy."

Speaking of this, the old lady laughed.

"Sister, would you like to wait."

"Wait, wait for that old thing for the next life."

"In the future, I may find Master's soul to resurrect him or in the future, I will directly pull Master from the river of time."

"If the teacher is willing to wait, you will definitely meet the teacher."

"I am willing to wait, but unfortunately my time is running out."

"With me, you will be alive and healthy."

Zhang Yue said, taking out a green fruit from the world ring.

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