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As soon as Zhang Yue stepped into the super-large debris world, he saw the Tongtian Tower not far away.

At this time, a small spaceship landed not far from Zhang Yue, from which a company of Dragon and Lion Warriors walked.

"Can you tell me where the heart of the world is."

"The first time I came to the super-large fragment world, I didn't know the way at all." Zhang Yue said, looking at the group of dragons and lions.

He looked quite attractive, Zhang Yue thought that he had met many alien races, but it was rare that he could fool people if he could test his appearance.

Soldiers who just got off. He had originally stared at Zhang Yue'e with wise eyes, but after he finished talking about the heart of the world, in an instant, the fighting power of all the dragon and lion tribes raged and launched a crazy attack on Zhang Yue.

Just when the dragon and lion clan warriors were about to tear Zhang Yue apart, several earth branches rushed out of the earth, trapping all the dragon and lion clan warriors.

"Strange, I lost my mind." Zhang Yue said as he looked at the dragon-lion clan warrior's eyes like beasts.

At this time, Baka's voice sounded in Zhang Yue's mind.

"The ancient races of the last era, especially the first-class strong races, are not allowed to appear in the world of the heavens."

"This super-large fragmented world has the law of will from the last era. It is not allowed to appear in the world of heavens. If you want to completely control this world, you can only kill all the dragons and lions."

"Kill all of them."

"What if I suppress them all and forcefully refine the heart of the world." Zhang Yue asked again.

"Their entire clan will become a monster that only knows to kill, and the result will remain the same.


"Is there no other help?" Zhang Yue asked.

"I haven't thought about this issue yet. Wait a minute."

After Baka finished speaking, he became silent, as if thinking of a way, Zhang Yue waited in place.

At this time, an aerial fortress flew in the sky, and the flash of thunder at the top of the fortress made Zhang Yue feel a bit of danger.

At this moment, a portal appeared behind him, and Chu Feng led the two teams behind Zhang Yue.

"Array! Xuan Gang!"

The moment the group leader looked at the sky fortress, he immediately reacted.

The entire regiment instantly formed a defensive formation in the history of war. The 20 high-level shield bearers placed the strongest defense in front of the formation, and the entire regiment provided the shield bearers with income energy.

A black cyan shield protected Zhang Yue and everyone else.

Looking at the team’s military formation, Zhang Yue’s eyes flashed a little bit of surprise. He was only seen in the live broadcast of the war before. This time I watched the live broadcast. I didn’t expect it to be so amazing. The military formation passed down from ancient times can be deduced to this. Point.

Zhang Yue felt one of the guards in the defensive shield, and there was no problem with blocking the right of the demigod.

'boom! ’

At this time, at the top of the sky fortress, a thunder light like a dragon struck, directly blasting the overload at Zhang Yue.

In an instant, the entire sky was lit by this thunder light, and the strong thunder light made people unable to open their eyes.

"It's interesting, this weapon can play the attack of the true god, take it back and let Lin Dong study it."

Zhang Yue said that a field directly covered the entire sky, and saw that the dragon-like lightning in the sky disintegrated instantly and turned into the purest energy between heaven and earth.

The sky fortress in the sky also slowly descended, and the dragon and lion clan in the fortress were all suppressed by Zhang Yue.

The entire sky fortress was wrapped in a purple shield. I love novels

"Zi Kong, come out to work." Zhang Yue shouted.


A kilometer-long purple crystal giant snake appeared next to the sky fortress, and a space circle appeared, covering the sky fortress, and then slowly shrank, and finally turned into a glass ball in Zhang Yue's hand.

After finishing his work, Zikong flicked his tail and entered the gap in the space.

"Your military formation is very powerful. When you all reach the ninth rank, you might be able to match the true god." Zhang Yue praised.

"It's time to get an axe in front of the venerable." The head of the group said with a smile, and the head of the group let out a sigh of relief. When he saw the thunder light just now, he felt that he was going to die. This attack power had already exceeded the upper limit of the demigod.

At this time, 20 shield-holders in the team gathered around and saluted Zhang Yue and said, "Meet the chairman!"

More than 20 shield holders felt the guardian wings in Zhang Yue's domain, and only then did they know that the young man in front of them was the new president of their shield holders association.

"You guys get up."

Only then did Zhang Yue remember that his master had already given himself the position of chairman.

After the 20 shield bearers got up, they looked at Zhang Yue with enthusiastic eyes.

Since the death of the old guild leader, he did not expect that the line of shield holders would be able to show a demigod.

At this time, ten sky fortresses appeared in the distant sky, and there were countless warships covering the entire sky.

Countless rays of light began to gather energy, ready to launch the strongest attack.

Tens of thousands of electromagnetic guns were aimed at Zhang Yue and others.

"These are all good things, it's okay." Zhang Yue said, looking at the sky full of battleships.

Over the battleship and the sky fortress, a black asteroid with a diameter of 5 kilometers appeared.

In an instant, all the warships and sky fortresses seemed to have received inexplicable traction, and flew towards the asteroids above.

After a while, everyone watched the cleared sky sink into sluggishness.

"Brother Yue, you have advanced to the real god." Chu Feng said uncertainly.

Although he didn't know the strength of the true god, there was one thing he could be sure of. The demigod would definitely not be able to display such powerful moves.

"The true **** is almost done, but it is not a problem to suppress a few true gods." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

At this moment, a medium-sized earth spaceship appeared in front of everyone. Zhang Yue hadn't paid attention before. Just now when he wanted to summon the Izumojian to go directly to the center of the Fragmented World to find the Heart of the World, he discovered that the Yunjian was driven by will Suppressed, can't be taken out at all.

"It turns out that the spacecraft cannot be taken out in the Fragmented World." Zhang Yue said.

"You just know, isn't this common sense? The super-large fragmented world that the whole human race opened up wasteland at the beginning, it took a full 3 years to the world~www.ltnovel.com~ The super-large fragmented world generally has a small galaxy the size of it."

"It can be said that if you encounter a world of extremely large fragments with rich resources, you can completely change the human resource pattern."

Everyone's words reminded Zhang Yue of the star realm, its area must be larger than this.

As Zhang Yue condensed the law of the earth spacecraft headed towards the center of the debris world, more and more enemies were encountered.

With the advancing of the earth spacecraft, the world of fragments seemed to have entered the end, and countless battleships and sky fortresses fell to the earth as if they had lost power.

"Is the strong from outside finally coming."

Countless civilians of the dragon and lion clan looked at the sight like a wooden sun, and fell into despair one after another.

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