The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 374: Choice of Dragon and Lion 1 Race

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Zhang Yue controlled the Earth spacecraft and stopped next to a Tongtian Tower.

"This should be the teleportation center of this world." Zhang Yue said as he looked at the towering tower.

He felt a strong spatial force in the Tongtian Tower, and as the spatial force moved upward, it was transmitted to the outer wall of the space.


A petrochemical force dispersed from Zhang Yue, and the surrounding dragons and lions from the Tongtian Tower were petrified.

"Brother Yue, your hand is more civilized than before." Chu Feng looked at Zhang Yue and said hehe, and it was more comfortable than being crushed into the soil without starting to move.

"Is that so? Was my previous method very cruel?" Zhang Yue turned to look at Chu Feng and said, he was more concerned about the views of his teammates.

"Well, it's better than not being in the soil."

"Is that so, I understand." Zhang Yue nodded.

Following Zhang Yue's footsteps, everyone recently entered the interior of the Tongtian Tower and came to a giant teleportation formation.

"Which one of you is an illusionist, come here to control it, let's directly make a teleportation array and go to the world altar,"

"Otherwise, it will take a long time to rely on the speed of the earth spacecraft." Zhang Yue said to the people behind him.

"Brother Yue, I am a seventh-order illusionist, I don't know if I can." A strong woman wearing military armor stood up and said, looking at Zhang Yue's eyes full of worship.

She knew what a demigod who was less than 30 years old had to human race.

"Uh, this is a Tier 6 dragon and lion clan who specializes in space, you should be able to control it." Zhang Yue pointed to the dragon and lion clan that he had suppressed and said.

"Brother Yue, don't underestimate me, I am a high-level elite illusionist." The woman with an inch head said with a smile.

A colorful ball of light slowly sold out from the hands of the inch-headed woman, and slowly penetrated into the eyebrows of the dragon and lion clan.

In a short while, fine sweat began to ooze from the forehead of the woman with a small head, and a slight painful expression began to leak out of her face, as the painful expression deepened.

At this time, a hand was placed on the woman's shoulder, and as a pure mental power and star power was introduced into the woman's body, the woman's transformation slowly returned to normal.

An hour later, the woman slowly opened her eyes, looked at Zhang Yue weakly, nodded and said: "Well, I didn't expect the dragon and lion clan to have such a strong innate spiritual power."

"I got an important news in his mind."

"The true **** leader of the dragon and lion clan in the Fragmented World controls this body named Thousand God Lake. It can extract Thousand God Spirit Water from the void, and can improve the innate spiritual power of the race."

"At present, the power of the Thousand Gods Spirit Water extracted by the Qianshen Lake can benefit semi-human races."

"I rely on. Made a fortune."

"Sure enough, there must be a treasure in the super-large fragment world."

"Brother Yue, you have made a fortune. If you are willing to give it to the Human Race, this is another treasure that the Human Race will benefit the entire Human Race after the Awakening Liquid. You can become the richest man of the Human Race every year just by collecting money."

Zhang Yue also laughed, and there were unexpected surprises on this trip, not bad.

"Okay. Let's quickly find the heart of the world and control the world first." Zhang Yue said.

"it is good."

As the controlled dragon and lion clan activated the teleportation formation, Zhang Yue led the vanguard troops and disappeared in the teleportation formation.


The Tongtian Pagoda in the center of the holy city of the dragon and lion clan, a khaki light flashed, and the dragon and lion clan below the demigod of Zhang Yue all turned into stone sculptures.

In the mid-air around the Tongtian Tower, more than a dozen dragons and lion clan demigods stared at the Tongtian Tower. More than ten domains are superimposed on the Tongtian Tower, but they are all firmly blocked by a pale yellow field. .

"Foreign powerhouses, go back, this is not where you should come."

"Even if you are the top arrogant demigod of the ten thousand races, you won't get any benefits here. Go back."

"My dragon and lion clan has three true gods in this world, do you think you are the dragon clan." Girls

The crowd listened to the advice of the dragon and lion clan demigods, and said with a smile: "I can get here, you can just let me retreat with a few words."

"You think too much, I am not a murderer, and give up the heart of the world. I will leave your clan alive in this world."

at this time. Baka's voice sounded from the bottom of Zhang Yue's heart.

"Boy, the solution to what you asked is really hard to find."

"What way?" Zhang Yue asked hurriedly.

"You first suppress all the dragon and lion clan, until you become the true god, you will be incorporated into the kingdom of God, and let them become your guardian of the kingdom of God. That's it."

"Thank you."

"Polite fart."

Then Baka fell into a deep sleep.

Zhang Yue looked at the demigod in the air and continued, "Since I dare to come in, I am sure to suppress you."

"As for the things that you will become alien beasts after you count on the protection of the will of the world, you are given two choices."

"One is to become a strange beast forever, and finally to be completely annihilated by our clan."

"Second, you proclaim yourself, but after I become the true god, I will incorporate you into the kingdom of God and become the guardian of my kingdom, but if I become the king of God, I can come into contact with the restrictions on your family."

"At this moment, the consciousness of your three true gods is also here, so you should consider it carefully."

At this moment, a real **** phantom appeared in the sky, holding a giant knife that traverses the sky and looking at Zhang Yue.

"Say it first!"

The giant sword slashed towards Zhang Yueheng, the blade of the blade shone with a cold light of the gods and people, and it seemed that the minds of the people could be divided by the sight.

"Don't give up."

A giant shield mountain crystal peak emerged from the ground, and Zhang Yue's domain spread, directly covering the phantom.

'boom! ! ’

The shadow of the giant knife collided with the giant peak of Shield Mountain, and the world was eclipsed.

"Domain: Earth Cage World"

In an instant, the dragon and lion clan and demigods in mid-air were all restrained by the outstretched hands from the earth, and pulled towards a space cage in the earth.

"The true **** of the dragon and lion clan, come out to meet, I still said, surrender, you can save your dragon and lion clan, and there is still a chance to reappear the world of the heavens."

Zhang Yue looked at a tall tower in the distance, where the heart of the world was there, and the true **** of the dragon and lion clan was also there.

In the high tower, a true **** of the dragon and lion clan holding a spear, angrily wants to go out, intending to teach Zhang Yue a lesson.

"I want to teach you a lesson, dragon and lion clan, don't be insulted!"

As soon as I walked to the door, I was stopped by the true **** of the dragon and lion clan dressed as a warlock.

"Longhe, forget it, we are no longer the dragon and lion clan who dominated one side."

"It's our destiny to be conquered. We can choose it now. It's not bad."

"In case, as the other party said, after our clan becomes the guardian of his kingdom, there is still a glimmer of life from the heavens."

The words of the true **** of the dragon and lion clan dressed up by the warlock changed the color of Longhe's face.

"Didn't you say it was done at the beginning, the whole clan was martyred to heaven and won't be humiliated."

At this time, the true **** of the warlock dressed up the dragon and lion clan sighed, and the original majestic body began to buckle.

"I saw a glimmer of life in the fate of the dragon and lion clan."

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