The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 92: Practicing the King Kong Apes

Remember in one second【】

"You were abused by a shield holder!" Chu Feng asked once, he couldn't believe that Lu Heng, who dominated the younger generation, would be abused by a shield holder.

"He stunned you with a shield?"

"When you meet him, you will know that it's a terrible person. You can only use me for my family's stunts. But the shield bearer, I came with a full set, and he only stepped back. He is younger than me. Small." Lv Heng said flatly, being stronger than himself means being stronger than himself. It’s a big deal to surpass and lose, and stand up and wait for himself to be strong before challenging him. This is what a strong person should be.

"He is the shield bearer of our team."

"At that time, I will challenge him. See what he has the ability to abuse you and start thinking about life."

"I advise you not to challenge him. To be honest, I will add you, add a small shadow, and go together with a broken sky, and still be abused." Lu Heng said quietly, that kind of group effect is really very Difficult.

"Two perfect fighters plus an assassin, plus perfect bows and arrows, won't work. Brother Lu, are you talking and laughing." Chu Feng said in surprise.

"Assemble in 10 days. You can try it when the time comes. Let's bet your father seized the broken mountain stick from the battlefield. How about it?" Lu Heng said. I suddenly wanted to make a py transaction with Zhang Yue. When Yue used the guillotine to trap them, he would take pictures next to him. It would be interesting to take a look afterwards.

"Well, what do you use to bet?"

"Cloud very light armor."

"Okay, it's a deal."

Lu Heng laughed. The next step is to make a py transaction with Zhang Yue, and then just prepare to take pictures.

Two days later, Zhang Yue stepped into the regional teleportation formation on the top of the cloud tower. Zhang Yue knew that after this trip, one year after returning, he did not explain anything or leave a suicide note. He firmly believed that he would definitely be able to return.

The city of barriers, the headquarters of the country's barriers.

"Xiaoyue, in the next few days, I will take you to various places to experience various alien beasts and alien attack methods."

"Okay, Master."

"Our first stop, the border prison."

Wei Duntian took Zhang Yue directly to make a teleportation array and arrived at Yumen City.

As soon as Wei Duntian and Zhang Yue came out, someone hurried forward and said.

"Elder Wei, I have arranged everything you ordered."

"Okay, then let's set off." Wei Duntian said lightly.

A huge building is like a prison for giants.

Wei Duntian and Zhang Yue walked into the prison under the leadership of that person, and arrived at a circular building that looked like an ancient arena.

"Xiaoyue, go down, the first training is your defense against physical damage."

Zhang Yue went directly through the secret door and entered the arena as a teacher.

"Elder Wei, let's put a few Tier 4 Diamond Ape Clan." The man laughed in front of Wei Duntian, thinking that I, a magnificent warden, would have a day of flattering.

Wei Duntian glanced at the warden.

"Put directly 5 semi-waste Diamond Ape Clan of Tier 5."

"You are a disciple, is it a little difficult?"

"What nonsense, hurry up."

"Roger that."

Zhang Yue stood in the arena, thinking that the Master Guild would put a few Tier 4 Diamond Ape Clan, the first time to face a foreign race, Zhang Yue was a little excited. He used to watch it live on the battlefield, but this time he can finally see it. Really, his wish to kill a few aliens himself can finally be realized.

At this time, five mysterious iron cages of more than 6 meters high were raised around the arena, inside which were five 5th-order Diamond Ape Clan.

Zhang Yue suddenly looked back at the place where the master was standing on stage, and asked if it was a mistake, but in exchange for a look of encouragement from the master.

Suddenly, the speakers in the sky above the arena released a section of the language of the King Kong ape tribe, which roughly means that if you kill the human race in the arena, you will have meat for a month.

The eyes of the Diamond Ape Clan in the mysterious iron cage instantly turned red.

The cage door opened automatically, and the five King Kong ape tribes controlled by meat directly rushed towards Zhang Yue.

"I don't know, can I withstand it," Zhang Yue said, never expecting that Master was so cruel that he would release the fifth-order Diamond Ape Clan, and suddenly there were still five.



‘The Power of Sand’

For an instant the entire arena was submerged in dust.

The five Tier 5 King Kong Ape Clan had entered the scope of Zhang Yue's power, and the speed immediately slowed down, but the charge was still fast.

"When I was in Tier, I was already facing the attack of 5 Tier 5 Diamond Ape Clan, and it was exciting to think about it." Zhang Yue directly charged the Diamond Ape Clan with his shield.

"Then something more exciting."

The five King Kong apes saw that the human race rushed towards them in the sky full of wind and sand, and suddenly roared. In their world, the weak attacked themselves, which means that your dignity has been trampled and you will suffer the whole race. fling in teeth.

The five King Kong apes were angry with the enemy and attacked Zhang Yuetong.

An iron pot-like fist hit Zhang Yue's shield with one punch, and Zhang Yue took a step back with every defensive punch. Under the continuous blow of the huge force, Zhang Yue couldn't completely unload his power to the earth.

"Xiao Yue, pay attention to the center of gravity, your unloading skills are too primitive." Wei Duntian reminded.

Since Zhang Yue’s shield and gravity are used proficiently, Zhang Yue has rarely practiced unloading skills in combat, and there is no difference in the same level.

^0^Remember in one second【】

The beast can force Zhang Yue back one step.

Zhang Yue was a little ashamed when he heard Wei Duntian's words, just as if he hadn't practiced the housekeeping skills well.

After being attacked with a punch and then back, Zhang Yue began to carefully study the force-relief technique. He is now simply unloading the force he has endured to the ground, and has never thought of making better use of it.

Zhang Yue thought, if the force unloaded to the ground is returned by his own counterattack, will it be more effective.

"Bang!" Zhang Yue didn't retreat this time, and steadily caught all the weight of the punch of the Diamond Ape Clan.

"If you think about it, you deserve to be my disciple and grandson." Wei Duntian said gratifyingly, much better than his master. At that time, he had been teaching for more than a month before his master understood this truth.

"Elder Wei, your disciple, really refreshed my upper limit for our human race. This level is only capable of resisting the attack of five fifth-order diamond ape races, and becoming a demigod in the future, then our human race border will be completely as stable as Mount Tai." The chief was also beside him, afraid of the horse and said, "It's no good if you don't shoot. This boss has too many resources, and it is a matter of killing himself.

"Haha, it's too early, it's too early." I don't know that the sentence scratched Wei Duntian's itch, and Wei Duntian, who was smiling in the eyes of outsiders, actually laughed.

The King Kong Ape Race saw that this human race actually defended against its own attack, and was furious, surrounded Zhang Yue, and began to prepare for the siege.

At this time, Zhang Yue's basic skills are reflected. He stays in place and is as stable as Mount Tai. He keeps the fists attacking him from all around, and the defensive water does not flow. He is also becoming more and more skilled in unloading and recycling.

The slowly attacking King Kong Ape Clan felt something was wrong, and it hurt more and more as if hitting the shield as if hitting himself.

"Go and remove these few, and replace them with only Tier 5 complete Diamond Ape Clan." Wei Duntian said, these few Diamond Ape Clan that had been abolished in fighting spirit are no longer useful.

"Okay!" The warden began to order the people below him to replace the King Kong Ape Clan.

The Diamond Ape Clan who was attacking suddenly lost their eyes, as if being controlled, each walked back to their own cage, came to the door, and then slowly sank.

A new cage was raised.

"Xiaoyue, you can now counterattack freely. This is a complete Tier 5 King Kong Ape Clan. Just hold on to the attack for an hour." Wei Duntian's voice reached Zhang Yue's ears.

The cage opened, and Zhang Yue was about to reply to Wei Duntian, but was directly hit by a hammer on the round wall of the arena.

"Damn, bring a weapon this time!"

At the moment Zhang Yue was hit by a sledgehammer, he blocked the attack with a shield, but was still smashed into the air.

Zhang Yue stood up again, relaxed his numb body, and looked at the Diamond Ape Clan with scarlet fighting spirit all over his body not far away, one holding a giant hammer and two holding a giant knife.

Zhang Yue licked the blood on his lips. Since there are no restrictions, I will bury them all.



‘The Power of Sand’

The earth elements on the surface of the earth began to become active.

In the body of ‘噌’, only the King Kong Ape Clan disappeared, passing through a series of phantoms, and attacking Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue directly shook the earth's surface layer into the air.

"Sand attachment"

Zhang Yue saw a sand ball moving fast.


Zhang Yue directly released the maximum gravity to the King Kong Ape Clan that was covered by sand into a ball, and the shield was fully pressed.

Looking at the King Kong Ape Clan, who was only slowing down, Zhang Yue laughed and said loudly, "You can go down for me."

Suddenly, eight shield walls surrounded the King Kong ape tribe, capped, and the soft shield wall was full and solidified.

After Zhang Yue was pressed on all the segments, the King Kong Ape Clan was trapped.

Watching the tomb formed by the shield wall sink down, Zhang Yue's heart began to relax, Wei Duntian began to laugh, and it was time to test Xiaoyue.

Suddenly the entire shield wall exploded, and the King Kong Ape Clan directly used the aftermath of the explosion to jump into the air and attacked Zhang Yue.

"It's not over Zhang Yue can only resist with a shield. The sledgehammer strengthened by his fighting spirit smashed Zhang Yue into the air again. At the calculated location, a King Kong ape clan was holding it. Broadsword, ready to welcome Zhang Yue's arrival.

"I really don't let people live." Zhang Yue murmured in the air, and directly stopped himself in the air with a shield wall.

"If you can't bury them together, then I will come one by one." Zhang Yue said fiercely.

After Zhang Yue got up, he rushed towards the Diamond Ape Clan who was preparing to slash him with the giant sword just now, holding the shield.


The King Kong Ape Clan was hit and flew inadvertently, surrounded by countless shield walls, and then quickly sank 100 meters underground.

"This is the first one." Zhang Yue said as he looked at the other two King Kong apes.

Zhang Yue held his shield again and rushed to the other two King Kong apes.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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