The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 93: Xu Lingxuan

Remember in one second【】

An hour later, Zhang Yue looked at the last Diamond Ape Clan out of breath.

"This one with a giant hammer is too difficult to do." Zhang Yue took a deep breath and relieved the body that was about to fall apart. The close body would be smashed into the air, even if the anti-gravity is not working, this diamond ape clan has species within ten meters of close body. Strange position, shield potential and gravity have little effect.

At this time, the warden who was watching the battle on the stage was shocked to the point that he could not express what he saw. The last one was a nobleman of the Diamond Ape Clan. When he exchanged prisoners with the Diamond Ape Clan, he was besieged by the light hammer. Tier 5 professionals are well-known.

"Elder Wei, the hour is over, don't you need to stop it." The warden said cautiously. The two King Kong apes were buried once they were buried. This one is more worth living than dead.

"It's okay, wait for Xiaoyue to stop it, don't worry, don't let Xiaoyue bury you to the bottom." Wei Duntian said with a smile. He was still very satisfied with Zhang Yue's burying of people, and dragged it down 100%. Mi, even if you have a Tier 5 strength, you can't escape.

This is when the King Kong Ape Clan with the sledgehammer suddenly pointed at his heart and pointed at Zhang Yue when they were facing each other.

"What does this mean?" Zhang Yue thought suspiciously.

"Xiaoyue, this is the etiquette of the Diamond Ape Clan, which means it recognizes that you are a warrior and that you have a brave heart." Wei Duntian's voice reached Zhang Yue's ears.

After hearing this, Zhang Yue also seriously gave a war ceremony to the King Kong Ape Clan. It is also the courtesy of a warrior. There is no justice in the war between the Human Race and the King Kong Ape Clan. .

The Diamond Ape Clan holding the sledgehammer saw Zhang Yue's battle ceremony, and a smile appeared on the dark ape's face, and the fighting spirit floating outside appeared even more blood red.

"Well, old Wei, it's going into a violent state." The warden said anxiously, which is a sign of the death battle of the King Kong Ape Clan.

"Stay steady, Xiao Yue's potential has not been stimulated yet, he can handle it."

"Besides, I am here, and I can still make trouble for my disciple." Wei Duntian glanced at the warden, disgusting him for talking too much.

"Caring is chaotic, and relationships are chaotic."

Zhang Yue looked at the giant shield of the Diamond Ape Clan who rushed forward, and his grip tightened. All the segments were invalid for the Diamond Ape Clan. Zhang Yue could only choose hard steel.

"Dang!!!" There was a loud noise, as if the entire arena was shaking.

There were several cracks in the earth. Zhang Yue held the shield and stared at the attack of the sledgehammer, and used his body as a medium to return all the strength he had endured.

Zhang Yue vomited a large mouthful of blood and looked at the Diamond Ape Clan and laughed. It should be because he saw the arm of the Diamond Ape Clan trembling with the sledgehammer, and the blood dripped down the arm to the ground.

The two sides looked at each other as if they had agreed, and both sides launched a charge at the same time.

You came and I fought for dozens of rounds.

At this time, Zhang Yue could only rely on the dragon scale shield to support his body. The King Kong Ape Clan holding the sledgehammer had been scrapped, only one arm was left, and he attacked with his fist.

"Xiaoyue, all right. After training today, it has reached the standard." Wei Duntian said on the stage.

Then the medical staff who had already prepared came over to heal Zhang Yue, while the King Kong Ape Clan was controlled by the illusionist back and forth in the cage.

Zhang Yue, the top medical heart in Yumen City, was lying in the medical cabin. In this battle, Zhang Yue had only serious internal bleeding, which was caused by Zhang Yue's hard diamond ape clan during the final fight.

Wei Duntian sat outside, chatting with Zhang Yue.

"Master, you said those alien races, the low-level are the strongest, how strong can they be." Zhang Yue's voice came from the medical cabin.

Wei Duntian thought for a while, and said to Zhang Yue: "The first-class race, the shadow race, there is a talent of their race, traveling the mainland, passing by the human race, and was discovered by several top-tier teams and mistakenly regarded it as a strange beast."

"In that shadow clan teenager, these top-tier teams, held on tightly for a minute, and then they all turned into corpses."

"Killing Tier 6 professionals is like killing insects."

"What happened to that movie clan in the end?" Zhang Yue said, thinking about how long he could last if he encountered that kind of arrogant.

"Caught by our demigod, and then sent out."

"Xiaoyue, don't be presumptuous. Those races of them are naturally strong, and our human race takes a different path from them."

"Our human race has entered the world of the heavens. From nothing to the current stream race, our human race has worked hard one by one."

"Our human race is now in the blessing of the heavens and the world. There are countless gods and evil spirits in the race. They are slowly growing and become the heavenly giant tree of the human race in the future, guarding the human race."

"Xiaoyue, you have to grow up quickly. After you reach the demigod, my human race will be completely worry-free in this area. When you reach the true god, my human race can dominate this cape continent."

"Cape mainland?"

"Yes, our human race is in the most fringe region of the world of heavens. To the east is the endless sea. The more you go to the northwest, the richer the resources, and the stronger the alien race is."

Zhang Yue felt that he had never realized the world of the heavens. Such a huge area of ​​hundreds of millions of square kilometers turned out to be just the most remote continent.

"Okay, pull a bit far, take good care of the injury, tomorrow I will let you lead the team and rush to the opposite big camp, dare you dare."

"No problem." Zhang Yue agreed without thinking.

"Okay, the configured team has arranged for you, and the information is passed to you. You will take a look at it later. I will go out and talk to a few old friends.

^0^Remember in one second【】

Where people take you to live. "

Wei Duntian left after speaking.

"I feel like Master is playing bigger and bigger." Zhang Yue murmured, and then began to concentrate on healing.

The capital area, the No. 1 main city, the battle headquarters.

Chu Yunxuan was watching the video that had just been sent from Yumen City. This was the information of the last member of the ten-thousand race battlefield.

"I didn't have any hope, and planned to use Han Yunlong as a shield bearer to develop tactics. I didn't expect a surprise in the end."

"Directly replaced with the top match, plus v dream teammates. This time the fault tolerance rate of the low-level teams on the battlefield of the ten thousand races has been much higher." Chu Yunxuan took the tactical board and began to modify.

"This lineup, as long as it is not unlucky enough to meet the first-class top race teams, they all play.

"It seems that after completing the sniper mission, you can still earn some points." Chu Yunxuan looked at the information of the selected personnel on his tactical board, and exclaimed that his team would unfortunately lose all of them to the battlefield of ten thousand races. After more than 50 years, the demigod powerhouse will be less than half.

Chu Yunxuan started to prioritize the team's personnel information.

At this time, a phantom began to slowly turn into an entity behind Chu Yunxuan. A girl with a petite figure, short hair, dark black combat uniform, and a beautiful face slowly emerged.

"Xiaoying, I have said it countless times, you don't have to come in invisible if you want me."

"I have given you permission. The two Tier Nine Killing Gods at the door didn't stop you. It's not that they didn't see it, but that you have permission." Chu Yunxuan looked at this man who grew up with him with a headache. My sister, I should have stopped Chu Ying at the beginning and told her not to learn from the shadow assassin. Now it's good, a good girl, like a female thief all day long.

"I'm used to it, it's good to practice technique," Chu Ying said lightly.

After Chu Ying finished speaking, she was attracted by the videos of Zhang Yue and the King Kong Ape Clan, and watched the video again from the beginning.

"Is this really a Tier Shield Bearer?" Chu Ying showed a surprised expression on her small face, confronting only Tier 5 Diamond Ape Clan, and finally buried two.

"That's great, this is Lao Wei's precious disciple, Zhang Yue, the shield bearer. He didn't intend to send him to the battlefield of ten thousand races, but our half-god Lu was forced to come over."

"It is said that this Yue almost killed Lu Heng. Now Lu Heng is thinking about life, and his moves have become hard and soft, making great progress." Chu Yunxuan teased Lu Heng.

"Is that right? I actually abused Lu Heng, so I have to get a good understanding of it in the future."

"It's coming, you can meet in a few days," Chu Yunxuan said to Chu Ying with a smile.

"I am looking forward to it. By the way, since you have changed players, do you want to re-plan your tactics. Then I won't disturb you."

After Chu Ying finished speaking, her figure disappeared without a trace.

"I don't know. I will spend more time with my brother. When I was a child, I was so good to you." Chu Yunxuan said depressedly, and then continued to immerse himself in perfecting his battle plan.

Grassland terrain battle plan, forest terrain battle plan, mountains, swamps, deserts, sea areas, glaciers, volcanoes, purgatory.

Personnel combat capability assessment, team hunting risk control, and retreat plan.

The team's highest slaying ability, the team's highest marching speed, and the logistics supply plan.

Chu Yunxuan kept it till late at night.

Castle in the Sky.

The demigod Chu Bing looked at his beloved disciple, a little bit sad.

"Master, don't worry about me anymore. Since I promised to go to the battlefield of ten thousand races, I have the confidence to come back alive. Your apprentice's strength is very strong." Xu Lingxuan said, holding his master like a baby. , Came to persuade her to join the team on the battlefield of ten thousand races, and after clarifying the interests, she agreed without hesitation.

If she was just a little girl with average, she would definitely refuse. When the sky fell, there would be a tall man against her, but in the low-level arcanists, her strength is already at the top, and there is no more Good candidate.

"Master, look." After Xu Lingxuan finished speaking, he released a small water dragon, flying around her, spitting out a small dragon breath from time to time, standing on Xu Lingxuan's shoulder and rubbing her head with her face. .

"The power of the water spirit is great!" Chu Bing said in amazement. Even she understood the power of the water spirit when she was at a high level.

"Hehe, I said that your apprentice is very powerful." Xu Lingxuan said proudly.

"Well, your team has also replaced a strong shield bearer. Coupled with your water spirit power, I can safely let you go to the battlefield of ten thousand races."

"I can't bear to let a beautiful girl like you enter such a dangerous place." Chu Bing couldn't help but pinch Xu Lingxuan's small face again.

"Master! You get angry in people like this." Xu Lingxuan said with a small face.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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