???? "Wang Tou, what does the above mean today, let us go to the camp for no reason." A Tier 6 strength giant sword warrior said to Wang Guang.

???? "Let you rush and rush, there is no such thing as nonsense, I am still wondering, but it will be over." Wang Guang sorted out his armor to see if there was anything left to fix it.

???? At this time, Wang Guang received the news that a member named Zhang Yue would join the team temporarily to assist them in completing the task.

???? "Haha, brothers, accompany the crown prince in the trial, you can relax, it's not a secret task." Wang Guang smiled on his face, this kind of good thing is finally his turn, this kind is generally a tianjiao Enchanting, a good relationship with them will have infinite benefits in the future, and Wang Guang wondered if he wanted to play a bitter drama for a while.


???? "It's great, then you must protect this arrogant man."

???? "The opportunity is here."

???? The people in the lower team started to get excited, and in the future, if this Lord Tianjiao is promoted to a demigod, wouldn't he be able to join the guard team?

???? At this time, Zhang Yue followed the assistant here and found his own barracks.

???? Last night, Zhang Yue saw the information of the 50-man team, 40 ranked 5th and 10th ranked 6th. The whole team was barely rated as excellent. Today Zhang Yue needs to lead the charge.

???? "Captain Wang, this is the temporary attacker sent to you, the shield bearer, Zhang Yue." The assistant secretly signaled Wang Guang to signal Zhang Yue's highest-level Tianjiao.

???? Flower on Wang Guang’s face instantly smiled, the highest-level Tianjiao, that is not a battle damage in the middle, and will be promoted to a demigod in the future, wait, shield bearer!

???? "Thank you superiors for the increase in our team." Wang Guang suppressed the ecstasy in his heart. This **** is going to heaven, a demigod shield bearer, and after that, he is not half of the human race.

???? "Well, finish this mission well." After the assistant gave the explanation, said hello to Zhang Yue, and left, secretly, the lucky Wang Guang, the disciple of Wei Dasheng, was picked up by you.

???? "Brother Yue, let's discuss the battle plan." Wang Guang rubbed his hands and smiled carefully, regretting in his heart, why didn't he find those team leaders who had experience in receiving Tianjiao to ask for advice.

???? "Captain Wang is welcome, I'll just follow your order." Zhang Yue responded politely, feeling that Captain Wang was a little strange, and he was a little bit strangely excited.

???? "No, no, let's discuss the battle plan together, I don't know your strength, so discuss the battle plan first." Wang Guang said a reason Zhang Yue could not refuse to accept.


???? "Brother Yue, the combat power of our Human Race and the King Kong Ape Race is one-tier lower, that is, Tier 4 versus Tier 3, Tier 5 versus Tier 4, Tier 6 versus Tier 5."

???? "So, Brother Yue, are you qualified for the position of charge." Wang Guang...

Strictly speaking, what if you are killed at once, although there is the legend of Tier 5 King Kong Ape Clan with the strength of Tier 3 Tianjiao, you must be sure in advance.

???? "I can resist the fifth rank, and the sixth rank is a bit more troublesome, but if you have to deal with it, I can handle it." Zhang Yue thought for a while and said.

???? "Okay, that's okay. Generally, there are very few sixth-tier teams in the opposite middle-tier team. They are all in the elite team."

???? "Brother Yue, then we don't have a special battle plan, just normal formation, and then just do it."

????"it is good."

???? According to the map given by the combat headquarters, the 50-man team began to go quietly.

???? This area belongs to the barren area, there are no resources, there is only a team of ordinary 50 middle-level diamond apes.

???? When Zhang Yue team touched the cordon. The 50-man team on the opposite side quickly came to block Zhang Yue's team.

???? "Brother Yue, let's fight, and I will follow you." Wang Guang said while looking at the Diamond Ape Clan who rushed towards him.

???? "Okay, let's charge."

???? "Attention, all warriors charge, archers, arcanists cover!"

???? "Lead!"


???? Zhang Yue charged with a shield, and Wang Guang followed Zhang Yue carefully, thinking to himself, look at the talent of this top arrogant.

???? "Shield"


???? Zhang Yue drove with all his strength to charge towards the distant Diamond Ape Clan.

???? Wang Guang's eyes brightened, double power, his own shield power bonus, powerful.

???? The two sides collided, and the most horrifying scene appeared in Wang Guang's eyes. Almost all the Tier 4 ape races on the opposite side had suffered a slowing technique, as if they had just thawed. There are only 15 Tier 5 apes still charging.

???? Then there was another scene that subverted Wang Guang’s three levels. All the Tier 5 ape races that blocked Zhang Yue’s charge were all knocked into flight, and then trapped by the shield wall, leaving only the head, and the subsequent rushing human race The soldiers chopped off their heads naturally.

???? After half an hour, Wang Guang looked at the corpses all over the floor, still in a dream, finished? Is this the end? What to do with my performance, what to do with my miserable drama.

???? Just as Wang Guang was worried, the arcanist in the team came over and said: "Captain, we are surrounded. There are three teams. It seems that one team is still led by a nobleman."

???? Wang Guang instantly recovered his combat readiness.

???? "Deputy team, there is a weak point for the charge."

???? "Northwest."

???? "Brother Yue."

???? "Yes!" Zhang Yue also felt bad

???? "Charging in the northwest, our team's 6 Tier 6 giantsword warriors are behind you, you only need to see the enemy on the opposite side and rush towards the strongest, we are responsible for killing, are you sure?" Wang Guang At this time, regardless of whether Tianjiao or Tianjiao, it is important to take brothers to save their lives.

???? "Yes, Tier 5 elite, I can be strong...

Force control for 20 seconds. "

???? "Really!" Wang Guang said in surprise.

???? "Really!" Zhang Yue responded quickly.

???? "All, charge northwest, archer, arcanist in the middle."

???? Zhang Yue stepped on the way to charge again.

???? While charging, a huge boulder slammed towards the team with an invincible momentum.

????‘Shield Wall! ’

???? Two arm-like shield walls directly stuck the boulder in the air, and the team quickly passed under the boulder.

???? "Brother Yue, great!!!" Wang Guangda praised and said, Zhang Yue's reaction on the battlefield just now was really amazing, and Zhang Yue reacted almost as soon as he saw the huge boulder in the sky. The problem is solved perfectly.

???? After a while, Zhang Yue saw the enemy, two violent giant apes, and a giant ape with a giant hammer, blocking the road ahead.

???? Another two huge stones attacked Zhang Yue with the sound of wind. Zhang Yue directly transformed the giant shield and protected the entire team.

???? "The Power of Sand"

???? ‘Attach’


???? Zhang Yue allowed the sand to directly attach to the hitting boulders and turned on anti-gravity, only then barely blocked the two hitting boulders.

???? "Captain Wang, pay attention to beheading."


???? Zhang Yue speeded up and left the team and charged forward.

???? The opposite also launched a charge towards Zhang Yue's team.

????'boom! With a bang, Zhang Yue collided with the opposite side.

???? This time Zhang Yue used his body as bait, and directly surrounded himself and the three Diamond Ape Clan with a shield wall. Zhang Yue suppressed it with all his strength and sank down.

???? Zhang Yue used his full strength to solidify the shield wall, leaving only their heads outside.

???? Zhang Yue quickly emerged from the ground.

???? "Captain Wang!"


???? Six Tier 6 fighters all used the strongest moves.

???? "Sword Intent"

???? "Cut"

???? "Broken Front"

???? Three huge heads landed.

???? Zhang Yue took a sigh of relief, and looked at the remaining Diamond Ape Clan around him, it was no longer a threat.

???? An hour later, Zhang Yue and Wang Guang's team returned to the base safely.

???? "Brother Yue, great!" Wang Guang gave Zhang Yue a thumbs up.

???? "Haha, meaningless." Zhang Yue thought to himself that there was no excitement when he hit the three Diamond Ape Clan.

???? "Captain Wang, happy cooperation, there will be opportunities to continue to cooperate in the future." Zhang Yue said, it feels good to have teammates around him.

???? "I look forward to seeing you next time." Wang Guang said.


????In Wang Guangyi's reluctant eyes, Zhang Yue slowly disappeared from his sight.

???? "It's worthy of heaven...

Pride, only Tier 3, can easily dominate the team rhythm. Xiao Fei, you are also a shield bearer and you are still Tier 5. "

???? "Captain, no comparability is good, I'm just an ordinary shield bearer, and now I have not figured out the shield potential. People have begun to merge, and the realm of law has thrown me to the horizon."

???? "Just that shield is the fusion of water, ice, and earth. In the future, this adult will become a demigod. Sitting on the border, no fly can fly." Xiao Fei Speaking quietly, as if thinking of the hard life of his shield holder.

???? Wang Guang patted him on the shoulder, did not speak, returned to his office and wrote a summary of the battle report.

???? In the hotel.

???? Zhang Yue and Wei Duntian were in the reception room, displaying live broadcast footage at the time, and each team would have an intelligent magnetic camera to follow them to capture all battle footage. .

???? "Xiaoyue, on the battlefield awareness, you have full marks, so I don't need to teach you."

???? "The following is the attribute defense, the test site tomorrow, Chiyan Volcano."

????"it is good."

???? The capital area, the city of machinery.

???? Somewhere in the laboratory, a fat little boy is looking at the restrictions on entering the battlefield of ten thousand races.

???? "You can only bring D-level equipment, weapons and materials at the highest level. It's a bit difficult to handle, such a low-level thing hasn't been made for a long time.

???? "Fortunately, where can there be minerals and can be used, or else my hands of gold will be useless inside."

???? "I have to move out the old drawings ~www.ltnovel.com~ to see what can be used."

???? "Electromagnetic sniper gun, keep it."

???? "Laser cannon, useless to throw away"

???? "Laser cutting instrument, keep it"

???? "D-class V8 armor, no, where to put on this, not even cannon fodder."

???? "Heavy self-propelled gun, keep it."

???? "Optical quantum satellites, keep them, build a few more, you will lose a few of the races who encounter science and technology.

???? "The enhanced version of the plasma bomb, build more to keep the disgusting person."

???? "Engineering Construction Machinery Corps, keep it for base use."

???? "The rest is useless. Whatever you need to get there is as early as possible."

???? After the fat little boy finished speaking, he started contacting his good friend again.

???? "Fat Dong, what are you looking for me to do, show off." The **** the other side said in a huff, she didn't understand why she would lose the spot in the Ten Thousand Race Battlefield.

???? "Nana, don't be angry, Grandpa Lu chose me for a reason. The weapons you are good at making are so powerful that you can't bring them in. I learn more complicatedly, so I used to do logistics."

???? "Well, this princess won't do logistics, just leave it to you, I don't care about that." The girl with a delicate baby face on the other side said proudly.


"What can you do with this princess."

???? "I think we will work together to study how to make the strongest weapon with D grade materials."

???? "This topic is very interesting, let me come to my laboratory."

???? "Yes, my princess." The little boy named Fat Dong exclaimed.


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