The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Ten Weird Qinglong Mountain

In the center of the cave, Elder Wu, Jiang Zhonghao, and Yang Tian bowed respectfully to the ground, and Wang Yin, who was sitting high on the platform, sat on the left and right of Wu Lili and Wenjuan.

"Listen well, this time the three of you are the undercover agents of our Fly clan entering the human race, so don't leak any news about our clan."

On the high platform, Wang Yin ordered lightly, with the demeanor of a king.

The three men at the bottom of the cave are full of reverence. This is the king of their kingfly clan, and the truth of their kingfly clan.

"Follow your Majesty's decree."

Wang Yin looked at the three men at the bottom of the cave who were being fooled by dreams, and couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality, and couldn't help laughing.

Not bad, you are now three blowflies. It is the king who asked you to take away the three human races and contribute to my king's lurking human society. Continue to fool around.

"Don't worry about your body, this king will put your body in the holy place of the clan, waiting for you to return after your achievements."

The three of them looked at the three silent flying bodies beside them, and they fell down on the ground with tears of gratitude.

"Thank you for your kindness, the king, the first, the second, and the third will surely live up to your great trust."

"Yes, yes, you are indeed the pride of our clan, you will be remembered by our clan forever."

Wang Yin continued to command solemnly: "But you must always remember that from today onwards you are human beings, and your human names are Wu Lianhong, Jiang Zhonghao, and Yang Tian. Don't give away your feet."

The three people's eyes were full of excitement: "I would like to follow your majesty's order, and I, the three of you, will be the king's family."

"Okay, let's go."

Wang Yin waved his hand, and a group of big blowflies the size of a sea bowl flew from the cave. These flies hugged their heads and feet, lifted the three of them out of the cave and put them on the safe ground at the top of the mountain. Go down the mountain.

Yang Tian: "I heard that human excrement is delicious, and I finally have the opportunity to eat excrement in human society."

Jiang Zhonghao: "Together together."

Mr. Wu: "Forget it, I'm afraid that human excrement is poisonous, and I still like to eat excrement from mountains."

Wang Yin heard the three people talking about staggering, which was caused by him, so he hurriedly ordered via voice transmission: "Remember that from today onwards, you are all human beings, and you are forbidden to eat shit."

Can the shit of human society be eaten? The three of them expressed regret when they heard the king's order.

"Follow my king's decree."

After the three of them disappeared, Wang Yin turned to Wu Lili and Wen Juan for instructions.

"You will follow after a while. The task is to monitor the safety of the three Tianjiao of our clan. Once you find that their lives are in danger, contact me in time using human communication."

Wu Lili and Wenjuan bowed respectfully: "I will obey my king's decree."

Wang Yin's majestic voice: "Well, if you can complete the task perfectly, I will accept you as my king and princess."

Wu Lili and Wenjuan were overjoyed: "Thank you, Wang, for your kindness."

With a wave of his wings, Wang Yin carried the two of them out of the cave and landed in a safe place.

"Go ahead, remember that you two have different identities. One is Wu's granddaughter and the other is a university professor. They both have their own families, and don't reveal any loopholes."

Wu Lili and Wang Juan carefully felt the memories of what they thought they had seized in their minds, all of which were fully integrated, and the nonsense was all their own memories. Can they not be integrated?

"Thank you, my lord, for your reminder, this concubine has perfectly integrated the human memory of Duoshe."

"Okay, okay, let's go."

Seeing the two daughters who are reluctant to part with their hometown Devil's Cave, Wang Yin laughed wildly in his heart, letting human beings take away their own memories, and only his scumbag brain can plan a wonderful dream.

Flying back to the platform inside the cave, there were three bowl-mouthed blowflies lying dead on the bottom of the cave, and two bowl-mouthed blowflies on the platform immediately turned around and flew happily to Wang Yin's side.

Buzzing Buzzing Fly Whispered and asked: "My lord, my lord, is the little one pretending to look like this?"

"My lord, lord, and us, are we doing well?"

Wang Yin hummed and laughed, stretching out his wings to caress five big blowflies.

"Like, like, the boys are all great."

I complained about the Great Dream Scripture in my heart, if you give me more effort, why would he spend so much time planning dreams to deceive people, scumbag.

However, they finally solved the problem of the unlucky group of five perfectly. The upgraded version of the stun attack and the ability to charm the dream were comprehended really timely, awesome.

The future is clear, one day he will return to human society.

Facing the cave in high spirits, he hummed and laughed loudly, and the wave of mental power covered the whole cave. For a while, all the flies, spiders and reptiles in the cave bowed to him, including several huge pythons. Under the impact of the spiritual power of weaving dreams, he became his loyal subject.

Wang Yin is depressed, he is becoming more and more like a monster.

Winter is coming and spring is coming, and the days are gradually fading away due to misfortunes and misfortunes everywhere. Now he weighs nearly 300 kilograms, is 2.5 meters long, fatter than a calf, and is sleeping soundly on the big bed on the cave platform.

A fly that weighed more than a hundred kilograms and was as huge as a dog lay quietly beside him, butting its head against him from time to time.

In the world of dreams and souls, Wang Yin, who is immersed in the natal soul of the blowfly, is exploring a set of natal mimicry after evolution.

After his body evolved to two meters and more than three hundred kilograms, he encountered a bottleneck and could not evolve, and his body had been fixed for a long time.

Fortunately, it was not without any progress. After the body was fixed at 2.5 meters, the female fly quickly evolved to catch up, and carried out countless explorations of the same blood and spiritual resonance with Wang Yin, reaching the point where he could adjust the body mimicry.

It is imitation, not transformation. In the instinctive memory of blood inheritance, imitation is a basic skill that every monster race will know.

Change the flesh and blood joints through the contraction of its own blood, and pretend to form the image of the prey to confuse the prey.

It is when you are walking on a remote path, and you see a beauty from a distance with a beating heart, and when you get closer, you find that the beauty is awkward and weird, and suddenly raises her head and reveals a mouthful of fangs to swallow your technique.

The demonic aura above the cave soared into the sky, and puffs of green smoke and demonic aura gushed out to cover Qinglong Mountain, and then gradually formed a large green mist, which was strange and enchanting.

The hoarse cries of several old crows confused it, making one's hair stand on end.

The dead and old trees in the mountains were gradually rejuvenated under the cover of green mist, and even his rotten cheeks, which were human beings, gradually returned to full blood at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Silently, Qinglong Mountain was no longer the ordinary Qinglong Mountain.

Affected by him and many monsters that began to devour and evolve, Qinglong Mountain is developing in an uncontrollable direction.

On the top of a small mountain in the periphery, two furtive figures are peeping into the depths of Qinglong Mountain with high-powered binoculars.

One of the figures said, "Are you sure those two guys have entered the mountain."

Another figure: "Sure, I heard them say last night that they are going to visit the Water Fairy in the mountains today."

Hearing another figure's reply, the figure felt scalp numb when he began to speak.

"Do you think there really are water fairies in this mountain?"

"I called you here because I didn't know. Qinglong Mountain is so weird recently that I dare not enter the mountain anymore."

"Me too. I've heard many people swear that there are fairies in the mountains, but I've never seen any fairies in the mountains before."

"That's why I called you to come and find the truth together. This location just happens to be able to see the mountain canyon. It is the place where those two guys must pass when they enter the mountain. They will know what fairy they are visiting in a while."

"Don't talk, I saw those two people."

In the high-powered binoculars, the two spirited guys are clean and fresh, walking happily on the mountain path, and after a while, they climb up the mountain, looming in the dense forest.

Soon the two came to a big tree in the middle of the mountain, knocked on the trunk excitedly and respectfully, and said something loudly to the trunk.

The two figures on the top of the mountain saw the strange movements of the two spirited boys in the telescope, their scalps became numb, and a cool wind blew on the back of their necks. They quickly touched the back of their necks and looked around. , is also sunny.

One of them snorted and muttered, "Fortunately, it's broad daylight. If I dare to lie down here at night to watch such weird things, I'll write my name upside down."

"Don't talk, something came down from the tree, what a big snake."

"Don't move, I haven't seen it clearly yet, it's really a big snake, and there are three flies, so big flies."

I saw in the binoculars that after the two spirited boys had finished speaking, a large boa constrictor with thick white flowers in a bucket descended from the big tree in front of him, and beside the boa constrictor were three blowflies as tall as half a person.

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