The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Eleven: I Heard There Are No Fly Demons In The Mountains

In the camera, the two spirited boys are talking excitedly, and the white-flowered boa constrictor clings to one of the spirited boys, nodding its head from time to time.

Suddenly two blowflies flew away, and only one left shook its head and tail at the other spirited boy, and led the boy to the side behind the boulder.

Then what did they see, they actually saw the two spirited boys and the white flower boa constrictor and the blowfly tearing a mountain vine from the tree and starting a tug-of-war exercise.

No, the blowfly was engaging in a mountain vine tug-of-war with the boy, and the boa constrictor was practicing wrestling with the boy.

The two parties desperately pulled the mountain vines and wrestled desperately, making the scalp numb and frightened of the two telescope peepers.

The guy with the flower tattoo on his arm was beaming with joy. He had never been afraid of anyone in wrestling. He never thought that this fairy in the mountains would actually love wrestling. This hobby is really special.

"Water Lady, is White Lady really your ancestor? No wonder you are so beautiful."

In his eyes, the alluring and hot Shui Niangzi is actually a big white boa constrictor, which is spitting out snake letters while hissing, wrapping around his body tightly, devouring the source of his life with all its strength.

"Of course it's true. I'll take you to the fairy world when I become a fairy. There are many fairies in the fairy world."

The guy with the tattoo on his arm was overjoyed, and he tried his best to practice wrestling with what he thought was a water lady.

Behind the boulder, Blowfly and another spirited guy also worked hard to pull the mountain vines to compete in tug-of-war, chatting about the dream of becoming a fairy.

In the sky, two half-human tall blowflies flew back to the entrance of the cave with little interest.

"It's really disappointing. That bastard Shui Ximin attracted two human races, and the points are not enough."

"That's right, I don't know what the king thinks, but actually passed on the charm of the foreign spirit to Shui Ximi."

"I know this. The Empress Dowager said what the King said. The monster clan is all one family. A single tree cannot form a forest. We must unite and forge ahead."

"It is also said that Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, and our King Fly Clan has the opportunity to evolve. If we can help other monster clans, we will help them. What's more, the monster clan who learns from our clan's spirit and charm will take our clan as their soul. Dominance is my clan's vassal monster clan, which can strengthen our clan's strength."

"Your Majesty is really powerful. He actually knows such a fun spell as Spiritual Charm. It's so fun to play with those handsome human beings."

"I just want to play tricks on the king, but unfortunately the king won't let me play tricks."

"It's a good idea. You still want to play the king with your small body. I'm afraid you will be swallowed by the king before you get close to him."

"Hey, what is reflecting light on the mountain over there, go and have a look."

As for Wang Yin, his mental power is now strong enough to weave dreams and force people into dreams. It is not difficult to change the ordinary stun attack mental power that was not needed before into a charm technique that is passed on to the monsters below. It is just a trick.

However, the blinding method is just a blinding method, not a real spell. Once it leaves the target's sight, it will lose its effect on the target.

He didn't want to do this at first, after all, he didn't know that it was a good thing or a bad thing to cause a flood of monsters.

Helpless, there are too many monsters under his command, and a group of monsters are fighting each other for some resources every day, so they have to put down the charm technique and let them develop freely.

But there is still a death order, which cannot harm living beings, including human beings, and whoever does not obey will be destroyed.

When I was a human being, I always heard that one cannot become a demon in the age of dharma, Wang Yin finally understood what it meant.

These mountain elves are all descendants of the demon clan, and their souls have inherited wisdom, but in the end of the era, the heavens cannot supply the energy of the world. The evolutionary inheritance in the souls of these mountain elves cannot be opened by the seal of this world.

Unexpectedly, this kind of alien would appear, causing the blowfly family to open up evolutionary wisdom, and he abused their spiritual consciousness to experiment with various evolution methods, which actually caused the blowfly group to increase their spiritual power and fully open their spiritual wisdom. They ran for evolutionary resources. Interacting with other mountain elves opened the seal of the other mountain elves' heaven, and as a result, the entire Qinglong Mountain became the world of these unsealed monsters and blowflies.

On the mountain peak in the distance, two men who had just put down their high-power binoculars were sweating profusely. They looked at each other, and they could see the strange fear in each other's eyes.

One of them had a dry mouth and swallowed his saliva: "Let's go, let's go, don't watch it, and I will have nightmares at night."

The other hurriedly packed up his things: "Yes, this Qinglong Mountain can't stay here anymore, it's very weird, I finally know what the water fairy they are talking about is."

With dry mouth and unwillingness to give up, he raised the binoculars and continued to peek.

"Are you saying that we are dazzled, oh my god, come on, come on, there is another woman."

Hearing that there was a woman and the man was packing up, he hurried forward and said, "Where is it, why didn't I see it just now."

"I didn't look at the other side just now. It's on the grass over there. Fuck, this one suits my appetite. It looks better than the two spirited guys just now."

"It's definitely better looking than the spirited guy. Those two are men and this is a woman. If you like looking at men, you're not a man."

The two of them didn't notice that two terrifying blowflies flew from the sky above their heads until a stream of air rolled up on the mountain behind them, and a delicate sound sounded.

"What are the two big brothers looking at? How about showing it to our sisters?"

The two turned their heads in bewilderment, and saw two women with skin as white as jade in the air descending from the sky, with a faint fragrance in the breeze, refreshing.

"That's right, show us together, hee hee."

"Look at what we are doing, do our sisters look good, how about coming to practice with us."

The two of them knew that they had encountered something strange, and they couldn't move with fear and trembling from their souls.

Just after watching the performance in the high-power telescope, I knew that the woman in front of me was just an illusion, and the real body was either a python monster or other monsters. I desperately suppressed the fear and desire in my heart, and slapped myself twice, intending to stay awake.

But the monster charm technique is so easy to break, even if you know what the opponent's body looks like, it's useless.

One of the women shook her hand and threw out a tough mountain vine, her fresh lips moved gently, and a beautiful voice sounded.

"Brother, come and exercise with us, even if we are monsters, it's fine if you don't see it."

"That's right, come on, come on... just exercise what you are afraid of, and increase your strength. If you win, you will be rewarded. If you lose, let us devour some vitality."

The minds of the two are getting more and more confused, and they can no longer control their body consciousness, so what if they are weird, anyway, they can't see their bodies, these are two charming women in sight, besides, what are you afraid of just exercising and competing? Wouldn't it be nice for the goddess to accompany them to relieve their boredom? During the bewilderment, their rationality gradually disappeared, and the two men finally walked over like walking dead, and they pulled up the mountain vine and yelled together.

"Bijibi, isn't it just a tug of war, brothers will be afraid of you."


In the small town tavern at the foot of the mountain.

"I heard that there are monsters in the mountains, who specialize in seducing young men and women to compete and devour their vitality."

"Why haven't I heard that not only young men and women, but also an 80-year-old man in the village next door has been brainwashed. Many people saw that the old man went home and couldn't stand still. He held a mountain vine in his hand and lost his life for many years. To win back by exercising, he was chased down by his 90-year-old woman with a knife for at least eight streets."

"Brother bragging is too much, are there eight streets in the country village?"

"Brother, this is modifying adjectives, modifying adjectives, do you understand, I am uneducated."

A wretched man's voice attracted everyone's attention.

"Hey, I don't know what that monster looks like. Anyway, it won't kill people. I'm so poor recently that I really want to try a tug of war with monsters. My strength is the best in the village. I don't believe I can't win."

Swipe, all eyes in the tavern fell on him, this kid can do it, but Niu Cha actually wants to win the demon.

Another weak voice sounded: "Actually, I want to try it too. I heard that someone won a villa. It's a lot of fun."

"Hehe, you still want to win the villa, you are too naive."

The voice of everyone is drunk and I am alone can be heard from the corner, and a man raises his glass and drinks it in one gulp.

"I have seen monsters with my own eyes, it's not as simple as you imagine."

When everyone heard that there was actually an expert who had witnessed the real body of the monster, they all asked questions.

"What's the situation with the monster, brother, tell the brothers."

The man got up, scanned the QR code, paid for the drink, turned around and left: "Why should I tell you, I want to know and find out by myself."

Shameless brother, will you tell you about the heroic deeds of brother who lost the game with the monster? It's a beautiful idea.

Smash your mouth, but it's really memorable, these goblin illusions are more beautiful than real people, even if you can't do anything, it's very eye-catching during the game, isn't it?

If I hadn't taken advantage of the wine, I would go to them to make gestures, maybe I could really win the money to buy a villa.

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