The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 12: The Sheriff Who Really Wants To Retire

Regardless of the small town under the mountain, there was a lot of discussion.

A little demon on the mountain ran into the cave in a panic: "My lord, there are many people coming down the mountain."

Wang Yin is observing the changes in her own human body. Ever since the animals in Qinglong Mountain started cultivating demons, and the swarms of monsters collected the source of life everywhere, the mountain has been filled with green monster mist. These monster fogs are full of vitality, especially in the cliff caves of the base camp. , the vitality is so rich that water drips out.

Without Wang Yin noticing himself, the human body in the hole he fell to his death has returned to normal, lying on the bottom of the hole like a vegetable.

Wang Yin did not move the human body. The position of the body can be seen at a glance on the cave platform. The soul cannot return to the body, and carrying it on the platform will affect the range of activities.

After trying many times, the soul cannot return and enter, maybe the method is wrong, let's let it go first.

At this time, a washbasin bumblebee flew over in a hurry and reported to Wang Yin the abnormality at the foot of the mountain.

Humans speak and beasts speak, and as a group of monsters who have begun to cultivate the great cause of monsters, communication is naturally no problem.

What is the situation of many people entering the mountain? Could it be that the human government came to inquire about the situation again.

If ordinary people enter the mountain, the bumblebee will not come to report. During this period of time, they often lure people into the mountain, and they have never made such a fuss.

One dodged to the top of the mountain, his spiritual consciousness covered the entire Qinglong Mountain, and he found that the situation was abnormal. Qinglong Mountain had a radius of tens of miles and was surrounded by dense crowds.

The crowd was in a hurry, including troops and militiamen, all the police officers of Yangyun City Police Department, fire officers and soldiers, and many ordinary volunteers participated.

Everyone carries a weapon, even ordinary people have a walkie-talkie electric shock baton, and a huge device like a pot cover is installed every 100 meters around Qinglong Mountain.

Probably not a cannon, but a noise machine or a laser machine.

Regarding the situation of countless flying insects, beasts and monsters in the mountains, Wang Yin can think of a solution that the government can think of, either killing them with noise or shooting them to death with lasers.

Using cannons can deal with large monsters at most, but they can't directly deal with small insects. You are just kidding with cannons to hit mosquitoes.

Or spray poison and pesticides in the sky, look up and see that the sky is still.

Ordinary poisonous biochemical weapons are useless to monsters, but genetic viruses will assist the evolution of monsters. The government has tried it in private, and will not use poison again.

"Hey, it's a big battle, are you planning to hit me with a surprise attack and completely kill demons and demons?"

He said that the abnormal situation of Qinglong Mountain, how could the government have been letting it go, and there were many spies sent by the government among the people who went in and out of the mountain before.

It was just that there was no sound after returning. Wang Yin thought that these people were embarrassed to report after being misfortune by the monster in the mountain. In addition, the government saw that Qinglong Mountain was weird but did not kill anyone, so they let it go.

I didn't expect that people were waiting here. I didn't plan to scare the snake before, but now I mobilize all my strength when I'm ready, and want to clear the strangeness of Qinglong Mountain with one blow.

Of course, the government will not let it go. Qinglong Mountain is weird. Although the official government has sealed it well, no news has been leaked.

The main monster is cunning and sorcerer. I really didn't catch any physical evidence, I don't know how to announce it, and it is easy to cause panic.

However, the folks have spread rumors that a deserted and densely populated mountain has suddenly come and gone in recent months. Countless men and women happily organize mountain climbing activities, and then go out of the mountain exhausted and haggard. There are many fairy tales in the mountain. Pay attention to.

Even if there was no life crisis in Qinglong Mountain, it is impossible for this kind of weirdness to continue to develop.

This is simply in broad daylight, a group of demons and ghosts are making trouble, what's the face of the government if they don't act.

Originally, satellites and super high-power telescopes could be used to observe the situation in the mountains, but since a layer of green monster fog appeared in the mountains, the high-power telescopes, satellites in the sky, including mobile phones and various hidden shooting equipment brought into the mountains by secret agents, have been covered by the monster fog. Interference, no longer able to capture the slightest content in Qinglong Mountain.

I only know from two men who claim to have personally experienced the power of the Qinglong Mountain Great Immortal, that these fairies are all dressed up as various monsters in the mountain, and the main body is a very large fly, a large python, and other monsters.

What they don't know is that these two men are the main culprits who can't take pictures of Qinglong Mountain with various equipment. If they hadn't been discovered by spying on Qinglong Mountain with high-powered binoculars, the Qinglong Mountain monster would not have evolved so quickly to shield electronic equipment. demon fog.

The information about this monster body was reported to the highest level as an SSS-level secret by the local authorities, and all those who knew the information were required to sign an SSS-level confidentiality agreement and not to be leaked.

The top person in charge of Yangyun City, Yamashita, and the Chief of Police of the Police Department issued an order through the headquarters.

"Attack, the noise of each unit is covered, and enter the mountain one by one."

The units that received the order turned on the high-frequency noise killing machines one after another. This is the killing equipment that was specially modified for monsters after the two men knew that the monsters in the mountain were monsters, and after the spies entered Qinglong Mountain many times to confirm.

After rigorous testing, even the largest whale in the ocean, the blue star life, could not resist the high-frequency sound wave attack of this device. At the slightest, it would be unconscious and demented, and at the worst, it would bleed to death on the spot.

The only regret is that they couldn't find a monster test, so they could only estimate the effect.

But even if it can't be killed, even if a weak monster is stunned and taken out of the mountain to study its weaknesses, it is still an improvement for mankind, a victory in a new field, and it is better than being blind now.

Countless high-frequency noise killers at the foot of the mountain were activated, and one every 100 meters was pushed into the mountain, and the rumble gradually disappeared into the dense forest.

At the same time, countless strange winds suddenly blew across Qinglong Mountain, and a green demon mist rose from the ground. The thick green smoke on the top of the mountain rushed straight to Xiaohan, and countless blowflies cheered happily in the green smoke.

It was interesting for Wang Yin to watch the crowd down the mountain hide behind the high-frequency noise killer that pierced the eardrums of ordinary people and enter the mountain one after another.

This thing still attacks in one direction, and it is powerful from the front. Standing behind and wearing special earplugs can reduce the damage.

Do you just think that this is useful? Even if you have never seen monsters, you must have heard the legends of monsters and immortals.

Immortal cultivators can block the six senses. It is normal for a monster to block one's hearing. You are rushing to deliver food.

This is fighting in an unfamiliar field, a cognitive error loophole, and it is doomed to lose all loopholes.

Chief Song of the Yangyun City Police Bureau stood in front of the big monitoring screen in the headquarters with a dark face. Although the monitoring could not capture the inside of Qinglong Mountain, the outside operations personnel of Qinglong Mountain could still capture it, which was very convenient for command and dispatch.

The Qinglongshan incident that happened under his jurisdiction in the past six months has left him devastated. You say that in a modern society, the whole world agrees to believe in science. Why did a mountain of monsters suddenly run out of his jurisdictional territory.

Is he playing with me or playing with me? He is very tired and wants to retire.

He turned his head and saluted a middle-aged man in a suit beside him, and reported loudly.

"Report to the mayor, all units and volunteers are in place in an orderly manner, and an attack has been launched."

"Well, okay, don't let your guard down, this time we will definitely wipe out this mountain monster in one fell swoop."

Mayor Wang is also very tired and wants to retire. You can see that he is wearing a neat suit. He is a representative of young talents in Longguo and believes in a modern scientific society. He is still advocating to the people to believe in science every day. As a result, under his jurisdiction, a mountain of evildoers somehow ran out.

It’s a mountain of monsters, brother, not one, even if you want to break his materialist scientific worldview and transform your belief in idealism and folk ghosts and gods, at least come one by one, let the mayor get used to it first.

This hula came out to be a mountain with a radius of tens of kilometers.

If he can annihilate these evildoers today, tomorrow he must change his clothes into the majestic and mysterious Longguo four-bag men's suit. Sure enough, to be an official in Longguo is to keep a low profile.

On the top of Qinglong Mountain, Wang Yin looked at a large number of blowflies rushing down the mountain excitedly, the wasp family, the snake gang, the bird family, the monster monkey team, I am weak so I want the alliance monsters of the alliance.

Hey, the crowd at the bottom of the mountain, please send condolences to these gluttons for devouring so many sources of life at one time.

Think about that scene, I have never seen it before.

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