The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 102: The Way To Promote To Seven Stars

"Sister Yingying, you said that the Ant Gods are chasing me outside. I have never done anything to harm the Ant Gods. Why are they hunting me down?"

Li Yingying looked at Wang Yin with contempt: "Have you never done it?"

"Don't think that I don't know what you are doing. After Flying Ant City issued a notice that you are the traitor of the Nine-eyed Demon Spider, the Ant God Race women who came forward to report you are waiting in line.

The misty forest and the Nine-Eyed Demon Spider are the sworn enemies of the Ant God Clan. Your collusion with the Nine-Eyed Demon Spider is not a villain or a traitor. "

"However, one of them, the one called Ant Fairy, has treated you well, and he is still defending you desperately."

Wang Yin was dumbfounded: "They are trying to wrong me, how can I collude with the Nine-eyed Demon Spider."

Li Yingying giggled: "They didn't wrong you. The Red Ant Villa is full of body pheromones left by you. My children hunted down all the people in the Red Ant Villa again. You are not a traitor, who is a traitor, you are not a villain. villains."

Wang Yin vomited blood: "Fuck me, Sister Li, are you the one who framed people like this? You are cutting off my way out. I still count on the ant gods to help me evolve and practice."

Seeing Wang Yin who was furious, Li Yingying smiled deeply.

"Do you really think these ordinary Ant Protoss women can help you break through the seven-star life?"

"Can't you?"

"Of course not. The reason why I gave you big gifts these days is to test whether my seven-star peak strength can help you break through the seven-star life. Otherwise, how can I easily take away the Yuanyin energy I have accumulated for thousands of years. "

"Now think about it carefully, you have obtained from me, the seven-star high-level energy you long for, do you feel like a breakthrough?"

Wang Yin fell silent, it was indeed the case, before Li Yingying suddenly reversed and gave him a big gift, which made him ecstatic, but after practice, he found that it still didn't work, the four light spheres still didn't move at all, what does that mean.

It means that what is needed to advance from six stars to seven stars is not energy, nor the life energy of seven stars. There should be something that I don't understand. I checked the Great Dream Scripture, and this scumbag was silent again.

You should tell him how to get promoted, so quietly, and based on his knowledge of scumbags, Wang Yin knows that there must be something wrong with it.

Just like lying to him before that there is no humanoid race in the heavens, and that he needs to integrate into the synchronous aesthetics of the ant-protoss gene, it is actually to confuse him and break the mentality of facing the image of hundreds of millions of races in the heavens.

Otherwise, after human beings cannot supply him with resources and energy, it will be difficult for him to continue his evolutionary practice.

Li Yingying looked at Wang Yin who was frowning in thought, thought for a while and said: "I don't know that the way you practice this technique and advance to the seven-star life is consistent with other races, but I can tell you something about the Nine-eyed Demon Spider." A family, the way to advance to the seven-star life."

"If the Nine-eyed Demon Spider wants to advance to the seven-star life, it needs to seal its own strength when it reaches the six-star peak, hide its own body, and retake the fetus and reincarnate for reconstruction. Repair the fetal body once, and when the second fetal body also reaches the six-star peak, integrate all the blood, spirit and soul with the previously sealed first fetal body, and use twin twin souls to break the barrier of fate, and imprint the soul in the past and future time and space , naturally breaking through the seven-star life."

"Only in the past, future, and present time and space, where countless ego life projections are unified, can you truly get the real self. The self is the foundation of the life of the seven stars. At that time, all parallel time and space will only have you now. You are both one and many."

Wang Yin's head was pounding, it turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this, this is going to be done again, what a big pit, no wonder Zha Jing didn't say anything, or it wasn't that he didn't say anything, Zha Jing always said when he was in Blue Star, as long as he reached Seven Stars life, he understands everything.

Now he understands everything, and he has nothing to worry about. He grows up in other time-spaces and merges his problems, but whoever grows first in all time-spaces will merge the projections of other time-spaces to obtain the self.

In this time and space, he has obtained the opportunity and has reached the peak of six stars. Naturally, he is himself who has merged all the time and space.

So he can only recover his memory after Seven Star Life, because the soul of Seven Star Life has already existed in all past and future time and space.

At that time, when he regained his memory and returned to the demon body blue star, those living planets, no one could take his innate soul.

But does this mean that he needs to return to Blue Star to be a human being again? It's unrealistic. Blue Star has already been driven by him to cultivate the dream world. It will be very difficult to go back and start again.

As if she knew what Wang Yin was thinking, after all, Li Yingying also lived a seven-star life like this, she continued.

"You don't need to worry, there is still a shortcut to take. If you succeed in capturing the fetus, you can find the seven stars of the same blood in the world of mortals to help you stabilize your soul, supplement the blood of the seven stars to improve your body, and reach the sixth star." For us, the peak is just a blink of an eye, and it doesn't need to be as difficult as the first evolution."

Wang Yin's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he looked at Li Yingying with concentration and seriousness: "Then sister Yingying, can you help me?"

When Li Yingying heard Wang Yin's question, she hurriedly shook her head and replied, "I can't help you with this."

"It's not that I don't want to help you, it's that I didn't want to become the ancestor of the devil spider. My body has evolved the innate skill of destroying soul and absorbing soul. When the children in my stomach are still spider eggs, they will lose their soul, wisdom and only life instinct. If you take away my child's mother, you will only lose your soul."

After speaking, in order to make Wang Yin understand, Li Yingying issued a low-frequency infrasound call, and after a while, countless ignorant evil nine-eyed demon spiders crawled into the underground space, crawling around Li Yingying and Wang Yin.

Wang Yin looked at the densely packed, powerful, but animal-like Nine-Eyed Demon Spider and shuddered. After all, he had to think of another way. Isn't this a vegetative person?

Respectfully thanked Li Yingying: "Thank you, Sister Yingying, for your guidance. In order to thank Sister Yingying for her kindness, I will return the gift right now."

Li Yingying: "Get lost... your skin is getting thicker."


In a canyon of Bloodfly Mountain, Wang Yin, who had returned to the world of mortals, hid his body on a big tree, preparing to kill a common rice deer under the tree.

In the end, he chose to hide his body, separate his mind and soul, seize his mother's womb and practice reincarnation. The target is the ordinary barbarian who has no wisdom among the blood flies.

The main reason for choosing this race is that this race not only has the two seven-star powers of Blood Sky and Blood Hibiscus, but also because this race is the weakest on the Ant God Planet. For Wang Yin, the safety factor is very large.

As for the congenital placenta with no wisdom, the reason is that he will leave this group in the end. I don’t want seven aunts and eight aunts who drag their families to him after they become stronger. Foreign races will also curry favor with their powerful relatives. of.

The savage fly is a branch of the blood fly family that has not evolved intelligence. It is like a child abandoned by the road of evolution. Like many animals without intelligence, they live in the mountains and drink blood.

The bloodfly family never recognized this branch, even if the genes are exactly the same, they only regard it as other animals, just like humans look at apes, and even capture the young of wild flies as pets.

But this branch does not break away from the category of higher life, and there will occasionally be a few cases in which there will be a few cases of genetic mutations showing wisdom, so the high-level officials of the various tribes of the Ant gods did not completely classify it as a breed of livestock, but still regard it as a blood fly family.

The reason why the Bloodflies are the weakest race on Ant God is that their evolutionary history is too short. If they evolve as long as other races, the Brutal Flies will disappear in the torrent of history. At that time, there will be no more Brutal Flies in the world, only Blood Flies.

Vibrating its wings, it fell from the tree with lightning and struck the head of the newly grown rice deer under the tree with one claw. After the perfect hunting, Wang Yin embraced the young rice deer whose brains were split by one claw, and returned to a wild place on the mountain. In a fly nest.

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