The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 103: I'm A Fly

The current image of Wang Yin is the image of Lan Xing alone as a tall and huge fly, but unlike Lan Xing Fly, the Blood Fly clan is blood red all over and lives by sucking the blood of Ant God Star Wan Ling.

However, this race is simple and kind, and never kills innocent people randomly. The big family in the clan even has a professional breeding farm to provide blood for the clan.

Wang Yin seizes the fetus and can only rely on hunting for a living. He is very depressed. Could it be that he was a fly in his previous life? His body was reincarnated as the Alien Fly.

Although it is a savage fly of the blood fly family, it is still of the same kind as a fly, so it is better to reincarnate and rebuild, and all the exercises of the Great Dream Scripture will not be affected.

It may be because of the binding of the soul, and it is a top six-star soul. Compared with his previous strength when he was in the world of mortals, his soul in the first stage of the world of mortals is already a huge monster.

Unexpectedly, he would be reborn as a fly one day. Blue Star had read a lot of novels about reborn animals, and finally found a Taoist companion after they were all transformed. Why do you want the protagonist to be reborn as an animal?

This time he will not change form, and use this body to accompany the main body to step through the heavens, which is a great disaster, but think about who doesn't want to be a human being, he is reborn as an animal, and it is very aggrieved to only be an animal for the rest of his life.

It's still the most perfect person like him who has a human body and an animal demon body. The blue star demon body has already transformed, and now this barbarian will not transform in the future.

Li Yingying said that the blood of the avatar needs to be integrated into the main body to break through the seven-star life, which does not exist.

When Wang Yin decided to seize the fetus and rebuild, Zha Jing took the initiative to tell Wang Yin that the only thing needed for the reconstruction of the fetus is to cultivate a mother-fetal spirit, and the mother-fetal spirit will fluctuate, and it is the easiest to swallow and seize. It is an independent clone soul that inherits all of its own wisdom, consciousness and thought.

Finally, merge with the two souls of the body, and brand the soul into the past, future, up and down the present time and space, which is the correct way to break through the seven-star life. Why do you need to fuse the two souls, because when the soul is imprinted in the past, future, up and down the present time and space, one of the souls will fly away and let the river of fate After receiving the Soul Flying Po Scattering Divine Soul, the other Divine Soul can be branded smoothly.

This is the same principle as smuggling. One soul is the answer to fate, and the other soul can get rid of the constraints of fate and become the true self.

At the beginning, Wang Yin was ignored because he was afraid that Wang Yin would not want to recapture the other family after he knew about it, so that Wang Yin would find out that he had to recapture the fetus.

And this kind of rebuilding method is not to seize the house, which cannot be integrated into the soul. This is the real reincarnation and rebirth to become a new self.

Buzzing buzzing, buzzing buzzing again... Wang Yin flapped his wings and flew quickly to the cave in the mountain.

Put the rice deer on the chopping board next to the cave, bring out the stone basin and take out the dream ball, and pierce a hole in the chest of the rice deer with a shuttle.

Meng Qiu burst into tears from his royal family, and now he has been reduced to a bloodletting knife.

After eating and drinking enough, he brought a basin of deer blood to the entrance of the cave. After a while, two wild flies flew from the forest and devoured the deer blood in the basin. One of them was Wang Yin's reborn female fly, and the other didn't know it. Where is the male fly lured from.

The savage flies have no wisdom, let alone the shame of the intelligent and civilized blood flies. During the reproduction period, the female flies will fly around and release reproductive hormones, luring the male flies in the mountains to chase them until the reproduction is over.

After Wang Yin was born, he killed all the daughter flies and father flies of the mother fly, because when life reached his level, all the seven-star powers he came into contact with could be traced back to the source, and they could kill the enemy through blood relationship. the presence of opponents.

Unless his ancestors had galaxy powerhouses, no one would be able to destroy the bloodline of his descendants after cutting off the cause and effect, but that was impossible. If the bloodfly clan had galaxy ancestors, they would not be the weakest race on Ant God.

Therefore, for high-level beings, blood relatives are the biggest weakness. However, many beings have been promoted to seven stars for ten thousand years, and most blood relatives have died, so the impact is not great.

There are also some family aristocrats, whose ancestors have top-level existences that can cut karma by themselves, and their strong strength can protect the safety of their offspring, which is the same as the principle of enjoying the shade under a big tree.

Blue Star's parents are close relatives of Wang Yin's blood, and the foundation of human emotions is strong. Wang Yin can't help it, so he gave Blue Star's parents the top skills found in the Bible, so that they can grow up quickly.

This reincarnation of the wild fly has no such scruples. One is the congenital placenta that was seized halfway. It was not conceived and born from nothing with the mother's body. It lacks family affection, and the other is a group of animals without wisdom.

However, Wang Yin still kept the female fly in the end. He was bound by blood, and he was soft when facing the female fly.

I had no choice but to take care of it first, find out the enlightenment technique of a top demon from the Great Dream Scripture, and forcefully plant it in the soul of the female fly. The rest depends on the chance of the female fly. He can't help it either.

Because Manfly has no wisdom and cannot cultivate, his lifespan is very short. Ordinary Manfly will die in a few years. Maybe the mother fly has died by the time he reaches seven stars.

It took Wang Yin half a year from a newborn son to the world of mortals.

Quickly reaching the world of mortals and changing your strength is the benefit of being reborn with exercises.

Otherwise, ordinary savage flies will never be able to make it to the world of mortals. Except for a few people with outstanding talents, they only have the flying instinct and brute force of animals. They search for other fierce beasts in the forest every day to hunt their prey, and follow behind to suck blood to survive.

Watching the male fly start teasing the female fly after eating and drinking, Wang Yin was speechless, because the male fly thought it died too slowly before his eyes.

Because of the level of life, Wang Yin was born on the sidelines, not like her own child to the mother fly, but like the gods at the bottom of the mountain that she encountered when she flew outside to look for food.

Let it be close and fearful, docile and always surround Wang Yin, and Wang Yin also prepares food for it. Like the gods outside, this is also its god and its master.

With no worries about food and clothing and no heirs, the female fly followed the instinct of thousands of years to start multiplying. Wang Yin stepped over and slapped the head of the male fly with a slap, crushed the chest cavity and sucked up his blood.

As his female fly, she would either become a demon or die of old age, and she couldn't let it go back to the habit of breeding wild flies at will.

Sure enough, the world's fly clan is a family. From the monster blowfly to the current savage fly clone, they all rely on the mouth disc to suck food, and another energy of blood essence is integrated into the body. Wang Yin feels that he needs to hunt for more energy.

The female fly saw that a good thing was about to come true, but was extremely anxious after being destroyed by Wang Yin, turned around and pressed her head against Wang Yin desperately, spinning around in circles, making a unwilling buzzing sound.

It is in the breeding period and can't control so much. Wang Yin hunted and killed the male fly it liked to prove that Wang Yin is stronger and more suitable to be her child's father fly in its eyes.

Wang Yin was too lazy to care about it, and turned back to the cave to suck the blood of Milu. He also wanted to grow this body to the peak of six stars quickly, so he didn't have time to waste on the female fly, so he found a secret book of the big demon for it. Cause and effect have been resolved.

It's just that there are some things that he doesn't want to waste time, so he doesn't have to waste time. What's more, when he transforms into a barbarian body in the world of mortals, his demand is more violent than that of an adult barbarian. All are boiling with the smell of burning.

However, the female fly has been unable to obtain the reproductive needs for a long time, and smells the smell of a male with the same blood on Wang Yin's body at close range. Unknown hormone mutations are gradually produced in her own blood, and the smell is ten thousand times stronger than the reproductive medicine.

Smelling this smell, Wang Yin quickly became dizzy and dizzy, as if a volcano was about to erupt on his body, and before his sanity was about to disappear, he quickly slapped himself violently on the head with his forelegs.

He rushed out of the cave when he was slightly awake due to the severe blow, kicked the female fly into the cave with one kick, kicked the big rock around him to the entrance of the cave and blocked it, then turned around and flew to the village down the mountain with lightning.

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