The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 104: Ancestral Bloodline

In the Xuetao Village West Xuezhu Forest, there is a bamboo building covering an area of ​​several hundred square meters, which is simple and natural built on bamboo.

Blood bamboo is a special kind of green plant on Ant God. It is thick and tall, and the juice after cutting it is as red as blood and tastes fresh.

However, the cultured blood food and blood bamboo are common food, and the most precious one is the blood peach from Blood Peach Village. Eating it often not only prolongs life but also enhances strength and realm, it is a treasure of the Blood Fly Clan.

It was the season when blood peaches were ripe, and the hostess of the bamboo house took all the men in the family to pick peaches, leaving only the hostess, mother and daughter, at home.

Wang Yin's eyes were reddened by the pheromone stimulation of the female fly. When he ran into the room, he began to rummage through the box. He swallowed the high-level prey blood and blood bamboo juice stored in the bamboo house family. Nutrient's body is more uncomfortable, like a furnace.

"Hey, what's the matter with you, Tinker Bell?"

The hostess was staggered by Wang Yin's bump, and after she stabilized her body, she grabbed Wang Yin up, and she became dizzy and passed out.

This village is located at the foot of Blood Fly Mountain, the ancestral home of the bloodfly clan. The average adult males have one-star strength, the village chief has two-star life, and the female villagers range from 5th to 8th mortal world. Those with good talent are already star-level lives. .

Xue Qiangwei is the hostess of this family, one of the most talented women in the village, who reached the eighth rank of the Red Dust Realm before the age of two hundred, and her daughter Xue Miaomiao is even more talented, she is only fifty years old and has just reached the fifth rank of the Red Dust Realm. change.

The fate between Wang Yin and the two started from the blood seedlings. Since he was born in Duotai, he has been thinking about how to cultivate every day, but his cultivation method is different. Every day, besides smoking, he is taking food, and he has just been born. If the method is not strong enough, it will be difficult for him to die.

So this shameless fly thought of a shameless way, pretending to be a fool to make a pet for the blood fly girl, looking for opportunities to practice yin and yang battles, because pets can be lawless and cute, such as the blue star pet Tai Tiantian,

After several manipulations, he finally became Xue Miao Miao's beloved pet, and was named Tinkerbell by Xue Miao Miao.

A day later, Xue Qiangwei woke up and said seriously to Xue Miaomiao: "The situation of Little Dingdang is not right. Although Manfly has a blood-colored body, normally his eyes are black and shiny. Now his eyes are blood red and his body is flooded with hormones. The phenomenon of bloodline atavism evolution."

Xue Miaomiao heard Xue Qiangwei's words in exhaustion, and asked curiously: "Mother, what is the phenomenon of bloodline atavism evolution."

Looking at the grown-up Xue Miao Miao, Xue Qiangwei pondered for a moment: "Miao Miao, you are now an adult, and you can know some things. Taking this opportunity, mother will tell you about the phenomenon of bloodline atavism evolution."

"It is said that our bloodfly family is very talented. We are the first bloodfly in the chaotic sea of ​​blood at the beginning of the world. An array to wipe out our family from the heavens and worlds. Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, maybe it is the cycle of heaven, or maybe all living beings need to be born and restrained. Standing on the peak of the heavens and the world."

"This time, the ancestor of my bloodfly has learned from the painful experience, and stored the essence and blood of the ancestor in his own genetic information, and differentiated the seed information into hundreds of millions of breaths, which spread all over the heavens and worlds. As long as there are living creatures, there will be the evolutionary breath of my bloodfly clan. Heaven and Myriad Realms are everywhere, after doing this, the first ancestor retreated into chaos, and never appeared again."

"This is the origin of our bloodline. We are not only the weakest race on Ant God, but also the weakest race in the early days of the same race in the heavens and myriad realms. It is not that our evolution is slow, but that our race was jointly established by fate and our ancestors. It is determined that we can evolve a wise civilization only after life in the new world reproduces and emerges from a wise civilization."

"Because we are a species that feeds on the blood of life, if we first emerge with intelligent civilization, there will be no future for other life evolution in the new world, and we will be firmly locked up by our clan to raise livestock."

"The intelligent races of Ant God Star are stronger than us, but they are all limited to this Ant God Continent, but we always

The clan exists in the heavens and worlds, and Muxiu will be destroyed by the forest wind. The ancestor chose this setting of hidden bloodline evolution in order to avoid arousing the hatred of gods and demons of all clans. "

"So the evolution of the bloodline returning to the ancestors is the phenomenon of the activation of the ancestor's blood essence hidden in the bloodline soul of our bloodfly clan."

"This kind of situation is rare in ten thousand years, because the essence and blood of the ancestors only exist in the newborn innate carcass. When it has not been fully transformed into the energy of the acquired physical body, this time is within one year after birth. After one year, the newborn carcass completely accepts the outside world. The energy supplies itself, and the blood essence of the ancestors is completely converted into the energy of the acquired physical body, and it will no longer appear."

"However, this kind of phenomenon can only be guided by the information of the mother's blood, because the blood of the newborn fetus is connected to the heart."

"Little Ding Dong was born less than a year ago with extraordinary talent. It may be that she smelled the strong pheromones in the mother's blood, which led to the activation of the blood essence and blood to return to the ancestral fire."

"It's a pity, if Ding Dong has the wisdom to know the secrets of the bloodline, and take the opportunity to fuse the mother's bloodline at this time, he can activate the bloodline of the ancestors. The minimum achievement is also the top power of the galaxy, and it is very possible for the talent to be high in the inner universe."

"After all, the ancestor of our bloodfly is the first chaotic bloodfly in the heavens. The blood of the ancestor is supreme and the only one in the heavens."

Xue Miaomiao was shocked and dumbfounded: "The power of the galaxy, isn't that more powerful than the Queen Ant of the Ant God Clan."

Xue Qiangwei: "Yes, the evolution methods of civilizations in the heavens and myriad worlds are different. We belong to bloodline evolution, and some are cultivation evolution or technological evolution. There are also super life forms whose bloodline and cultivation technology evolve simultaneously, but I have only heard of legends."

"The strength of ant queens in other cultivation systems is at the level of emperors, our queen Furong is at the level of peak kings, and the queen bee of the bee family is at the level of emperors.

Also known as the Queen Bee, if Tinkerbell can activate the blood of the ancestors, you know how high your future achievements will be. "

Xue Miaomiao was inexplicably excited. If his beloved pet was so powerful, he could walk sideways in the future, and grabbed Wang Yin and hugged him in his arms: "Ding dong ding dong, did you hear that? Hurry up and fuse the blood of your mother. It's going to be great."

"Mom, let's help Tinker Bell, let him seize this amazing opportunity."

Looking at the innocent, half-grown savage lying beside Xue Miaomiao acting coquettishly, Xue Qiangwei couldn't laugh or cry.

"Silly boy, do you think it's that easy? Activating the ancestor's blood requires the mother's blood to resonate at the same frequency. At this time, outsiders can't intervene. Once the blood is disturbed, it will quickly volatilize into acquired blood and never reappear."

"It's like caring for a weak flame under a hurricane. As long as there is a slight distraction, all previous efforts will be wasted. Tinkerbell is a wild fly without wisdom and does not know how to enter its own soul. We can't help it."

Xue Miaomiao was extremely disappointed: "What about after that, is there any chance in the future?"

Xue Qiangwei regretfully replied: "The blood of the ancestor can only be triggered within one year of age. In the future, Ding Dong will be over one year old, and the blood will be transformed into the energy of the acquired body long ago. There is no chance."

"So this is fate. If Tinkerbell activates the bloodline, not only can it have the bloodline of the ancestor, but also its savage fly mother can benefit from it and develop wisdom. If you want to blame it, you can only blame God, so that Tinkerbell is not blessed with this fortune. "

Xue Miaomiao leaned against his mother listlessly, feeling meaningless at all, and was happy for nothing, rubbing Wang Yin's big head. "Little Dingdong, little Dingdong, you are really unlucky, but it doesn't matter, Miaomiao will love you."

Little did they know that at this time Wang Yin was acting innocently on the surface, but his heart was already in turmoil. Fuck the bloodfly clan still had such a shocking secret, so they were at a loss.

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