The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 106: Ancestral Bloodline, Opening Up Memories

The blood of the two flies in the chaotic blood river blended together, and the two flies in the cave were filled with a stinging red light.

The aura on Wang Yin's body is rising steadily, the world of mortals turns four...the world of mortals turns five...the world of mortals turns eight, after a burst of flesh and bones, the blood directly smashes through the entrance of the star to reach the one-star life. Stop soaring.

The body of Manfly was baptized by the blood energy of the ancestor from the inside out, and the rapidly expanding blood power burst open numerous finger-sized blood holes in Wang Yin's body, and fiery red blood spurted out from inside.

Fortunately, Man Fly's body was born strong and hard, and the ancestor's blood recovered from his injuries as fast as thunder. His body burst and recovered all the way, and finally persisted.

The two flies in the blood river rolled endlessly, and the activated ancestor boiled and roared. The barbarian fly's strength rushed all the way to the peak of the three stars before it stopped. At the same time, there was a loud bang in his head. All the barriers of Wang Yin's soul consciousness were broken through by the blood of the ancestor. Incomparably, the series of monsters in his mind poured down like the Milky Way, and a huge amount of memories returned to his mind, which made him have a splitting headache.

At the same time, he found that he was not only in the Bloodfly Cave, but also appeared in a plausible blue star world. In this world, countless humans, monsters, spirits, ghosts and monsters were standing with him on the head of a huge monster that was many miles high, Shouting forward excitedly.

"Come on, come on, come on, Dad Blue Star."

What's the situation, the monster body standing on the head of a huge monster with an unknown height is suddenly stunned, and then Wang Yin's ecstatic inquiry came from the bottom of his heart.

"Ontology, have you advanced to Seven Stars and recovered your memory?"

Then the eyes narrowed, and the demon body on the head of Zhenmei, the monster island of the huge land, also accepted all the memory sharing after the human Wang Yin returned to the parallel blue star, but the demon body has long known that the human body returned to the parallel blue star, and accepted the human body Wang Yin The memory adapts quickly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "I see."

In fact, the demon body has always been worried about the cultivation of the main body, but the soul is mainly based on the main body. If the main body does not restore the shared memory, the clone has no way to know.

The human body Wang Yin was shocked by the huge stream of consciousness after the memory was restored, and he had completely retreated from the depths of his blood, looking at the demon body Blue Star Time and Space with his mouth gaping.

"Nima, it turns out that the fly in the monster series is really me. No wonder he decided to take the fetus so easily. This is because his subconscious mind has confirmed that he has been a fly before, and he is familiar with it."

Now he has completely remembered everything about Qinglong Mountain, from the time he fell into the Qinglong Cave, in order to survive, he discovered the innate talent of blowflies, and by chance, he tried to mentally open the evolutionary route of sucking and devouring, and thus produced an unknown number of offspring of blowflies. Other offspring of blowflies who were lucky enough to be tested by him, these descendants inexplicably inherited the devouring memory of the previous generation, and they were born to actively suck and devour to evolve.

Later, he discovered that it was not an inexplicable inheritance, but that the blowfly was innately able to inherit the genetic memory of the previous generation. This is also the reason for the short life of the blowfly, and it was out of control until he ignited the evolutionary fire.

In the beginning, the offspring devoured each other and communicated with each other, and all the flies and mosquitoes on the mountain joined in. After gradually becoming stronger, because they didn't know how to keep secrets due to lack of survival experience, the sucking and devouring evolution technique was quickly spread.

And because he didn't discover the situation in time, he used his spirit to cover Qinglong Mountain at every turn, triggering the breaking of the demon clan's restriction set in these animal spirits by the Dao of Heaven. The atmosphere is filled with demon mist, and the butterfly effect drives the entire blue star world to demonize.

In the end, the demonized Blue Star father rushed into the universe of planetary life, only to find that he was born with an innate soul, a rare commodity, and could live in Tang Monk Meat. In the world of time and space, Ant God star came to him after practicing till now.

This recovery is the real recovery of memory, not the memory of watching TV series like watching TV series.

With a buzzing sound, he flew out of the cave and looked up at the void of the universe, and made a long and earth-shattering cry. He, Hu Hansan, is back again, hahaha.

Back then on Qinglong Mountain, he couldn't improve his demon body, he could only rely on physical strength and speed to win, and he was tortured twice by Zhang Miaomiao, which was an eternal pain in his heart.

Now his physical realm is at the peak of six stars, and this wild fly avatar is also at the peak of three stars. With the combination of speed and hardness of the demon body, hum Zhang Miaomiao, don't let me catch you, or I will let you know what oppression is .

The psychological sadness suddenly turned into a river, and tears flowed down my face in an instant. This is simply a shame and a shame that I will never forget. It is a shame that can be felt even if you lose your memory.

He hates tentacle monsters the most, but was forced by a tentacle monster, scum girl, I hate you to death.

The ninth dimension is not far from Ant God. On Zhang Wang, Zhang Miaomiao sneezed inexplicably, and ran out of the cave, looking nervously at the beach.

"Who... come out, I saw you, if you don't come out, I will beat you to death."

"Hey, why is there no one? Could it be that my induction is wrong?"

Dudu returned to the cave, the cave was full of all kinds of huge octopuses, most of them were dying, looking at Zhang Miaomiao with fear and longing in his eyes, it was strange and unusual.

Kicked a huge three-star octopus into the corner: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a beautiful woman? If it wasn't for the practice of devouring evolution, you wouldn't be able to see the shadow of Ben Guliang. It's so cheap for you! gone."

In the cave, the awakened mother goddess crawled tenderly in the cave, not daring to move. With two eyes full of spirituality, she stared at Wang Yin outside the cave, for fear that she would accidentally make a noise that would affect the owner.

Wang Yin turned his head to look at the mother god behind him, and felt that he still liked the gentle woman in the blood river, with icy muscles, jade bones, water, and spirit. She was indeed a human being, even if she lost her fetus and turned into a wild fly, she still liked people. road.

"Hurry up and practice according to the exercises I gave you, and transform into a human form as soon as possible. I still like you in human form."

The mother goddess nodded gently: "Good master."

Looking through time and space to Qinglong Mountain, there is also a female fly there. I don't know if that female fly would mind the title of mother god, after all, she is the first female fly.

After recovering the memory, the process of being a monster can be vividly remembered, and there is no psychological barrier anymore. The difficult psychological barriers before can be faced calmly.

Consciousness sinks into the dream and soul world and asks the Great Dream Slag Sutra, didn't it say that it takes seven stars to restore memory, why did he recover with three stars, will there be any hidden dangers.

The reply of the Great Dream Slag Sutra is very safe. The host is the blood of the ancestor bloodfly awakened to restore memory. Therefore, there are no hidden dangers, and I hope that the host will make persistent efforts to attack the heavens, and quickly achieve the supreme Poyu life.

Raise your claws up to the sky to see that this is three stars, and the next goal is to quickly break through the seven stars. According to Li Yingying, if he can find a high-level seven-star life form of his own family to provide the life essence and blood, with the previous six-star peak cultivation base of the human body, it is quite The fly clone can use this as a medium to quickly reach the six-star peak, and integrate the soul into the human body to break through the seven-star barrier.

It's just that the seven-star life in the bloodfly tribe is only the patriarch and the patriarch's wife. It is impossible for others to waste their life essence and blood for no reason to improve his physique.

Counting that he and the Mother God already have wisdom, they are no longer barbarians, but belong to the true Bloodfly lineage of the Bloodfly clan.

In fact, the bloodflies and bloodflies are all of the same blood, but the bloodflies are not intelligent, so they were squeezed out by the bloodfly tribe to form a branch of the wildfly. The name of the bloodfly is more like a unified nickname for the bloodfly tribe.

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