The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 107 Six Star Demon Body

Daokeng is really beautiful. The demon body on the huge head is inexplicably excited. After sharing with the main body, I get a lot of good things, such as the big and small Ruyi Jue, the true blood is not destroyed, and the dream-like space-time art. It is simply an evolutionary skill tailor-made for the demon body. Law.

On Blue Star's father who has been demonized in recent years, the quality of ordinary monsters and human essence liquids cannot keep up with the needs of the demon body, and the body of the giant monsters in all major lands is too small to swallow, and the slow progress in strength is extremely painful.

"Hahaha, hahaha...."

Daokeng, who accompanied Yaoshen to cheer for Blue Star's father, Meixing, was so beautiful. The separated small human spirit clone was very puzzled to see Wang Yin, who suddenly went mad.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Seeing that the giant dragon of the dragon country is too lazy to take care of her and won't beat her up, this giant monster of the capricious sister country starts to call Wang Yin the king, instead of calling Wang Yin the god, the real face of Chi Guoguo.

Wang Yin ascended into the sky with his spiritual consciousness, and looked at the huge and enchanting Daokeng Zhenmei from outer space, with a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I'm so happy to be able to devour your innate primordial liquid again, and I'm starting a rapid evolutionary path."

Daokeng Zhenmei smiled shyly on the surface, but there was a trace of disdain in the corners of her eyes. Is it okay with your small body? If you can't beat you, you will fly to the top of your country to watch the show.

Wang Yin, the demon body, doesn't know the mind of this giant monster. From the capricious name of the giant monster, he knows that this sister country giant monster is not a good person by nature.

I was too lazy to talk nonsense with her at the moment, so I turned around and flew to the sky above the ocean, unleashed the size and size Ruyi Jue obtained from my body, and yelled violently.

"Big big, I'm big, hahaha... so cool."

With a shake of his body, he has grown into a giant half a head taller than the real beauty of the island pit, with his feet on the bottom of the ocean and the starry sky above his head.

Daokeng Zhenmei stared dumbfounded at the demon king becoming taller than herself, and her cherry lips were so long that they could not close together. What kind of strange sorcery is this demon king? I am even older, is the simulacrum so exaggerated? Why didn't the demon king use this ability before.

Tongue gaping in disbelief: "Shang...Shangshen, is this you?"

Wang Yin, who was half a head taller than Daokeng Zhenmei, tilted his head to look at the land giant monster of his sister country. Seeing his power turned upside down, the bitch started calling him Shangshen again.

But it’s not bad, such a height ratio appreciates the beauty of the island pit, and it looks like it is truly harmonious and beautiful.

The big place is big and the small place is small, and the two long legs that don't know how many miles are long are shocking, and they are perfect to appreciate from the perspective of giant monsters.

It's just that you can't use your spiritual sense to zoom in and zoom in to observe the details. If you zoom in and zoom in to see the effect, you will see that all the skin is composed of pieces of flowers, trees, mud, rocks and soil.

While appreciating the beautiful figure of the giant monster in Daokeng, the monster body answered inscrutablely.

"Of course it's my lord, who else has this ability besides my lord."

Daokeng Zhenmei still couldn't believe it: "Since the king has this ability, why didn't he use it earlier, otherwise Zhenmei's congenital essence liquid would have been dedicated to the king long ago."

The demon body laughed loudly: "My king didn't comprehend it completely earlier, so it's not too late to use it now,"

It turned out that the demon king hadn't fully comprehended it before, and Daokeng Zhenmei relaxed a little. If the demon king is so scheming and keeps hiding his ability without even her discovering it, it would be too scary.

Then that day, the human spirits, monsters, spirits, monsters, ghosts and other living beings living on Daokeng Zhenmei discovered that the sky above their heads suddenly darkened, and a continent fell from the sky, covering the land where they lived.

Even directly pressing on the Apple Mountains, some people who are climbing for leisure and watching the natural scenery on the top of the mountain, ghosts and ghosts, are afraid of being crushed to pieces, so scared to fly away from the top of the mountain.

After flying far away, I looked back and saw that the human beings who hadn’t come to leave the mountain in a hurry, the monsters and ghosts were all right. Although they seemed to be pressed on the top of the mountain from a distance, the top of the mountain actually has heights when viewed up close. Can accommodate gaps.

It was as if there was a protective film on the surface of the two continents. The seemingly earth-shattering collision did not actually produce destructive explosion energy.

Some daring ones even returned to the top of the mountain, stretched out their hands to touch the huge object on the top that oppressed the continent where they lived, and exclaimed again and again.

Sister Guotian demon human beings: "Guluqi, this piece of land in the sky is covered with a thick layer of strange substances, which are very similar to our skin."

Other monsters: "Sister Tiantian demon, please use human language, we don't understand what you mean by Guluqiwa, is this continent up here a new demon country? Hasn't the Blue Star country all become demons? I heard that there are still countries that have not become demons."

"Could it be that a country or land that I've never heard of has become a monster, but if it becomes a monster, it becomes a monster. Why is it pressing on top of us?"

Among them are human spirits and demons who have mastered spiritual consciousness. The demons and goblins quickly let go of their spiritual consciousness, watched the situation of the two continents from a very high position, and spoke bitterly after returning.

"Don't make wild guesses. The one pressing on top of our heads is not a giant monster from the land, nor is it a monster from the mainland. It is a huge monster with wings on its back. It looks very much like the legendary ancestor of the Qinglong Mountain Holy Land."

"This huge monster is fighting with our country's giant monster. Fuck, the movement scares me to death. The waves on the blue star ocean are surging, and the hundreds of kilometers of mainland mountain weapons are about to tear our sister country's giant monster into pieces. gone."

Hearing this, the other human sky monsters, demons and goblins were in an uproar, and hurriedly asked for the direction of the bay, and wanted to watch the giant monsters fight.

A sober person sneered: "You want to eat farts, the giant land monster has such a large body proportion, what you can see when you go there is nothing more than seeing a continent rumbling towards the ground, and then rumbling up from the ground. I have also been to the Gulf Canyon, the difference between the coast and other places is that it is smoother, and we can’t see anything from our perspective.”

All the human sky demons, demons and goblins who heard this laughed, it was indeed like this, the proportion was too huge to be worth seeing.

Above them, the monster Wang Yin was concentrating on beating the giant monster of the sister country and devouring the Daokeng Zhenmei Xiantian Yuanye. She had long been disgusted with this capricious banshee.

One two three four, two two three four, three two three four, beating again.

Daokeng Zhenmei's voice resounded across the ocean: "Shangshen, please spare me, please let the little demon go, the innate essence liquid of this beautiful country is all from Shangshen, Shangshen, please."

Look at this bitch, calling back to God again.

Wang Yin, the demon body, is full of spirits, big and small Ruyi Jue is his good news, after cleaning up the giant monsters of his younger sister, he quickly rushed to the giant monsters of Hebuliu, Kimchi, and all the demonized female giant monsters of Blue Star, The strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, quickly reaching the peak of the six stars before stagnating, waiting for the fusion of the human body and the twin souls to break through the life of the seven stars.

At first he still thought about his demon body, isn't it considered as twin souls? It shouldn't be difficult to break through, but after a careful analysis, it really isn't, because the demon soul of his demon body is separated from the human body and human soul, and blowflies are fragile. The soul died and dissipated early, and the demon body and the main body are actually the same human soul.

The fusion of two souls is to reincarnate into the mother's womb to produce a new independent soul, which is the reason why the main body needs to take the fetus and rebirth.

In the Dragon Country Continent, the giant dragon suddenly circled up and spoke to Wang Yin rumblingly.

"Hey... Wuna boy, the bird Wuwu belongs to the Dragon Lord, you can't move around, the rest is up to you."

Wang Yin rubbed her hands in embarrassment, well, this is what the boss of the country said, so I have to listen.

Happy New Year, the return of the demon king, please evaluate the collection of flowers, your support is the power of the heavens.

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