The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 108: Blood Peach Remnant Soul

In the cave, Wang Yin closed his eyes and rested, and his consciousness entered the Dream Soul Realm of his body to check the latest information of the Great Dream Scripture.

Li Yingying never dreamed that Wang Yin hid a human body in her dream world, because she had no idea what the dream world was.

Ever since Li Yingying knew how to break through the Seven Stars, Wang Yin immediately thought about where the safest place for the human body would be if he regained the fetus and condensed the new soul. After all, it would not take a day or two.

After thinking about it, there is no safer place than Li Yingying's dream world. Li Yingying lives in a deep underground cave, and she is also the queen of the seven-star nine-eyed spider. There are countless offspring.

Most importantly, I don’t know if it’s because of the time-traveling magic spider. Her dream world is empty and there are no monsters. Wang Yin is the most suitable place to hide the human body.

So Wang Yin went out to look for the mother of the wild fly. After successfully capturing the fetus, he separated part of his soul to control the body and returned to the underground cave, where he disappeared before Li Yingying's eyes. Until now, Li Yingying is still looking for Wang Yin everywhere in a state of nervousness.

In Dream Soul Realm, Wang Yin checked the information of the Great Dream Slag Sutra.

Dream Bible

Host: Wang Yin (The soul is bound by foreigners and cannot be seized. If you take it by force, you will destroy the soul. Therefore, when the host is weak, please protect yourself).

Realm: Dreaming out of the world of mortals (cultivation is perfect and free).

Skills: Great and Desolate Fighting Kung Fu, Yin and Yang Hundred Fighting Kung Fu, Green and Green Kung Fu, Big and Small Ruyi Jue, True Blood Indestructible Sutra, Dreamlike and Illusory Time and Space Jue (thousands of hammers, overflowing from the realm).

Consciousness: Six-star (you can enter the dream soul of a six-star life, one strike destroys a thousand-kilometer star to become a one-star life, destroys a 10,000-kilometer star to become a two-star life, and so on. After nine-star life, galaxy-level... The strength of the host has not yet arrived, and it will not be opened later).

Combat power: six stars (one star destroys thousands of kilometers of stars, two stars destroys tens of thousands of kilometers of stars...the strength of the galaxy-level host has not yet arrived, and it will not be opened later).

Life level: six stars.

Demon body combat power: six stars, synchronous spiritual consciousness.

Demon body level: six stars.

Clone Combat Power: Three Stars, Synchronized Spiritual Consciousness.

Clone level: Samsung.

Dream Slave: Good 158, Evil 270 (the host can help the subject to break the dream and soul world of his body, the subject can practice on his own, if he obeys, he will be a good slave, if he is rebellious, he will be an evil slave, like yin and yang, good and evil are round, black and white , as the foundation of the inner universe).

Nunu: 98.5 billion (Congratulations to the host for pioneering the addition of slave options. Nunu is open and continued for Mengnu, collectively referred to regardless of how many generations).

Offspring: 590 billion (Congratulations to the host for pioneering the Great Dream Heart Sutra, creating countless offspring, the world of mortals can control the offspring, and the host can develop independently).

Inner Astral: None

Inner Universe: None

Breaking the Universe: None

The final warning: The Great Dream Heart Sutra Breaks the Cosmic Boundary Great Free Retention Cultivation Technique, and all information hosts must not be leaked, leaking will lead to the destruction of the soul.

There are basically no unexpected things, they are all the changes he expected, two more avatar combat power levels are introduced, and Nunu has increased a lot, these human beings are too powerful.

Pfft... He realized later that the total population of Blue Star was based on the number of slaves. Now there are more than 90 billion slaves. Is it because of the explosion of Blue Star humans? Could it be the work of Taibai's avatar.

Hehehe, shameless Taibai doppelgänger, do you really think Wang Yin's peaches are so easy to pick? I'm afraid that the human beings he developed would all become the slaves of Uncle Wang.

Looking forward to one day on the battlefield, Master Taibai is leading the blue star human army majestically across the sky. When he sees Wang Yin give an order, these human Mengnu and Nunu will immediately turn against each other, ravaging him so much that Master Taibai vomits. Foamy look.

And what the hell is going on with the heirs? There are so many heirs, billions, what do you want to do, you will regret it if you slander the king.

Could it be the offspring of the demon body, as a blowfly, the demon body may really be able to reproduce, Wang Yin gasped, this is so painful, is he going to use his offspring to occupy the heavens in the future?

Cursing scumbags on his mouth, his mind automatically forgot what other people did in Blue Star, and he didn't know if it was him or scumbags.

Then this slag, when did he bind him, was he bound when he was a human, or when he was reborn on the demon.

What he didn't know was that when he was entangled in the issue of heirs in the Zha Jing, Xuetao Village at the foot of the mountain was already bloody and desolate.

In the blood peach forest of Blood Peach Village, all the villagers are picking ripe blood peaches in full swing. This is their favorite food, and it is also the favorite energy food of many races on Ant God Planet. Eating it not only prolongs life but also improves the strength of the realm.

In the entire Ant God Planet, there is only blood peach at the foot of Blood Fly Mountain, and the blood peach in Blood Peach Village is the most authentic, which is a scarce resource.

None of these villagers noticed that behind their hardworking figures, in the jungle outside the village, countless pairs of greedy and bloodthirsty eyes were staring at them, ready to snatch their blood peaches.

When they packed all the blood peaches and put them on the flying car, a cold whirlwind blew up in the mountain forest, and the murderous aura was overwhelming.


"Kill, kill Xuetao Village, take away all Xuetao."

"Kill, kill, kill."

Countless masked bee tribes rushed towards them, wielding sharp knives with their forelimbs and claws, and a dark and shiny poisonous needle at the tail was cold and frightening.

Even if these people are all masked, the unique tail needles on the tail can't hide their identity of the bee clan. The mask is just to prevent the bloodfly clan from knowing that they are a branch of the bee clan.

The sudden interception made the people of Xuetao Village panic.

"Who are you, why are you intercepting and killing us, the patriarch will not let you go."

The leader cut the questioning bloodfly clansman in half with a knife, and said with a sinister smile.

"Don't you understand the principle of innocence and guilt? Weakness is the original sin. Will the strong be afraid of you being held accountable, hahaha."

The people in Xuetao Village were completely desperate. They were not good at fighting, and they didn't carry any weapons. They only brought farming tools for picking blood peaches. They had to wait to die against the robbers who were stronger than their own villagers and armed with sharp knives.

Bloodfly Mountain has been peaceful for so many years, and none of the villagers in Xuetao thought that there would be robbers coming to kill them in Xuetao Village. The howling sound resounded in the Xuetao Forest.

It's useless to stand up and resist, just like an unarmed ordinary person fighting a big man with a sharp knife. After a while, all the Bloodfly tribe fell into a pool of blood.

After beheading all the Bloodfly clansmen in Blood Peach Village, the leader of the Bee Clan commanded his subordinates to count the on-site supplies, put all the blood peaches that could be taken away into the Manfly Speeder and the Bee Race Worker Bee Speeder, and scraped off all the belongings of the villagers. He waved his hand and commanded his subordinates.

"Transfer these things to the prince as soon as possible, be careful not to be discovered by others, and transfer them according to the arranged route."

The subordinate who was ordered agreed: "Yes, everything is for the son."

Another killer bee clan asked complimentingly: "Commander, won't you come with us?"

The killer commander slapped him away: "Cut the grass without removing the root, and the spring breeze will regenerate it. Now that it has been done, we must do it thoroughly to remove all hidden dangers for the son."

Pointing to a group of killer bee tribes: "You... you, you, and you, all go with this commander. The others rush to deliver supplies and retreat. We will come as we go."

The Killer Bee Clan was overjoyed. They knew what the leader was going to do. After killing the males in Blood Peach Village, they were going to plow the village to sweep the holes. Have a good time.

In the blood bamboo forest, Xue Qiangwei was happily soaking the blood bamboo flowers with the blood seedlings, preparing the dinner ingredients for her husband and children after working in the evening, but she didn't know that her husband and children would never come back.

Suddenly there was a shout of killing at the edge of the village, and the fearful wailing and neighing of the villagers before they died came.

"Run, there are robbers, the bee clan robbers... ah...."

Xue Qiangwei's mother and daughter were shocked, and ran to the window to look outside, only to see three majestic masked bee tribes rushing towards the bamboo building with sharp knives in their hands.

The mother and daughter were so frightened that their faces were pale and their hearts were torn apart. Xue Qiangwei threw Xue Miaomiao to the back door.

"Miao Miao run, don't look back."

Xue Miaomiao called out sadly: "Mother...."

Xue Qiangwei shouted angrily with blood-red eyes: "Go, go quickly...."

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