The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 109 Killing The Evil Thief

Xue Miaomiao was forced to leave quickly by his mother. He knew what kind of demons his mother would face after he left, but he also knew that if he didn't leave, his mother would not rest in peace even if she died.

Don't waste time by hypocrisy, just rush out of the back door and flee to the depths of the bloodfly back mountain. As long as you escape into the mountain, you have a chance to get rid of the robber demon.

Outside the bamboo house, three killers rushed into Blood Qiangwei's house directly from the window. These bee killers had at least two-star life, and the male blood flies that could threaten them in the entire Blood Peach Village had been slaughtered, and they broke into the village without any resistance. The power makes them even more unscrupulous.

Xue Qiangwei blocked the exit of the back door, and looked at the three robbers in front of her with eyes full of resentment. There was no way to escape. She only hoped that if she could block it for a minute longer, Miao Miao would have a chance of survival.

The three thieves who rushed into the house looked like bee tribes at first glance, their black and shiny tail needles were too obvious, two were lean and one was tall and strong.

Three Bee Clan killers rushed into the bamboo building and quickly searched the bamboo building, only to find a blood rose.

"What about the rest of your family, tell me quickly."

Xue Qiangwei's face was flat, she looked at the robber in front of her indifferently, and answered flatly.

"My husband and children have gone to pick blood peaches. I'm the only one in the house. You'd better leave quickly. The men in the village will come back soon. You won't be able to escape if you mess around."

The three killers looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

"Silly girls, we dared to enter the village openly and aboveboard. We don't know why, but you men will never come back, hahaha, hahaha..."


Xue Qiangwei was dizzy and spat out a mouthful of blood, my husband and my poor son, she knew that these bandits dared to kill people and wipe out the village in broad daylight, things would not be that simple.

Feeling ashamed, he stared fiercely at the three robbers in front of him and said nothing. If eyes could kill, the three robbers would have died countless times.

Suddenly one of the robbers seemed to notice something from the back window: "Look, brother, there is a chick running up the mountain."

Among the three, the thin and tall one hurriedly looked up the rear window mountain. Sure enough, a bloodfly girl had escaped into the bloodfly mountain in the distance, and was about to enter the dense forest in the mountain.

The tall and thin one kicked the thin and short killer who found traces of blood seedlings.

"Why don't you hurry up and chase her, don't let her run away, catch her and she will live."

The thin and short killer quickly agreed, smashed the back door with a touch, and rushed towards the direction where the blood seedlings were escaping like lightning. He was a two-star life, and he was easy to catch after chasing a little guy who was only in the world of mortals.

Xue Qiangwei was heartbroken and struggled desperately.


The Gao-shaped Bee Clan pawed Xue Qiangwei's face: "Stinky bitch, didn't you say that there is no one at home, dare to play tricks on the men, let's see how the men deal with you."

Looking at Xue Qiangwei's plump and seductive body, she turned around and asked the tall and thin one: "Brother, we brothers and sisters are having sex with this woman."

The tall and thin man replied sullenly: "Take off her clothes, I'll go first, and I'll kill her when I'm done."

Gao Zhuang Bee Clan licked his lips, and asked eagerly: "Then the third son caught that little girl, and how to divide it."

The thin and tall man glared at the tall and strong Bee Clan viciously: "Of course it's our three points, we'll kill them just for fun, do you still want to take them back, this operation is required to be kept secret, and no one can be left alive."

When Xue Qiangwei heard the conversation between the two robbers, she hated it very much, wishing to cut the robber in front of her into pieces.

As bloodfly females, although they don't have the chastity of blue star human women, they don't mind what happens to them with other males.

But this group of robbers not only stated that they had killed her husband and children, but now they also clearly stated in front of her that they would force her and her daughter, and even killed her and her daughter. This is a sworn enemy.

It's just that she is controlled by the tall and strong robber and has nothing to do.

Her strength has not even broken through the star level, and the tall and strong bandit is at least a two-star life, catching her is like a strong man grabbing a baby for several months, she has no way of resisting.

Now she only hopes that Xue Miaomiao can escape the robber who is chasing him, otherwise she will die with regret.

On the mountain, Wang Yin's soul was moved, and he sensed a familiar life, which was quickly approaching him.

The world quality of Ant God is many times higher than that of Blue Star. The mass density of flowers, trees, mountains, rivers and rivers is higher than that of Blue Star. If he does not take the initiative to return to the human body after the rebirth, this barbaric body will not be able to use the body. Covered by six-star consciousness, he can only rely on the spirit of the wild fly to detect the surrounding environment.

In addition, as a newly promoted three-star barbarian, he is not proficient in using the blood fly spirit to detect, and the coverage of consciousness is not wide, so he didn't notice the abnormality until Xue Miaomiao fled to the middle of the mountain.

Wang Yin fluttered his wings and quickly flew out of the cave, only to find that Xue Miaomiao was fleeing in a hurry in the middle of the mountain. Not far behind, an emaciated bee tribe chased after him with fluttering wings, and in the blink of an eye, they had already dodged in front of Xue Miaomiao.

For the two-star life, chasing a little girl with a rank five in the world of mortals, the thin Bee Clan said that there is no pressure. Even if Xue Miaomiao let go of his full strength and ran for half an hour, he could catch up every minute.

This is the suppression of strength. Can a full-grown hungry wolf not be able to catch a newborn lamb with delicate skin and tender meat?

Looking at the beautiful, youthful and attractive bloodfly girl in front of her, the thin eyes of the bee clan are shining.

"Run, you are running, the more scared you are when you run, the happier you are, ho ho ho."

Xue Miaomiao was so frightened by the robbers falling from the sky that her face turned pale.

"What are you doing, don't come here."

The emaciated bee family squinted their wretched eyes, thinking that such a tender bloodfly girl would not get her first mouthful of good soup if she took it back. The eldest brother and second child in the bamboo house must be enjoying the beautiful bloodfly woman, so why not enjoy it first The girl in front of me will go back.

After making up his mind to pay attention, he grabbed Xue Miaomiao with one claw: "You will know what the uncle is going to do in a while."


Xue Miaomiao was afraid of screaming loudly, clasped his hands on his chest and closed his eyes to wait for death, but there was no movement for a long time, so he quietly opened his eyes in fear.

Then he found that the ferocious robber who stretched out his claws towards him was looking down at his chest in disbelief. A bloody spike had already pierced through his chest.

There was still a gap squirming on the spikes, swallowing the blood of the emaciated bee clan, and grumbling and complaining.

"Let Master Qiu do such dirty work for so long, today I can finally eat meat. The two-star blood is indeed better than those beasts.. delicious, ho ho ho."

This laughter is exactly the same as that of the emaciated bee family just now, it is simply a turn of fortune to go to another house today.

Xue Miaomiao covered her mouth and stared wide-eyed. She couldn't believe that she escaped the thin robber's capture just like that. She bent down and thanked the sharp mouth in the robber's chest for life.

"Thank you for saving my life, senior, thank you for saving my life, senior."

The sharp mouth made an indistinct sound: "That guy said you're welcome."

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