The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 110 Blood Hibiscus

Pulling out the dream ball, Wang Yin quickly left Xuemiaomiao, at the speed of three-star life, a kid like Xuemiaomiao who was only at the fifth rank in the world of mortals could not see him at all.

So Xue Miaomiao didn't know that the person who rescued her was her favorite pet, Tinker Bell.

Wang Yin also didn't want Xue Miao Miao to know that it was Tinker Bell who saved her. His barbarian body was already a three-star life, and Xue Miao Miao's mother and daughter had no effect on him.

Rescuing Xuemiaomiao today was the end of cause and effect. Although he followed the evolutionary route instead of cultivating immortals, and there was no theory of cause and effect, he still owed this mother and daughter a debt, and he felt comfortable being able to repay the debt.

As for Xue Qiangwei, I hope there is still time, so that I won't lose my life.

In the bamboo building, the tall and thin man is galloping recklessly. The tall and strong bee clan is waiting at the side, staring at Xue Qiangwei with wide eyes and gulping down his saliva. With a puff, the tall and thin man was completely chilled.

Then there was a happy swallowing sound, and the tall and thin man stiffly lowered his head to look at the stab that suddenly pierced his chest, his throat made loud noises, and he fell on Xue Qiangwei with eyes full of unwillingness.

The tall and strong bee tribe hurriedly turned around and looked, only to see a sharp thorn protruding from the vital point of the thin and tall man's chest. There was a voice.

"It's delicious, it's delicious, this bee blood essence is really delicious."

Behind the tall and thin man, a male blood fly was holding a strange handle on the other end of a strange weapon, looking at him coldly.

The Gao Zhuang Bee Clan was furious: "Where is the bloodfly bastard, dare to kill my elder brother, I will kill you."

Vibrating wings and claws swung sharply, the sharp blade in the claws split the space and chopped Wang Yin's neck, almost killing him, obviously killing often.

Wang Yin grasped the tail of the dream ball, and pulled out the dream ball from the tall and thin man. He stopped looking at the tall and thin bee family that had been devoured by the dream ball. sharp edge.

Turning around, he turned to the side of the Gao Zhuang Bee Clan, and swung his huge front paws... bang... Gao Zhuang Bee Clan's head was smashed to pieces by the Dream Ball, and Meng Ball called out what a pity.

"Demon, you are wasting food, do you know that, if you waste it next time, don't try to sneak attack with this ball."

Wang Yin didn't bother to talk about the dream ball muttering, bent down and picked up the tortured Xue Qiangwei, and gently put her on the big bed.

Xue Qiangwei's eyes were wide open as if in a dream, tremblingly stretched out the jade palm that had evolved into a white and tender arm, and stroked Wang Yin's cheek.

"Tinkerbell, are you Tinkerbell? My God, it's really you."

Wang Yin didn't speak, but pressed Xue Qiangwei's lower abdomen with his palm, lifted the three-star life blood energy, and after forcing out all the toxins left in her body by the tall and thin man, he focused on Xue Qiangwei's beautiful eyes, and answered seriously.

"I'm not Tinker Bell, you know Tinker Bell, but you don't know me."

Xue Qiangwei's eyes were confused, she didn't know why Dingdang asked her to say that she didn't know him, but then she realized that Dingdang didn't want her to say that she knew him.

Sitting up hastily, with trembling hands, he stroked the face he had memorized before him, knowing that she might never see Tinkerbell again.

Lips trembling: "Okay, okay, whatever you say is what you say, just remember that there are two poor people who care about you in Xuetao Village at the foot of Bloodfly Mountain. When you have time to think about it in the future, just come back and visit us."

Looking at the woman who had helped him many times in front of him, Wang Yin was silent for a while and finally answered.


After he finished speaking, he turned and left. After a while, screams and wailing came from the village. The Bee Killer who was still in the village, with his speed and brute force, dreamlike space-time art and charm technique, quickly Soon to be killed cleanly.

Including the three-star leader, he was instantly killed when they met. His strength, let alone the same level, except for the hurdle of seven-star power, he can instantly kill lives below the seven-star level.

Lan Xing originally had the saying that everything is invincible but fast is not broken, not to mention that he also has the innate brute force, the dreamlike space-time art and the charm technique, and it is immediately impossible to solve him at the same level.

Xue Qiangwei leaned against the window in a daze, listening to the quiet village, only some female voices were left crying and moaning.

Desperately hold down the raging fire of love in her chest, so as not to disobey Wang Yin's order, this kind of strong man is her dream lover.

He murmured softly in his mouth: "Little Dingdong, Dingdong, our little Dingdong, have you activated the blood of the ancestors? It must be. Only the bloodflies who activate the blood of the ancestors can become stronger so quickly. Our bloodflies are finally going to Have you stood up, Ding Dong, Ding Dong, you must remember, there are two poor people in Blood Peach Village of the Blood Fly Clan who care about you."

Wang Yin knew that he would be recognized by Xue Qiangwei if he showed up. After so many contacts, Xue Qiangwei didn't have face blindness and amnesia, but there was no way, he couldn't force the drone toxin in Blood Qiangwei's body if he didn't show up.

The male of this bee clan makes the females of the bee clan hate and fear it because of this. They will release bee venom when mating. Except for the female bees of the same clan who can detoxify, if the females of other clans bear the bee venom, they will die soon.

Blood Qiangwei was poisoned by the tall and thin man's bee venom, unless the tall and thin man helped to recover the toxin, or there was a life stronger than the tall and thin man who used blood energy to help her expel the bee venom, otherwise Blood Qiangwei would die.

And the poisoned person must not be unconscious, otherwise the bee venom will attack the heart and die immediately, so to save Xue Qiangwei, Wang Yin can only save her when she is awake, not showing her face.

You can also find something to cover your face, but it's not necessary, he just doesn't want to get involved with Xue Qiangwei and Xue Miaomiao, and it's not because he's afraid of showing his face.

On the square in the village, the last bee tribe was savagely smashed in the head by Wang Yin, and Mengqiu croaked excitedly: "It's so satisfying, so satisfying, I haven't had such a satisfying meal for a long time."

Dozens of bloodfly women in the square kowtowed in gratitude: "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

Wang Yin waved his hand and said thank you: "They are all from the same clan, it's a matter of little effort."

"It's true that we are all of the same race. We need to help and love each other in order to gain a foothold in this world."

A soft and melodious voice suddenly descended from the sky, Wang Yin raised his eyes and saw a figure standing in the sky above the square at some point.

This is a graceful, graceful and luxurious woman with two pairs of bright wings behind her.

The upper body is the appearance of a human woman, wearing colorful clouds and light veils, which is peerless and enchanting. The lower body is a plump and beautiful female fly body like a ripe peach. A high-level life aura beyond the ordinary, the power of seven stars blows towards her face.

He had already guessed who this was, after all, there were only two seven-star lives in the bloodfly tribe, the patriarch and the patriarch's wife.

However, he still chose to pretend not to know, and responded with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment, senior. I don't know if it was the senior from the clan who came here. Bloody silver is rude, senior Haihan."

The one who appeared at high altitude was Blood Fly Queen, Blood Fly Queen. After receiving the pheromone alarm from Blood Peach Village, she just happened to be not far from Blood Fly Mountain and rushed here non-stop. The guards have to reach Blood Peach Village first.

It's just that she arrived too late, and only saw Wang Yin beheading the last few bee killers. If Wang Yin hadn't been there, these killers would have escaped long ago.

After Wang Yin dealt with the blood rose toxin and entered the village, he only had time to rescue dozens of females who were brought to the square in the village by the bee killers.

He couldn't do anything about the old, weak, sick and disabled who had been killed long ago, and some bloodfly women who had died after being poisoned by bee venom.

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