The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 112 Breakthrough, Seven Star Life

After listening to Wang Yin's request, Xue Furong Pink's face flushed and stared at Wang Yin firmly, and then let out a light breath after a while.

"It's simple, I promise you later."

Immediately reversed the blood in the body, opened his mouth to spit out a few drops of colorfully shining blood, and sent it to Wang Yin's mouth.

For a high-level seven-star being, the life essence and blood in the heart are the fundamental energy to maintain the life of the seven stars, and he will not easily spit it out to others, because giving his own life essence and blood to others is tantamount to giving his life to others.

So if Qixing Life is not willing, no one can force Qixing Life's natal essence and blood, and if it is urgent, it will even induce Qixing Life to explode its own essence and blood to destroy itself, just like a cultivator who blew up his primordial spirit.

The person who got the life essence and blood of the seven-star life, the six-star peak can also use the life essence and blood to attack the seven-star life and hurt the seven-star life.

It can be imagined from this that Xue Furong attaches great importance to the appearance of the ancestor's bloodline in the blood fly clan, and is willing to risk her own downfall, and is willing to hand over the essence and blood of her life to Wang Yin for refining, not to mention agreeing to Wang Yin's unreasonable request.

This is due to different positions and different perspectives on things. In the eyes of Xue Furong, Wang Yin has the blood of the ancestors, even if all the blood flies of Ant God Star are extinct.

As long as Wang Yin is still there, she can quickly reproduce a powerful blood fly clan, allowing her to rise from the Ant god star blood fly clan.

Seeing the blood essence of the same vein and seven stars flying to the mouth, shining with endless brilliance, Wang Yin suppressed the joy in his heart, swallowed it carefully, and sincerely thanked Xue Furong.

"Thank you Queen for your support, Blood Silver will definitely live up to Queen's expectations."

Xue Furong waved her hand to show that it was nothing, and asked after hesitation: "Is your request true just now? How come I never knew to activate the ancestor's bloodline, and the fusion of yin and yang is needed to swallow the seven stars to the yin congenital primordial liquid."

"What is this Zhiyin Congenital Essence Liquid?"

Wang Yin didn't procrastinate, looking directly at Xue Furong's beautiful eyes: "Queen Haojiao knows that Xue Yin has obtained a supreme devouring evolution technique from the blood of the ancestors, swallowing the seven-star to Yin Xiantian essence fluid, combined with the essence and blood of the seven-star natal, you can immediately Break through to the seven-star realm."

"Zhiyin Xiantian Yuanye is a kind of innate energy after all females have evolved and grown to the seven-star realm. Males are Zhiyang Xiantian Yuanye. If you are willing to cooperate with Blood Silver, Queen, Blood Silver can be promoted to Seven Star Life today."

Wang Yin was flickering with blood Furong on his lips. What he wanted to devour was naturally the source of life that the demon body had been devouring. The word "yin" was added just to make Queen Furong feel taller.

So, Xue Furong is very curious, can the advanced evolution technique be obtained by activating the ancestor's bloodline? Why have I never seen it in the bloodline information? Maybe only the clansmen who activated the bloodline can see it.

"In that case, let's start."


In the cave, the breath on Wang Yin's body soared infinitely. After refining the blood of the blood lotus and the blood of the seven stars, he swallowed the blood lotus's seven-star life innate essence liquid that had never been swallowed by anyone.

Man Fly's physical body is like eating Shiquan Dabu pills, the cells are rapidly dividing and combining, and the realm of qi and blood is advancing by leaps and bounds. After a while, he has advanced from a three-star life to a five-star life.

Beyond the limit of the body, the blood essence of the seven stars exploded in the blood, covering the whole body in an instant, just like the seeds planted in the soil began to germinate and split, creating more high-level blood essence of the seven stars.

If it wasn't for the same blood, the explosion energy alone would have blown Wang Yin to pieces.

Xue Furong felt the rapid increase in Wang Yin's strength, and her inner joy was boundless. This shows that the supreme Yin-Yang fusion devouring evolution technique that Wang Yin said is indeed the ancestor evolution technique of the bloodfly clan. If he had already surpassed the queen ant, he would still be humiliated by the bee clan.

But it's not too late to get it now, because Wang let Xue Furong take the initiative to cooperate, and promised to teach her the devouring evolution technique. Anyway, everyone in the ordinary version of the devouring evolution technique can master the demon body blue star, and it's not a top-secret inheritance.

As for Zha Jing's yin and yang combat skills integrated into his body, even if he is willing to teach others, he will not be able to learn it, because he does not have the ability of Zha Jing to integrate a supreme kung fu into the flesh and blood instinct of life.

I don't know how much time passed, Wang Yin's aura stabilized at the peak of the six stars and did not move, and the two finally stopped.

Xue Furong asked Wang Yin suspiciously: "Didn't you say that you can reach Seven Stars today? Why did you stop? By the way, I haven't asked you yet. If you want to advance to Seven Stars, you need to recapture the fetus and condense your new soul." Flesh and blood, don’t you need it, or the blood of the ancestors can advance without this method.”

Wang Yin smiled meaningfully when he heard the words: "How could it not be used, I also evolve in this way."

"Because my current savage body is the second body after taking the fetus. Otherwise, how do you think I will be promoted to the seven-star life today?"

Xue Furong suddenly realized: "I'm just talking about how it is so easy for a manfly who is less than a year old to develop wisdom. No wonder, no wonder, why are you willing to tell me such a secret."

Wang Yin laughed: "I'm only one step away from buying seven-star life. After having the blood of the ancestors, it is no problem to advance to the inner universe of the galaxy. Besides, the second body is purely your bloodfly clan. Let me tell you It's nothing."

He was happy in his heart, not to mention that Xue Furong was reluctant to give up his clan who activated the blood of the ancestor, even if Xue Furong knew that he was not the original body and regretted it, he had already got what he deserved. Luo Jinxian didn't move.

Compared with other cultivation systems, Seven Star Life is just an ordinary Golden Immortal level, and then it is a galaxy-level Daluo Golden Immortal, a quasi-sage or a saint in the inner universe, and he can only cry when he runs away in the dream world.

But from this point of view, the sage Hedao should be the pinnacle of life in the inner universe, an existence that has half a foot into the world of breaking the universe.

I hope that there is no such existence in the heavens and worlds.

But he couldn't say these things to Xue Furong. Even if Xue Furong got the ordinary version of the devouring evolution technique taught by him, it was just the wildflower scenery on the roadside when he reached the Inner Universe Realm.

Blood Furong, who has obtained the evolution technique, can reach the galaxy level at most in the future. How far she can go at the galaxy level depends on her good fortune, but for Xue Furong herself, reaching the galaxy level is an incredible opportunity.

Xue Furong was speechless. She really had no choice but to sell this blood silver cheaply. Even if the wild fly was not the blood silver body, it was really the true blood of her blood fly clan. Naturally, she would not miss the opportunity to hold the super thigh of the future.

Wang Yin didn't want to talk about how he would break through any more, so he changed the subject and asked, "By the way, those bee tribe killers down the mountain, do you know what kind of force they are, and how they attacked Blood Peach Village."

Xue Furong immediately said bitterly: "I know, it is a member of the Heiwei family of the bee clan, and Hei Bulun must have ordered it here. This Hei Bulun is the grandson of the contemporary queen bee, and the Heiwei family is the heir family of the contemporary queen bee. Very domineering."

Wang Yin asked curiously: "Seeing that you are so angry, it seems that not only this time, but you deliberately came to our bloodfly clan. Could it be that this black-tailed family has a grudge against us?"

Xue Furong blushed and said: "No, it's because Hei Bulun likes to play with taboos. Not only is he greedy and lustful towards the elder females of his own clan, but he also loves to violate the high-level females of other races. He offended me a few times and was rejected by me, so he became angry and harassed and took revenge."

"You don't need to worry about this matter. After my strength improves, I will make the queen bee and queen regret it. What does it mean to give birth to a wicked child? I don't care about the pain of being taught well."


Wang Yin nodded. These things are all about strength. If the blood flies are strong, Hei Bulun would have to get out of here with his tail between his legs.

Similar to some phenomena experienced by human society, poor people are not qualified to negotiate conditions, and good quality is a disadvantage, because weakness is the original sin.

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