The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 113: The Self Is One, No Universe

Leaving Xue Furong, Wang Yin returned to Li Yingying's dream world. The soul of the barbarian fly and the soul of the human being merged into one. The past and the future, the upper and lower four sides are now the gates of the soul.

Countless past and future, up and down, and now in parallel time and space, the projections of the souls of wild flies with all the wisdom and consciousness of Wang Yin are simultaneously taken back by fate and wiped out.

Covering countless parallel space-time projections of Wang Yin's body and soul, leaping from the past, future, up and down, and present space-time rivers, directly into Wang Yin's body soul, and then shattered and divided billions of times. Lurking into the depths of the river of fate.

This is the confluence of Wang Yin's soul from countless parallel worlds in time and space, and the destiny of Wang Yin's soul to reach the seven-star life.


Li Yingying has been very troubled recently. She has been lonely for so many years, and she vomited from being a spider. Although this spider is special with nine eyes, it is more disgusting and terrifying.

As the most beautiful otaku goddesses ever, it is such a painful thing to become such a horrible and disgusting monster, bound in an unknown deep underground cavity for so many years, unable to shop, go shopping, make friends, fight monsters, or use shaker.

Forget about the food, she can bring it back to the cave through the descendants of the spider, and many foods on Ant God Star are more delicious than Blue Star.

It turned out that he finally found a man who was also a human being. After he was caught in the underground cavity, he originally wanted to have a companion so that he would not be so lonely, but this man disappeared under his nose.

She didn't know that as a human soul, she had a dream world unique to humans. Wang Yin quietly opened her dream world and hid her body in it, but she knew that Wang Yin was definitely still in the underground cave.

Not because she is a woman, a woman's intuition tells her that the man she has a relationship with is still in the cave.

For example, this feeling was particularly strong today, causing her to toss back and forth on the spider web, searching in the empty space, and even tore apart every spider thread she spit out for inspection, not letting go of any clues.

She entertains herself triumphantly, she is really a genius, clues are her special words, no one can spit out more clues than her.

It's just that the more you look for it, the more irritable you become. Dead ghost, don't let my old lady find you, or my old lady will squeeze you dry.

In her dream world, Wang Yin finally found the true self, reached the seven-star life-level existence, and the soul is in the present, traveling in the past and future.

In all past and future parallel time and space, his soul is based on this present soul body. He is both unique and trillions, ubiquitous and hard to find.

It turns out that this is the way the life of the seven stars exists. No wonder Zha Jing reminded himself that he must reach the life of the seven stars before he can return to the planet life universe, because only the soul of the life of the seven stars has been imprinted in all past and future time and space, so it will not be absorbed by advanced life. Absorption is useless, and the complete soul cannot be absorbed.

After completing the promotion, Wang Yin's gaze pierced through time and space, and he looked at the planet's life universe for a flash, and disappeared without a trace from Li Yingying's dream world with the clone of the barbarian fly.

In the underground cavity, Li Yingying's eyes were suddenly dull, two lines of clear tears flowed down from the corners of her eyes, her heart was ashamed.

Why, why, why did you leave me, why did you leave this planet, is it my fault, please come back, as long as you want, I will obey you in everything, and I will listen to you.

At this moment, she could truly feel that Wang Yin had disappeared from the underground cavity, and disappeared from the Ant god planet, so he had really left.

Wang Yin could feel Li Yingying's emotions, after all, he was in Li Yingying's dream world, but what could be done, he couldn't stop his evolution for a woman.

Oh Yingying, poor Yingying, don't cry, be good, I will come back and take you away when I am strong enough.

In an unknown galaxy in the universe of planetary life, Papa Bluestar is taking many beautiful female planets to swim happily in the galaxy. Among them, the most cheering person is the huge beautiful flower that Papa Bluestar encountered when he first entered the universe of planetary life planet.

What's wrong with being a planet? If you are a planet, you can't go shopping or date, you can't pick up girls and you can't take the harem? Blue Star's father hums all these things.

There are countless human celestial demons, spirit demons, monsters, spirits, monsters, and ghosts in my father's body, shuttling back and forth on father and father's follower planets to build the latest blue star colony base.

No, there are bases for breeding monsters, spirits, monsters, monsters, ghosts and resentful souls.

When Wang Yin's human body carried the barbarian fly avatar into Xue Bing'er's dream world in Qinglong Mountain, what he saw was such a busy and noisy world of Blue Star Papa.

Although he had already shared all this from the memory of the demon body, he still couldn't help being dumbfounded seeing this scene with his own eyes.

Blue Star's father is carrying bacteria all over his body, invading the universe of life on this planet.

Oh no, it should be said that there is no universe, and no universe is the name of the universe of life on this planet. After understanding these time demon bodies, the name of this universe is a simple no word.

It may be because this is a universe that has no ordinary life and is all made up of planetary life.

The only strange thing that appeared was Lan Xing's father who broke in, covered in flea-like bugs all over his body.

These little bugs still have the wisdom to fly and run, and when they catch a planet, they rush to settle down and buy properties. As a result, many planets now run away when they see Blue Star's father.

Just like people, no one wants to deal with a person who is full of fleas. What to do if fleas run on him, it is very uncomfortable.

However, not all planets reject Dad, so Dad is surrounded by a group of female planets captured by him.

With the explosion of information in human society, the technology of picking up girls is not covered. As the great helm of all human beings, such as heavenly demons, spirit monsters, goblins, monsters, and ghosts, he naturally understands all the picking up technologies created by these beings. Very thorough.

It is basically easy to coax these female planets that have never been coaxed before.

Then I was happy to follow Lan Xing's father and break into the human monsters, ghosts, monsters and ghosts without the universe.

Now their alliance plan is that one group and one planet, even the smallest small human monster company, may have an independent planet of its own company. Land giants like Dragon Kingdom are directly the masters of many giant planets .

However, the way of living still adopts the way of mixed living with Blue Star's father before.

It was originally proposed that each faction lives on its own planet, or that one race lives on one planet, but they were all overthrown.

Because of a single force and a single race, living alone on your own planet is not conducive to evolution, and it may also be divided by hostile forces, causing division and war.

How good it is for monsters of all races to mix, you have me in me and you in me, and it can also drive the power and economy of the management side. Everyone is a family, and together they help Dad conquer billions of beautiful stars in the infinite universe, perfect.

There are so many planets in the entire non-universe, all of which belong to our father, belong to our father, and belong to humans, monsters, monsters and ghosts in our fathers.

Well, Wang Yin was convinced. He thought it would be nonsense for him to create the evolution of the whole people in the parallel blue star, pull out the magic star path, and let human beings fight monsters all over the universe.

I didn't expect that there would be more nonsense on the side of the demon body, so I simply catalyzed the emergence of the spiritual wisdom of Blue Star's father, came to the universe without planetary life, and developed the base for colonizing demons, demons, ghosts and spirits, and so on, together with my father The star evolution.

Yes, the demon body is not in Qinglong Mountain, and is crawling on a huge female planet, carrying out the great cause of devouring stars.

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