The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 114: Demon Fly Clues

Unexpectedly, the Ruyi Jue can be used in this way, in the distant starry sky with divine consciousness.

The huge monster body like a planet is vigorously driving a beautiful and rich planet.

The demon king's dedicated Gatling roared and roared, and the huge innate essence fluid harvested made Wang Yin's mouth water.

Hearing is worse than seeing, his demon body is indeed better than the real body, there is really nothing to stump him.

However, how much innate essence liquid does a planet have, Wang Yin's body is so greedy that it is about to move.

Now he is a seven-star life, devouring ordinary innate primordial liquid, not only the quantity is small but also the effect is very poor, it is really better to devour the life of these planets.

In the main hall of Qinglong Mountain, Wang Yin's body flashed out from Xue Bing'er's dream world, shook her body, and hula-la restored her human height. Although the Ant God Star is many times larger than the Blue Star, the Ant God Continent is a typical microcosm. living world.

If Wang Yin does not return to his original size, for the humans, monsters and other beings on the demon body blue star, he can only be seen with spiritual consciousness, or can be seen with a high-powered microscope.

Mother Fly and Empress Qinglong were taken aback when they saw Wang Yin suddenly appearing in the hall.

It was the female fly who was the first to react, and jumped into Wang Yin's arms happily, giggling and calling out repeatedly.

"Have you come back, Your Majesty? You are finally back, Your Majesty."

Next is Empress Qinglong. Apart from the female fly, the one who is most familiar with Wang Yin's human body is Empress Qinglong.

The female fly is the highest elder who witnessed Wang Yin's growth. Once Wang Yin walked out of the cave in a demon body, she relied on her innate keen sense of smell to smell the familiar strong spirit smell on the body of Wang Yin's human body at the bottom of the cave. Unconsciously, actively maintained Wang Yin's human corpse at that time, preventing it from being damaged by snakes and insects.

As for Empress Qinglong, she is the demon spirit of Qinglong Mountain. Wang Yin's human body has been on her body for so many years, so of course he knows that it is his king.

The other monsters, human beings, Xue Bing'er, Xue Qingcheng, Yangmei, Yu Haohao, Dolphin Aiai, Snake Queen and other monsters finally realized that this is their Qinglong Mountain King's body back.

They accept this kind of situation very quickly. After all, they are all star monsters, and they have all heard of condensing clones.

Embracing the delicate and boneless body of the female fly, Wang Yin's human body was surging with energy and blood. It was the first time he used a human body to embrace the incarnate body of the female fly, and the feeling was different.

Not to be outdone, Empress Qinglong, Yu Haohao and Xue Bing'er threw themselves into her arms one after another.

Wang Yin had no choice but to release the wild fly avatar and use the true blood avatar from the True Blood Indestructible Sutra to barely control the scene.

Looking at the Yichen Yixi in her arms, the charming and infinite mother fly, Wang Yin always feels a little sorry for her. This is the woman who has been with him for the longest time and is also the most devoted and loyal woman to him, but because of his memory loss, she ignores her. Affected her status, and called the mother god to another female fly.

There is a feeling in the dark, he always feels that whether it is the mother fly or the mother god, they are all lives that are very important to his future evolution, and they are noble people whose fate has arranged for him.

It is a great life that can help him achieve breaking the universe at a critical point in the future.

Holding the pretty face of the female fly with both hands, she declared solemnly under the puzzled eyes of the female fly.

"From today onwards, you are the queen mother of all monsters of the direct line in Qinglong Mountain, and the queen mother is your name! When all the heavens are destroyed, the queen mother is immortal."

The female fly's spirit trembled, and the thunderbolt roared in the demon soul. A huge, epoch-making lightning appeared from nothingness, rumbled and struck her demon soul, and turned into a solemn and solemn image of the female fly. From today onwards, she has a name, her The name is the Queen Mother.

She is the queen mother of all the monsters in the heavens, and is the imperial edict of the highest destiny in the dark. When the heavens destroy the queen mother, they will not die.

All the monsters, ghosts, humans, and Empress Qinglong who felt the trembling spirit and the breath of fate were full of envy. They all tidied up their postures and solemnly prostrated themselves under the hall, worshiping and congratulating the female fly.

"Having seen the queen mother, the queen mother's lifespan is longer than the sky, and the heavens will perish, but the queen mother will not die."

The sound of the mountain's call came out of the hall, and all the monsters, spirits, monsters, and ghosts of Qinglong Mountain followed and prostrated on the ground to worship.

"Having seen the queen mother, the queen mother's lifespan is longer than the sky, and the heavens will perish, but the queen mother will not die."

"Having seen the queen mother, the queen mother's lifespan is longer than the sky, and the heavens will perish, but the queen mother will not die."

The sound waves spread from Qinglong Mountain in circles, to Julong Continent, to Hei Bu Liu Liu Continent, to Bird God Continent, to the five oceans, to the entire Blue Star, to all the demon colonies and human colonies , colonize demon land, colonize ghost land, colonize ghost land planet.

All human beings, monsters, spirits, monsters, and ghosts crawled on the ground under this vast trend of heaven.

"Having seen the queen mother, the queen mother's lifespan is longer than the sky, and the heavens will perish, but the queen mother will not die."

"Having seen the queen mother, the queen mother's lifespan is longer than the sky, and the heavens will perish, but the queen mother will not die."

"Having seen the queen mother, the queen mother's lifespan is longer than the sky, and the heavens will perish, but the queen mother will not die."

This general trend of heaven came so suddenly and fiercely, it suddenly hit the depths of Wang Yin's soul, and four huge beams of light that supported the sky and grounded burst out from the Dream Soul Realm, and a few big dreams that pierced the sky and the earth flashed on the beams Bible information, hanging on it.

"Congratulations to the host for finding the way to evolve the true self. The Red Dust Dreamfly, the Primordial Bloodfly, the Demonic Desire Fly, and the Holy Blood Holy Fly are the fundamental assistance for the host to break through the inner universe and achieve the breakthrough of the universe. The powerful arm of the host is the limbs of the super life after the host has achieved the breaking of the universe, the queen of the dream fly, the mother of the blood fly is equal to the host's arms, congratulations to the host for finding it."

"The most urgent task for the host now is to quickly obtain the Heavenly Demon Desire Fly, the Holy Blood Holy Fly. The reason why this scripture integrates the prehistoric feats and yin and yang combat achievements into the host's soul and flesh is to let the host not waste time on cultivation and find the host's limbs as soon as possible. , to prevent the host’s limbs from being taken away by others.”

"Friendly reminder: The Heavenly Demon Fly is now in the Heavenly Demon Realm."

It's hard to describe Wang Yin's vomiting blood mood now, tongue-tied, panic-stricken, stunned, and speechless.

Seeing the four pillars of light suddenly erupting in Dream Soul Realm and the huge banners hanging all over the sky, Wang Yin's human body, demon body, barbarian fly body, and all the true blood avatars all unified their thinking and spewed out a sentence.

"He has a stupid saying, I don't know whether to say it or not. If he is not allowed to say it, then he will go back to the countryside to plant grass and raise a group of grass mud horses to sell, okay?"

What did he see? He saw Zha Jing actually telling him with a beam of light piercing through the sky and the earth, what kind of dreamfly is the queen mother and the mother god, and the ancestor bloodfly.

The ones who vomited the most blood were the queen mother and the mother god, who turned out to be his future limbs, his future arms.

Ever since he knew that the universe was a super life and he was just one of the cells trying to evolve, he had never been so speechless now.

Zha Jing seemed to be afraid that he would not be able to see it, so he made it clear on purpose to let him know that after breaking through the inner universe and achieving the super life of Poyu, the identities of the mother queen and mother god were his arms at that time.

What did he do before and now? Damn, he’s just swapping his left hand for his right hand, taking turns playing that... buzzing... nasty airplane game.

He vomited a hundred liters of blood, but he couldn't release the depression in his heart at the moment, so he just said, how can he have such a great charm, so that the queen mother and the mother god are so enamored and loyal to him.

It turned out that these were his hands, which meant that he hadn't found a wife yet, so he could only use his hands.

Well, there are those heavenly demon desire flies, holy blood holy flies, aren't they just his feet.

Is he laughing at him for not being able to find a wife, his addiction is so great that he can't stop it with his hands, and he has to use his feet to solve it.

Zha Jing, I won’t beat you when you come out, you can tell me how to use your feet, and you can show me how to use them.

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