The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 115: Galaxy-Level Planetary Life

Heavenly Demon Desire Fly, Holy Blood Holy Fly.

This is the direction he needs to move forward in the next step. Wang Yin has completely understood the meaning of Zha Jing.

It is to collect all these Fly bloodlines first, because these bloodlines are equivalent to his limbs, and he feels that he must have been Flyblood in his previous life, so all the Flybloods he encountered in this life are Flyblood.

Looking at the changes in the Great Dream Scripture in the Dream Soul Realm, it turns out that after being promoted to the seven-star life, it has changed a lot. Even the numbers have become common Chinese characters. , as long as the main body reaches the seven stars, the avatar does not need to be reborn.

There is also a progress reminder: Red Dust Dreamfly, Primordial Bloodfly, Sky Demon Fly, Holy Blood Fly.

Dream Bible

Host: Wang Yin (The soul is bound by foreigners and cannot be seized. If you take it by force, you will destroy the soul. Therefore, when the host is weak, please protect yourself).

Realm: Dreaming out of the world of mortals (cultivation is perfect and free).

Skills: Great and Desolate Fighting Kung Fu, Yin and Yang Hundred Fighting Kung Fu, Green and Green Kung Fu, Big and Small Ruyi Jue, True Blood Indestructible Sutra, Dreamlike and Illusory Time and Space Jue (thousands of hammers, overflowing from the realm).

Combat power: Seven stars (one-star destroys thousands of kilometers of stars, two-star destroys thousands of kilometers of stars...the strength of the galaxy-level host has not yet arrived, and it will not be opened later).

Life level: seven stars.

Dreamfly Combat Strength: Seven Stars, Synchronized Spiritual Consciousness.

Life level: seven stars.

Blood fly combat power: seven stars, synchronous consciousness.

Life level: seven stars.

Consciousness: seven stars (you can enter the dream soul of the seven-star life, after the nine-star life is the galaxy level...the host's strength has not yet arrived, and it will not be opened later).

Dream Slave: Good 158, Evil 270 (The host can help the subject to break the dream and soul realm of his body, and the subject can practice on his own. From then on, he will be a good slave, and if he is rebellious, he will be an evil slave. Like yin and yang, good and evil are round, and black and white are inward. Yu Genji).

Nunu: 98 billion (Congratulations to the host for creating a precedent and adding the option of slaves, Nunu is open and continued for Mengnu, collectively referred to regardless of how many generations).

Offspring: 590 billion (Congratulations to the host for pioneering the Great Dream Heart Sutra, creating countless offspring, the world of mortals can control the offspring, and the host can develop independently).

Inner Astral: None

Inner Universe: None

Breaking the Universe: None

Evolution progress: The Red Dust Dreamfly is perfect, the Ancestor Bloodfly is perfect, the Heavenly Demon Desire Fly is waiting, and the Holy Blood Saint Fly is waiting.

The final warning: The Great Dream Heart Sutra Breaks the Cosmic Boundary Great Free Retention Cultivation Technique, and all information hosts must not be leaked, leaking will lead to the destruction of the soul.

Wang Yin laughed straight after reading the Bible information, not bad, not bad, he is one step closer to his great cause of dominating the heavens.

The body of the demon suddenly sent a sense of comfort to the soul to share the senses. Is this the harvest of the innate essence liquid of the super planet? The innate essence liquid of these beautiful planets is indeed rich, and harvesting once is cheaper than the innate essence liquid of ordinary life in all blue stars. many.

Looking at the queen mother fly beside her, Wang Yin suddenly lost interest. Anyone who knew that the queen mother and mother god who had transformed into a great beauty would be depressed and depressed.

The mother fly mother seemed to feel Wang Yin's sullenness, thinking that she had done something wrong, panicking and restlessly crawled beside Wang Yin to massage his chest, forgetting to call the demons in the hall below to get up.

It was Wang Yin who summoned him on his behalf: "Everyone, get up, and continue doing what you should do in the future. Don't be so cautious, or you will scare your queen mother."

The response from the mountains and tsunami outside came: "Yes, I will abide by the king's decree."

Seeing all the demons dispersed, Wang Yin took the Manfly avatar and flashed to the side of Blue Star's father, standing on an unknown huge planet.

I feel that in this universe, the ability on the blue star is the real seven-star life ability, the golden fairy level ability.

In this universe and the blue planet, he felt that the seven-star life could move mountains and seas, destroy hundreds of ordinary planets with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers, and even destroy half of a small galaxy.

Why on Ant God, he didn't have this feeling of moving mountains and seas, but destroying the world, is there any secret on Ant God?

No, when he entered the Ant God Empire without shrinking his body, he was still the size of his original body standing above the Ant God Star, that is, on the sky of the giant egg star he thought. He did not have the feeling of being weak and weak. land.

Thinking back to the details in his mind, the green light on the surface of the dome star really feels indestructible.

Sure enough, it wasn't his strength that was the problem, it was the Ant God Star that the Ant God Empire called it, and there must be some reason that he didn't know.

Or is it because of the proportion of the body, because the shrinkage is too small, so the strength also shrinks and becomes weak, and then after the body recovers and expands, does the strength recover and expand?

Why didn't the realm change? After the Blood Fly Clan in the microcosm broke through the seven-star life, he came to the macrocosm, and his strength was still the same as that of the seven stars in the macrocosm. That's why he was able to dodge in the macrocosm and travel thousands of miles.

He rubbed his chin, but he was still the weakest in the microcosm. Even if he cultivated to seven stars, he in the microcosm could not compete with him in the macrocosm.

When the seven-star beings on the Ant God Continent, such as the Blood Fly Patriarch and Blood Fly Queen, or Li Yingying and Wang Yin are the same size as them, their strength is very consistent.

The Queen Bee and the Queen Bee are eight-star beings. In the microcosm, he will definitely not be able to defeat them. But if it is him in the macrocosm, he may be able to crush the Queen Bee in the microcosm with just one kick, because even if he is in the macrocosm, he can't defeat the Queen Bee in the macrocosm. If the dome star explodes, at least it can make a big hole.

And such a big hole, to the Ant God Continent in the microcosmic world, is a natural disaster hole, a mythical hole that stomped on the Ant God Star's billion-mile continent, let alone the queen bee, even the queen could not bear it.

It's like his height in the macrocosm, lying down on the dome star, if he only has the speed of three-star strength when saving Blood Peach Village in the microcosm, with the body of a savage fly in the microcosm, I'm afraid it would be impossible to fly from feet to head It takes a long time to fly.

For the life in the microcosm, his body in the macrocosm is simply a continent that cannot be seen at a glance.

The demon body has already collected the innate essence liquid of the beautiful planet, and the beautiful planet reluctantly chased the demon body to Wang Yin's side. Seeing that the demon body shrank into a tiny life that she couldn't see, it was very strange why the demon body had to become such a tiny life.

Isn’t it so big just now? It’s big, it’s big, it’s beautiful, it’s beautiful, it’s big, it’s beautiful, and it’s a good state of life.

Waiting by the side for a long time without seeing the demon body appear, the beautiful planet flew away sullenly, looking for something to play by itself.

Looking at the demon body and the savage body beside him, Wang Yin feels very strange. It looks like three individuals, but in fact they are all himself. All senses are one consciousness, and it seems to be an independent side, which is incredible.

What is a scientific explanation, one network cable shared by multiple computers, one WiFi shared by multiple mobile phones, it is right to think about it, and science can also explain it.

"Ontology, look what it is."

Wang Yin, who was immersed in the self-philosophical explanation, raised his eyes when he heard the call of the demon body.

I saw a pure white, icy and snow-covered giant planet in the starry sky of the endless universe, rumbling towards Blue Star's father, the huge pulling force generated by its mass and speed, and tens of millions of kilometers away, it will kill Blue Star's father. With Wang Yin's surrounding planets, they rushed towards the huge pure white planet.

All the planets were trembling for a while, and a huge shiny black planet behind Dad was even more screaming.

"It's Bingpo Fairy, why did Bingpo Fairy come to our galaxy, get out of the way, Bingpo Fairy will beat Xing when she is in a bad mood, and you will freeze to death if you are beaten by her."

The other planet asked, "Have you ever been beaten?"

The black and shiny giant planet replied: "No, no, I was stuck in her way once, and she breathed out a breath, which made me silent for three thousand years before thawing, so I was deeply impressed by her."

Wang Yin narrowed his eyes, and he could feel that this planet called Bingpo Fairy is a super galaxy life boss.

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