The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 116: Ice Soul Fairy

Tens of millions of kilometers seem very far away, and it was only 380,000 kilometers from the blue star to the moon star.

But for the life in the galaxy, it is just a short distance away. This is because the size of the planet is too large to let go of the life in the galaxy to hurry.

Otherwise, a huge planet that exceeds the blue star by an unknown number of times, and the material damage caused by traveling at a superluminal speed will be a natural disaster for all life in the galaxy along the way.

When the planet around my father was trembling and didn't know what to do, the huge snow-white planet named Bingpo Fairy was already alive and well, and it stopped in front of Wang Yin and Lanxing Dad, the planet and the human monster. .

The destructive hurricane brought about by its huge body's rapid advancement, when it was about to tear apart a thousand planets, actually just gently bypassed a thousand planets like this, and even the monsters and humans on Dad's body were not affected.

This is the strength of life in the galaxy that can lift weights lightly. Without malice, the Ice Soul Fairy can easily control her huge body, and the huge destructive power and energy hurricane generated when she shuttles quickly.

If she wants, she can even appear behind you silently, but most of them will not deliberately hide their movements, nor will they intentionally cause heaven and earth to shatter.

Because none of the super life forms that have evolved to the galaxy level are so superficial. Have you ever seen Da Luo Jinxian deliberately pretend to be aggressive and keep a low profile on purpose?

She has already broken away from the low-level state of relying on acting coercively and acting in a low-key manner. If you don't pretend to be coercive or low-key, you have to support her.

What did this big guy come here for? All the planetary beings, the monsters on Dad, humans, and ghosts panicked and were at a loss.

As a result, the Ice Soul Fairy only sent out a cold and pleasant call to Wang Yin's human body that vibrated the void.

"Human, you come with me."

Wang Yin was dumbfounded, this is to look for him, I don't know you, boss, raised his finger to himself.

"Hi senior, are you talking to me?"

Bingpo Fairy: "Yes, human beings, you come with me."

After talking about the huge planetary body of the Ice Soul Fairy, she turned around and left quickly. It seemed that she really came to find him on purpose.

Wang Yin has no choice but to keep up. Facing this kind of super boss who can cut off your past and future existence, any cleverness is courting death. If the other party has malicious intentions, he can use the gravity of the galaxy to strangle him if he stands outside the galaxy. kill you.

The imprint of time, space and soul of seven-star life is only effective for life below nine stars, and it is useless for existences that have reached the galaxy level and are equivalent to the Da Luo Jinxian level.

Many human monsters, ghost monsters, and ghosts call Niucha directly, the king is the king, and even such beautiful stars come here specifically to find the king.

Wang Yin landed on the huge ice and snow planet in a blink of an eye. You came to find me, so I can always hitch a ride.

Sure enough, the huge ice and snow planet didn't say anything, it just left quickly, faster than when it came, and the blue star father and other planets could not be seen in a flash.

Standing on the huge ice and snow planet, Wang Yin looked around curiously. This is the first time he has come into contact with these planetary bosses.

Spiritual consciousness covers the entire planet. This is a planet at least hundreds of times larger than Blue Star, and the planet is covered with a vast expanse of ice and snow.

He tentatively asked the ice and snow planet: "Senior, we don't know each other, what can you do for me?"

The huge ice and snow planet vibrated the void, and a loud and delicate sound came, using the human language that Wang Yin was familiar with. The big boss really is the big boss, he understands everything, even the language of tiny life like human beings.

"Humans, don't call me senior. I was only born a hundred billion years ago. According to your human calculation, I am about the same age as you. Just call me Bing Po."

Wang Yin staggered and almost sat on the ground. The planetary boss is only a hundred years old, okay? Even if the demon body is not a few hundred years old, you are a boss who has lived for hundreds of billions of years. Would you mind telling him that your age is similar?

I know what the other party is talking about is the ratio of life cycle. For a super planet, 100 billion years is indeed very young, but if you compare it with me, I will feel very old, okay?

However, women don't like others to say that she is old. This Ice Soul Fairy is the most beautiful woman in the planet. If she is old and beaten to death, she can find someone to reason with. Wang Yin can only respond respectfully.

"Okay, then I'll call Senior Fairy. I don't know what the fairy wants from me."

While the two were talking, the Ice Soul Fairy had already arrived at a place. In the dark void where no stars could be seen all around, there was a huge snow-white and crystal-clear planet. In this dark space of the universe, it emitted a soft and cold faint white light.

Stopping her figure, I heard Fairy Bingpo's delicate voice.

"Human beings, I know you. You are an innate soul. I sensed it when you first came to this universe many years ago. It's just that you left quickly. I didn't have time to get to know you. I need your help to find you. "

Wang Yin was secretly shocked, this is a galaxy boss who wanted to take advantage of his innate spirit. Fortunately, he ran fast back then. It turned out that not only the planets with huge flowers discovered him, but even this galaxy boss discovered him. .

Cautiously continued: "Hello Fairy, I am indeed born with a congenital spirit, but my spirit has been imprinted in the past and future in the four directions of time and space rivers, and it has long been impossible to gather them all. It is useless for seniors to take them now."

On the huge snow-white planet of ice and snow, the Ice Soul Fairy laughed out loud.

"You don't need to be nervous. I have developed my mind ten thousand years after I was born. I don't need your soul. Even when you haven't evolved into a seven-star life, absorbing your soul is useless to me."

It’s not that you want his soul, so why do you want him, Wang Yin complained, you are a galaxy-level boss, and I only have a seven-star life, there is nothing I can do to help you, big sister.

Of course, you can't say that. If you can't escape, it's better to be more generous, and patted your chest and said quickly.

"What does the fairy want from me, please feel free to tell me, I will help the fairy if I can."

But in my heart, if I can’t help, I definitely won’t help. At worst, I will leave this universe immediately. I have the means to escape from the dream world, but I can freely travel through time and space from all human beings who know their appearance and name. Confidence to go.

Fairy Bingpo was silent for a while: "Let me introduce myself first. I was not a planet in this universe. I was born in a high-level universe. At that time, my diameter was less than a hundred kilometers according to your human calculation. He has produced divine consciousness and wisdom, and among our planetary family, he is the proud son of heaven that is rarely seen in trillions of years."

"It's just that this talent comes at a price. I don't have the wisdom inherited from my parents. I belong to a natural birth planet. The reason why I can awaken my mind at such a young age is because I was born with a body of ice soul to yin. This body is the cultivation of ice attribute skills. Magical life, or auxiliary holy land for life born with ice attribute."

"Because of my innate icy soul and yin constitution, I have to feel cold and lonely forever. Outsiders may think this is my attribute, but my soul is very afraid of the cold. This kind of suffering from the cold all the year round is like killing you. Human beings are very afraid of the cold, and it is as uncomfortable as living in a freezer for hundreds of millions of years."

Wang Yin's body was cold, shaking his body, you don't need to describe it, he already knew the pain.

Fairy Bingpo continued: "In that world later, a cultivating sect named Bingpo Shenzong discovered that I was hunting me, so I fled into this universe. It took hundreds of billions of years. Although I have grown into the current galaxy life, but The endless icy loneliness will always accompany me."

"I urgently need to get out of this cold loneliness, or sooner or later I will go crazy."

"You are an innate divine soul, a special existence with the strongest breath of life in the heavens and myriad worlds. You can help me plant the seeds of life and change my ice soul physique."

"I didn't expect much when I found you many years ago. The main reason is that our body proportions are too different. Even if you want to, you can't help me. Otherwise, I would have found your clone to contact you."

"It wasn't until a few days ago that I discovered that your avatar can transform into a giant, so I always pay attention to when your main body will come back, because you can help me if you can become huge."

It turned out that this is the case, the Ice Soul Fairy came to the door after discovering that the demon body had performed the Great and Small Ruyi Jue, and sensed the return of his human body.

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