The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 117 Harvesting Galaxy Level

It is not surprising that Ice Soul Fairy can sense the whereabouts of his body and know the human language Wang Yin.

A super life equivalent to the Da Luo Jinxian, if it doesn't even have this level of spiritual consciousness, it's still a fart super life.

He didn't even reach the Seven Stars back then, yet his divine sense could still enter the microscopic world of the Ant God Empire.

But as long as you don't come here to kill him, other requests are easy to discuss. Anyway, I just agreed to it just now, and continued to ask enthusiastically.

"What kind of help does the fairy need? Even if you say you're welcome, I guarantee that the boy will not disappoint the fairy."

Fairy Bingpo buzzed and vibrated for a while, feeling a little hesitant or embarrassed, Qiqi Ai Ai replied.

"I need your life information to activate the planet's reproductive instinct, create all living beings in the world, and change my innate ice soul physique. Just like the living beings on your Blue Star father, I also want to have living beings appear on my body to change the environment of the world."

"This matter is not difficult for you. Your demon body and other planets have already done it, but what I need is your body to do it yourself. Only the life information of your body is the purest innate life information of the soul."

"Only in this way can I thaw the icy soul that is tens of thousands of degrees below zero in my body, and let sentient beings emerge."

What is it that I want to communicate with her, grow bigger like a clone, deal with her like those planets, transmit my life breath to her, and make me hate the planet, you think highly of me too much.

What are these things? Wang Yin said that he is really not interested in the ice and snow, rocks and mud tens of thousands of degrees below zero. What the demon body likes to do does not mean that he likes to do it. His body is not as fierce as the demon body. It's easy to swallow.

Cautiously replied: "Fairy, can you replace it with my demon body, the demon body is the same, it is also my life pheromone."

Bingpo Fairy refused indifferently: "No, I have already thoroughly understood you. Your demon body is a kind of blowfly microorganism on your blue star, and the life information produced is only the life information of blowflies, not your advanced human beings. Life information, I don't want the life in my world to be blowflies."

After speaking, as if afraid of scaring Wang Yin away, he said softly: "Don't worry, maybe I am not a human woman in your aesthetic view, but you are not a good-looking hero in my aesthetic view. We are all for evolution and survival. The congenital primordial liquid of ice soul attribute in my world is more mellow and thicker than you imagined."

"You evolved by devouring the innate essence liquid. My galaxy-level innate essence liquid is of great benefit to you. I don't believe you won't be tempted."

How can I say this, people even know that he evolves by devouring Xiantian Yuanye, and they clearly say that Wang Yin is not a good-looking star in their aesthetics, so they simply put a galaxy boss Xiantian Yuanye on him In front of him, this is Chi Guoguo's overt conspiracy, and he is not afraid that he will not be fooled.

But do you think that this king will experience aesthetic pain just like you? You think this king is too simple. This kind of thing will always only be happy for him, and there is no existence that can make it difficult for him.

Do you really think that Xiao Wang next door is so easy to do, and the scumbag is so easy to do, Wang Yin laughed inwardly.

The galaxy-level innate liquid is still the kind that has never been swallowed. This is for him to eat it in one bite and become a big fat man.

The sea of ​​consciousness communicated with the blue star demon body, and in an instant, the demon body brought his father's planetary androgen to his body dream soul world, fused into Wang Yin's body genes.

Looking up again, I saw that in the consciousness, the huge snow-white icy and snow planet in front of me had turned into an iceberg beauty with a pure white and misty veil, a peerless beauty, and a bewitching beauty.

Under the icy face of tens of thousands of degrees below zero, there is a fiery planet world with a fiery heart.

This king is about to develop this desolate planet with tens of thousands of degrees below zero, where life is extinct, to fill it with vitality, to achieve an epic creation of the world, and to be the legendary father of this world.

In the excitement, Ruyijue, big and small, moved as he wished, shaking and rumbling, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, he has become a starry sky giant who breaks through the universe starry sky and is as huge as Bingpo Fairy.

Wang Yin, who became a giant in the starry sky, looked at the cold and beautiful Ice Soul Fairy, this is a galaxy-level boss.

It is the unattainable galaxy goddess in the hearts of countless hot-blooded planets in the universe. He did not expect that he would be able to harvest the innate essence liquid of this galaxy goddess so soon.

Can't wait, pretending to have no hesitation, said: "The fairy, let's start, I promise you, in order to help the fairy get rid of the loneliness and cold for hundreds of millions of years, this aesthetic inconsistency is nothing, the boy can bear it."

The Bing Po Fairy looked at Wang Yin who had transformed into a giant who was almost as big as her, and was very moved when she heard Wang Yin's words of willingness to help her regardless of aesthetics.

She was once overwhelmed by divine consciousness and broke into Lan Xing of this universe. When she investigated and understood Wang Yin's root cause, she knew Lan Xing's human aesthetics. A monster who looks like a human, and rarely likes a monster of a different kind.

Especially the frozen mud and stones are hellish pains for human beings.

The huge ice and snow planet actively leaned against the giant Wang Yin. The two giant mountains, which are like two strings of blue stars, formed a huge mountain range. They rose from the ground of the huge ice and snow planet, caressing Wang Yin like an arm cheek.

Covering the entire surface of the huge ice and snow planet, like a pure white veil, the ice and snow clouds with an unknown thickness parted quietly.

Under the clouds is an endless and huge glacial plain. On the plain is a huge, bottomless super crack with more than a dozen blue stars. This crack goes straight to the core of the planet. Hard-to-melt glaciers.

Wang Yin swallowed her saliva, and it was also as huge as a dozen blue stars, and the huge Gatling barrel, which was unknown how many miles long, rushed into it with endless violent hurricanes.

The endless high-temperature refined uranium bombs that exceeded the core temperature of the sun exploded from it, smashing the countless icebergs in the super crack next to each other.

Slowly, on the endless plain of the ice and snow planet, in the depths of an unknown super-glacial fissure, a fiery red magma finally appeared.

The fiery red magma rolled like a snowball and got bigger and bigger, igniting the entire inner core of the ice soul planet. The endless high-temperature fiery red hot magma Tianhe erupted, rumbling out from more than a dozen huge glacier canyons like blue stars.

Inside the gushing hot flaming magma, endless incandescent vitality sizzled, and the hot flaming magma was poured in reverse, water and fire mingled with yin and yang, giving rise to many special breaths of life that had never been seen before.

Some weak glaciers on the plain and the continents began to melt, exposing the fertile land of the undeveloped planet for hundreds of billions of years. The incandescent vitality surged, and the breath of life that had never been seen cheerfully took root on it, and the green vitality began to spread throughout the glacier world.

I don't know how long it has passed, these lives began to take root and sprout, nourished by the water vapor after the melting of endless glaciers, and flourished under the incubation of magma volcanoes instead of big suns. On the snow-white giant glacier planet, from the initial endless glacial plains, it finally became green. Full of fragrance of life.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the plain is full of strange things, and huge green forests are densely covered.

Some never-before-seen, beautiful and ethereal creatures with wings on their backs, like ice and snow elves appeared in the forest. They built countless huge forest temples to worship the supreme god who created them.

Since then, the snow-white giant ice planet has escaped from the loneliness and bitter cold, and the creation of the world has been successful.

In the dark and empty space of the universe, Wang Yin watched the evolution of life on the huge snow-white planet, and asked curiously: "I didn't expect that the galaxy level can already control the flow of time in my own world, and the evolution of tens of thousands of years is completed in front of my eyes. It feels very strange, has this king become their supreme god?"

Bing Po Fairy smiled subtly: "Yes, I am the Mother Earth under their feet, and you are their Father God of Life"

Examining his own body, Wang Yin was full of ambition. Sure enough, harvesting the innate essence liquid of high-level life is the kingly way. In just a short while, he has been promoted to an eight-star life. In the low-level universe, he is already a king.

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