The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 125: Towards The Heavenly Demon

"You don't know where the Heavenly Demon Realm is, have you never heard of it?"

The ant red fox is lazily leaning on the throne in the palace, the appearance of an ordinary woman no longer exists, replaced by a majestic and beautiful body with infinite charm.

Wang Yin knew that this kind of old bastard, the appearance he showed was unbelievable. The God Empress of the Ant God Empire, who had stepped into the life gate of the galaxy, how could her appearance be so ordinary.

Even a one-star monster can adjust his appearance, let alone a galaxy boss.

Si Siran sat on the guest throne in the main hall, and Ant Fairy next to him smiled sweetly and innocently, peeling fruits that looked like huge blue star grapes and stuffing them into Wang Yin's mouth.

This fool is cool, until now she has not seen the difference between her tough brother and her beloved grandma.

"Yes, even the term Tianmojie, this is the first time I've heard it from fellow daoists."

"However, Fellow Daoist Blood Silver can head towards Zhangwangxing. After passing by Zhangwangxing, I don't know how far away. I heard that it is the country where the gods live. You should be able to find out information about the Heavenly Demon Realm there."

"Okay, thank the Queen of God for your guidance, that blood silver will leave first."

"Is this going to go?"

Ant Red Fox sat up straight and waved his hand, Yi Xian'er immediately passed out and disappeared into the hall.

This woman really knows how to pretend, she looks businesslike in front of Yi Xianer, and she is called Blood Silver Daoist, but now she knocks Yi Xianer unconscious in a blink of an eye, and sends her back to the back room.

So the world is as dark as crows, and women don't need men to be much better, especially the more beautiful women are, the more they will deceive people. I hope that this complicated stage of Xian'er will come later.

He complained in his heart but stood up and walked towards the red fox, the queen ant. He knew what the greedy queen ant was aiming for.

Sure enough, Ant Red Fox saw him walking over on his own initiative, with a childlike look on his pretty face, and led Wang Yin to the couch in the main hall, with a smile on his lips: "You promised to leave a bloodline descendant, so you can't go back on your word."

Wang Yin spread his hands helplessly: "I promised the Queen of God that Blood Silver will never forget, but the Queen of God also knows that Blood Silver is not the blood of the ant tribe, but was born from the blood of the bloodfly tribe. The biological genetic isolation is exclusive, and I am afraid it will be difficult to succeed."

The ant red fox is also helpless about this problem. It is useless to worry about it. I only hope that she is now a galaxy life, can change the reproductive function, and accept other genes to integrate.

Otherwise, seeing a bloodfly family, the ancestor's bloodline is in front of her eyes, and it would be a lie to say that she is not excited, she responds with a soft snort, and concentrates on deducing how to change the genetic structure in order to get the ancestor's bloodline descendants.

Wang Yin was helpless about the ant queen's obsession, and asked boringly: "I heard that you are a million feet tall, how did you see this image."

The ant red fox chuckled: "This image evolved from the inspiration from your first life body to contact you. Don't you really want to see this empress body? This empress body is very gentle."

Wang Yin is really curious: "Let's take a look first, to be honest, I'm really curious about your body."

"Really, don't regret it."

"No, I've never seen blood silver before."

As soon as the words were finished, a huge hidden space appeared in front of Wang Yin in front of Wang Yin. Although it was not as huge as the lake of the Ant Egg Dragon Kingdom before, and there were hundreds of kilometers of space, it was the ant red fox who brought Wang Yin to her body position. .

In the huge space, a white, tender, fat and fat female insect lay lying in the huge space. At this time, she was looking up at Wang Yin. The bloody mouth with a diameter of one kilometer was emitting a shock unique to ant red foxes. Bone erosion panting sound.

"Smelly boy, are you satisfied? Do you really want to communicate with my main body? My main body is born with a lot of yin essence."

Wang Yin shook his hands quickly: "No, no, let's go back to the main hall, Queen of God. Your body is too big, and your blood and silver are not worthy of you. I am ashamed."

Disappointed in my heart, I thought it was really a hundred billion feet high, but it turned out to be ten thousand feet high, but the ten thousand feet high is also very powerful. Converted to a blue star size, it is a giant insect that is tens of kilometers high. It can scare ordinary blue star people to death when they are not cultivating demons .

After opening the space channel again, the two returned to the high couch in the main hall, and Ant Red Fox pinched him severely.

"Why, do you dislike my real body?"

Wang Yin is envious of the ant red fox, the galaxy ability that can open the space channel, and it is rare to be serious: "I really don't dislike it. On the contrary, I think your body is very beautiful and cute, white and fat, but the proportion of the body is really too big. Blood silver Can't."

In fact, it can also be devoured. He who has fused the ant race gene hormone does not reject the ant red fox body aesthetically, but that will expose the size of the wishful decision.

"Does the Queen of God think that blood is duplicity? I am not afraid to tell the Queen that my first life is a fly clan from another planet. When I started to evolve, I used the swallowing evolution technique, so in fact, the swallowing evolution technique came from my first life. It came, not from the ancestor's blood."

"That's when I started to evolve. I have no choice as a fly. I have a lot of communication with the original Zerg who is the same as your body. How could I dislike you. You are already a powerful Zerg in the galaxy."

Seeing that Wang Yin's previous evolution black history and the origin of the devouring evolution technique were exposed, the ant red fox finally believed in Wang Yin, because she really didn't dislike her Zerg body. Leaning on Wang Yin's body with a bright smile, Wang Yin couldn't take his eyes off of her empress-like appearance.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you dislike it or not. I just care about your attitude. Otherwise, I am a peerless beauty in the ant clan. No matter how many talents of my clan spend their lives, it is difficult to desire to be by my side, haha."

"This blood silver believes that even if we are not of the same race, blood silver can still feel the monstrous charming pheromone emitted by your body."

I don't know how long it took, the two of them sat down in the hall to exchange ideas, and Yi Xian'er returned to Wang Yin's side in a daze, and continued to serve Wang Yin.

The ant red fox sat in a serious position, and said seriously to Wang Yin: "Then the red fox won't keep the blood silver daoist. The daoist has the coordinates of the ant god star, and he will become the heavens in the future. Don't forget about my ant god star."

"For sure, if Bloodsilver achieves something, he will definitely repay Ant God Star. This is Bloodsilver's second hometown after all."

After talking about Ant Fairy's reluctance to leave the Ant God Valley, he knew that the benefits of the old fox, the Queen Ant, were not easy to take advantage of, so he repeatedly told him not to forget the Ant God Star before he left.

This is a huge price to invest in him, for fear that he will wipe it out and refuse to accept it.

But it's normal that no one wants to lose money, not to mention that Ant Red Fox has also caught up with him.

It's just a pity, it's only a little bit, just a little bit short of him being able to enter the galaxy level. In Ant Red Fox's words, she has just entered the galaxy level, and she can only reach this position by assisting him, so now he It's a quasi-galactic class.

After Wang Yin left, the ant red fox came to the hidden underground space, where it was white and tender, with a huge fat body lying in it. Surrounding the body, there were densely packed and neatly arranged, an unknown number of pure termite eggs.

The ant red fox evolved human body twisted and enlarged, turning into a puff of white smoke covering all the termite eggs, in the light smoke filled with blood fly essence, and the ant red fox muttered bitterly to himself.

"The brat harmed the queen and personally went into battle to incubate the offspring. I hope you don't forget the dedication of the queen in the future, otherwise I will find you to settle accounts after breaking through the heavens."

There is no way for this result. She knew that the blood of the ant race was pure, and the blood fly belonged to a different race and could not reproduce. She could only choose to become the human clone that Wang Yin likes. offspring.

This was the only way she could think of to obtain descendants of the ancestor's bloodline.

For these bloodlines, he also sent out the innate essence liquid from countless ants' eggs, and her innate essence liquid. I only hope that the kid really has a conscience and can repay Ant God Star in the future.

Wang Yin knows what Ant Red Fox expects, but now that he hasn't even reached the galaxy level, he definitely can't help Ant God. When he reaches the Inner Space Realm in the future, he will come back to help her incubate the giant sky ant eggs.

In the starry sky, Wang Yin moved forward rapidly, at a quasi-galaxy-level speed, many times faster than the five-star life. In just a few days, he came to a huge and strange planet.

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