The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 126: Time And Space Sequence Of The Heavens

This is Zhang Wangxing, there is no need to deliberately look up Zha Jing, Wang Yin already knows where he is.

According to the Queen Ant's description, there is a huge monster crawling on Zhangwangxing, at least at the peak of an eight-star star, but he only half believes what the Queen Ant said.

This old witch, knowing that his first life is a human being, turned into a human woman to please him, but she pretended to believe what he said on purpose.

It can be seen that his scheming is deep and difficult to guess, and if he believes her words, he may be tricked by her.

On the surface of the planet in front of him, a super monster crawled back and forth covering one percent of the planet's area.

The monster is the huge typical tentacle monster that Lanxing saw. Such an obvious sign is not Zhang Wangxing.

Covered by spiritual consciousness, this planet is also bigger than Blue Star. Since coming to the void of the universe, I always feel that Blue Star's father is so small, and many planets he encounters are all bigger than his father.

Ant god star is hundreds of times bigger than father, and the people living on the extremely huge planet are actually extremely small ant gods, and the possession of resources is simply shameless.

Do you want to go down and have a look? Seeing Zhang Wangxing's tentacle monster, Wang Yin suddenly felt a little timid. This is the sequelae caused by Zhang Miaomiao when he was a demon.

If it doesn't work, then I have to go on, otherwise the scum girl really thinks that the king is afraid of her, but I don't know if this planet is Zhang Miaomiao's home planet, and whether there is a projection of her soul on it.

Wang Yin knew that Zhang Miaomiao must belong to Zhang Wang Xing. In the cosmic distance that Zhang Miaomiao told her at the beginning, only Zhang Wang Xing had an octopus in this position.

I was still influenced by her. When I set off, I seemed to choose a random direction to enter the universe and starry sky. In fact, my subconscious mind has been influenced by the demon body, and I chose the direction of Zhang Miaomiao's hometown.

He still wants to meet her. He doesn't have a tendency to be masochistic.

But she is on the blue star of the demon body, on the Zhangwang planet in the parallel space-time universe, even if you meet her in this space-time universe, you will definitely not know yourself.

As if sensing his thought fluctuations about the direction of the void in the universe, a piece of information inexplicably entered his soul, but it was Zha Jing who sent the latest news from Blue Star.

Looking carefully, it turned out that it was Li Yingying and Hao Juanjuan, Dao Tianyi's Time and Space Management Office of the Heavens, with the cooperation of his true blood avatar, the plan had been completed and started to operate, exploring the heavens.

In the message, they directly classified the blue star as the only central coordinate of the universe of the heavens, and called the universe of the heavens the blue star universe.

Use Z to represent the parallel time-spaces in the blue star heavens, use N to represent the planets in these time-spaces, and S to represent the worlds in these time-spaces.

Plan the blue star heaven Z1 time-space to Z9 time-space Z99+ time-space and countless parallel time-spaces, planets and continents.

These space-time planets or continental worlds are respectively represented by N and S, reflecting countless planets from N1 planet to N+ planet, or countless worlds from S1 world to S+ world.

For example, the Ant God star in the first time and space of Blue Star is reflected in the coordinates: Z1 time and space S16 world N999 planet, simplified code Z1S16N999.

The coordinates of Ant God in the ninth space-time are: Z9 space-time S16 world N999 planet, simplified code Z9S16N999.

To rank the life world in front of the planets is to find the coordinates of the life world, because the number base of the life world is smaller than the planet base.

And why the planet and the world are separated, the main reason is that the planet is not equal to the world. Many planets are barren and lifeless planets, and the civilized world with life, or the life continent that evolves towards civilization, is not necessarily all planets.

If other independent worlds of the heavens are detected, it is sufficient to mark the name of the heavens after the first contacted time and space.

If the first contact is the first time and space, the label is Z1 plus the name of the heavens, and the ninth time and space is Z9 followed by the name of the heavens.

For example, if in the first time and space, an independent universe called flowers is found, the label is Z1 flowers, why don't you send flowers?

After detecting the universe and world of the heavens clearly, mark the position of the heavens that you contacted for the first time as the center of the heavens, and then all the planets and worlds of the heavens will follow the blue star space-time N planet and S world mode, Make a coordinate label.

I didn't know if I didn't see it, I was shocked when I saw it. The list of heavenly sequences planned by Li Yingying, Hao Juanjuan, and Dao Tianyi was so magnificent that it is hard to describe.

The Ant God star that just left is the planet N999 in the S16 world in the sequence, that is to say, 15 life worlds have been discovered between the Ant God star and the blue star. How far is it, only about one light-year.

There are so many times and spaces in this universe of heavens, and there are so many planetary worlds in parallel time and space. How many life worlds should there be? What's more frightening is that there are countless independent universes of heavens outside this universe of heavens. Goosebumps appear on Wang Yin's back. Suddenly, a gust of cold air rushed straight to his Tianting acupoint.

Would it be possible for him to break through the inner universe of the heavens and reach the world of breaking the universe?

Even if it is achieved, it will be a battle with those countless independent universes outside this universe. Are those independent universes also independent powerful super beings?

These do not include all the small worlds of different spaces in their own world that were created by literature, culture, film and television in the big world of civilization.

The heavens are vast and terrifying.


Like a meteor falling on Zhang Wang, the giant octopus covering 1% of the entire planet just turned to the other side, and Wang Yin was not seen landing.

This giant octopus probably has a brain hole. Why did you evolve to be so huge? Do you stay so huge without leaving the planet and drink air on the surface of the planet?

It may be true, if there are not enough resources on the planet, and they dare not leave their lair, they can only choose the way of great evolution and try to absorb the energy of the universe.

Or, like the Ant Protoss, they can evolve to the microcosm and enter the microcosm world, but that is not easy. They also have accumulated microcosmic knowledge after years of civilization.

Ordinary casual cultivators do not have this cultural background, so they cannot enter the microcosm.

This is a planet with one-third ocean and two-thirds land. Whether on land or in the ocean, there are aquatic activities everywhere, and no land-based creatures are seen.

You read that right, even on land there are all kinds of weird aquariums, which have evolved strange legs to run around.

Who said that the aquarium can't live on land? Isn't Zhang Wangxing like him?

Checking the information of the Tiantian Time and Space Management Office, Li Yingying, Hao Juanjuan, and Daotian's first-class detection work have not yet reached this range, and the label of Zhang Wangxing has not yet come out.

In other words, the distance between Wang Xing and Blue Star in this chapter is farther than that introduced by Zhang Miaomiao at the beginning. Isn't it really Zhang Miaomiao's home planet?

While thinking about it, a strange big fish with two legs, with a blister on its head, was chasing a fat water bug.

Coming to the two-legged fish holding the water bug, Wang Yin tried to say hello in the common language of divine consciousness: "Hi, hello, are you a fish or a fish demon?"

The two-legged fish stopped and said, "Cuckoo, cluck, cluck."

Wang Yin(#Д): "I don't understand what you said."

The strange fish continued: "Cuckoo, cluck cluck."

This strange fish doesn't know consciousness, and it doesn't understand the language. Wang Yin urgently simulated the brain wave frequency of the two-legged fish, and asked again.

"Hello, what is this place, what did you say just now?"

Two-legged fish: "Go away, where did the two-legged monster come from?"

"Chicking, it's delaying my fish to catch bugs."

Well, this is an impolite fish. Wang Yin expressed his anger and kicked it into the water. You are a guy in the water, why don’t you stay in the water and run to land to be arrogant.

Moving on, I saw a huge water bubble floating towards me. A very cute colorful fish was crawling in the water bubble. Such a cute character should be very good, so Wang Yin quickly stopped it.

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