The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 127: Meeting Zhang Miaomiao Again

"Xiaoyu Xiaoyu, may I ask you something?"

Xiaoyu stopped the floating water polo, blinked her beautiful eyes: "Hello monster, we are not Xiaoyu, we are Qiqi, what do you want to ask?"

This answer was finally normal. Wang Yin rolled his eyes at the direction of the two-legged fish that had just disappeared, and suddenly felt that our accent was very familiar, and Zhang Miaomiao just loved us.

"Okay Qiqi, may I ask if this is Zhang Wang Xing? I came from another planet, and I want to find a friend named Zhang Miaomiao. I'm not familiar with the route when I first arrived here. Can you tell me how to find it?"

Qiqi replied solemnly: "You are still an alien monster. Alien monsters are not a problem, but many problems. First, this place is not called Zhangwangxing. Our planet is Mercury. A few years ago, our planet was full of waters, without land."

"Second question, you are in Rainbow Beach on Mercury now. For the third question, your friend Zhang Miaomiao should be from the Zhang Wang family. You can ask the Zhang Wang family."

After finishing speaking, the colorful little fish left gracefully without taking any muddy water. Wang Yin took a sip and it was not a Zhangwangxing. The Zhangwang family appeared, why not Zhangwangxing? Even a small fish wanted to fool me.

You stupid fish, do you refuse to admit that you are ruled by octopuses? The outside world positions this place as Zhang Wang, but you say it is Mercury. .

By the way, isn't this king able to inquire with his spiritual sense? Why do you ask these stupid fish? Well, the main method is to directly inquire about the consciousness with the divine sense, and there is no ritual sense of asking the way.

But he doesn't blame these local fish, these local fish have never been to the outside world, and he doesn't know that the outside world calls Zhang Wangxing normal.

Flying towards the middle of the ocean, since it is the Zhang Wang family, there must be the most in the ocean, the ocean is the home of the octopus.

Two minutes later, under the sea level, a huge octopus was uncertain, and asked Wang Yin loudly: "What, who did you say you were looking for?"

Wang Yin replied loudly: "Zhang Miaomiao, I'm looking for Zhang Miaomiao, do you know octopus?"

The giant octopus trembled, and its eight tentacles swayed quickly and replied, "I don't know you, don't ask me, I'm leaving Goodbye first."

After he finished speaking, he made a sound and disappeared like a ghost. Wang Yin was dumbfounded what was going on, he didn't need to run if he didn't know you, and this king didn't want to eat you.

The tenth giant octopus on the bottom of the sea: "Say, what kind of fish are Zhang... Zhang... Zhang?"

Wang Yin replied loudly: "It's not an octopus or any fish, it's Zhang Miaomiao, Zhang from the royal family, three Miao from the water."

The tenth giant octopus on the bottom of the sea trembled again, and its eight tentacles shook neatly and replied: "We didn't hear you, we didn't hear you, don't ask us if we don't know you, sand oil la la, good-bye Gudenong, don't tell me!" Thank you for seeing me."

Fuck, Wang Yin is now sure, it's not that these octopuses don't know Zhang Miaomiao, it's too fucking familiar, and when they realize the name, they quickly say that they don't know each other and run away.

At this moment, a huge rock like a hill swayed, revealing a turtle head covered with weird spikes, whispering to Wang Yin.

"The monster Zhang Miaomiao you are asking about is the king of their Zhang family. You frighten them by calling their king's name directly. Who would dare to talk to you? They wish they hadn't seen you idiot."

What the hell is Wang Yin shrinking her neck, Zhang Miaomiao is their king, is this woman so awesome, why was she so arrogant and was thrown to Blue Star, where she stayed for so many years.

Well, it’s really possible. After all, it’s Zhang Miaomiao from another time and space. After being dumped to Blue Star in the Dharma-ending Era, he can even reach the peak of the eighth rank of the world of mortals. Why can’t this local Zhang Miaomiao become King Zhang.

Sure enough, people who are awesome are awesome everywhere.

Suddenly, black clouds covered the sky and covered the sky, and the tortoise covered with weird spikes swished its head, then retracted into its body disguised as a rock: "Monster, don't say that I talked to you."

At the same time, there was a radio-like hissing sound everywhere in the sky: "Human, I heard that you are looking for us."

Wang Yin looked up at the sky stiffly, but there were no dark clouds, but a huge octopus covering the sky and the sun, crawling on top of him.

Because the body is too huge, the eight tentacles don't need consciousness, and they can't see where they are with the naked eye, so the octopus body seen is like a dark cloud.

This is a huge octopus that has entered the life of the galaxy, otherwise, who can tell him why he, a quasi-galactic life at the peak of nine stars, why he is so big and quietly came to him, he doesn't even know.

It can only show that his strength is much higher than him, he is a quasi-galaxy, and being too much higher than him is not a galaxy.

Sure enough, what the old witch Ant Red Fox said, I really can't believe it, I'm still at the top of the eight-star are a master at the top of the eight-star.

If the king hadn't been cautious enough to enter Zhangwang Xing quietly, he would have been discovered by this big octopus long ago.

But now it has been discovered. If you are not strong enough, it is useless to be cautious. It is difficult for you to find someone, but they will find you when they say they are looking for you.

In other words, how to enter the nine-star world of mortals is already an ordinary one-star life, and a life that enters the nine-star peak is still a nine-star peak life.

Shouldn't it be the life of the galaxy after the nine-star peak? Is it different from the nine-star peak in the nine-star world? After reaching the nine-star peak, one must break through the nine-star peak to be the life of the galaxy.

Asking Zha Jing explained that a life of one star does not need much energy, so the peak of rank eight in the world of mortals can break through to a life of one star.

But the life of the galaxy is different. The strength of the life of the galaxy is the superpower that can destroy the galaxy. It is not only the improvement of the quality, but the distance between the galaxy level and the nine-star life is also very large.

The nine-star life is like the golden fairy realm, and entering the galaxy-level life is like entering the real Daluo Jinxian realm. The Daluo Jinxian and the golden fairy realm below are qualitatively different from each other.

So you can only enter the galaxy level if you go beyond the nine-star life. This Zhang Miaomiao is obviously the galaxy level, which is equivalent to the Da Luo Jinxian. If a Da Luo Jinxian comes to you quietly, can you find it? You can find it. hell.

" are Zhang Miaomiao."

"It's our family, what are you looking for, human beings?"

Yaoshou seems to have done another stupid thing. Why is this Zhang Miaomiao so awesome? He is a galaxy-level life, and he doesn’t know him yet.

Tuntun spitted and said haha: "Ahaha, hello fellow Daoist Daoist, I may have made a mistake, this junior came to Zhang Wangxing to find a friend, it seems that this junior friend just has the same name as you, not you .”

"You are busy first, you are busy first, don't worry about the younger generation, the younger generation will leave now, goodbye for disturbing you."

After finishing speaking, he prepared to move sideways to leave Zhang Wangxing. There was no way that Zhang Miaomiao was too huge, blocking the sky and blocking the sun above his head. Below was the planet fixed by the power of Zhang Miaomiao's galaxy, and he couldn't get out without moving sideways.

All the intelligent aquariums on the planet, the countless octopus in the deep sea, and the giant tortoise disguised as a rocky mountain, saw the sudden arrival of Zhang Miaomiao's will, and they all fell silent.

So the Blue Star Zhang Miaomiao back then, if he hadn’t been restricted by the Blue Star Heavenly Dao and couldn’t break through the peak of the eighth rank of the Red Dust Realm, he would have grown into such a huge existence. she.

"Human beings are coming, let's play for a while before leaving."

The gigantic Zhang Miaomiao in the sky let out a sizzling radio wave teasing sound, and an extremely viscous will bound his body and soul, making him unable to move.

It's Zhang Miaomiao's damn innate skill natal slime again, but this Zhang Miaomiao, who is already a galaxy life, has a higher level of innate natal slime, without showing sticky slime, the space has been frozen by breath alone.

There was a huge Zhang Miaomiao Zizizi radio wave sound again: "Besides, how do you know that I don't know you, and how can you say that I am not the Zhang Miaomiao you know, hehehehahaha, it's so fun, I didn't think of you This human being actually came to my side and claimed to be your majestic king, junior."

Looking up at the gigantic Zhang Miaomiao who was laughing loudly on the radio waves, Wang Yin complained that the other party knew about him, did the blue star Zhang Miaomiao expose him?

"This fellow Daoist King, what did you say that this junior doesn't understand? We have no grievances or enmity. What did you do to imprison this junior? Please let this junior go."

Pretend to be confused first, if it doesn't work, just go back to Qinglong Mountain directly from Dream Soul Realm, but in that case, it will take a longer detour.

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