The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 128: Is It Her Or Her?

The huge octopus tilted its head of unknown size, trying to use its eyes to see the human life that had appeared in the memory of the parallel space-time projection that ran into her lair.

Oh yes, in that time and space this life was a monster, but she knew that the monster was just a clone of this life.

It's enough to deceive her three-star soul projection in that time and space. It's impossible to deceive her galaxy-level body, but she doesn't care, humans and monsters are the same to her.

It just feels that life in that world is so complicated that even soil can evolve.

Wang Yin also thinks that the water in this world is so deep, why did he meet two galactic beings just one light-year away from the blue star, even if the ant red fox is a galactic life, Zhang Miaomiao himself of Zhang Wang Xing is actually a galactic life .

Is the life in the galaxy a Chinese cabbage? There are only two in a distance of about one light-year, or is there some reason for this.

Don't look at the distance of about one light-year for the former blue star humans, it seems very far away and difficult to reach in a lifetime, but for the galaxy life, it is the distance of blinking an eye, it is simply two big guys living together nose to nose.

Is it because the universe of the heavens is really centered on the blue star, so that there is such a dense galaxy life situation?

Li Yingying, Hao Juanjuan, and Dao Tianyi made up the time-space sequence list of the Blue Star All Heavens Center, isn't it a coincidence.

In the sky above, the octopus Zhang Miaomiao tried her best to lower her huge head, but she really couldn't see the tiny humans on the planet under her stomach.

Reluctantly regaining his sense of vision, his posture and body surface twisted and changed, and his skin color was red and sometimes black.

After a while, a beautiful woman who was exactly the same as the blue star Zhang Miaomiao in her transformation, dressed in a white dress, so huge that she could block out the sun, appeared in front of Wang Yin.

At the same time, a seductive voice sounded: "Human, are you looking for me like this?"

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent, Wang Yin's expression gradually became serious and cold, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

"That's right, this king is looking for this Zhang Miaomiao, what have you done to her?"

An inexplicable panic appeared in his heart, and a reality that he didn't want to face finally came to his mind. According to the law of the only self of the soul of time and space, Zhang Miaomiao, who has already lived in the galaxy before him, is 100% the soul of Zhang Miaomiao in all time and space.

The Zhang Miaomiao he met in Blue Star was tantamount to the projection of Zhang Miaomiao's soul. Now this Zhang Miaomiao himself knew him, and showed the transformed human body of Blue Star Zhang Miaomiao.

So the blue star Zhang Miaomiao is gone, and it has turned into the soul memory of the original Zhang Miaomiao.

Suddenly sadness welled up in his heart, could he never see that scumbag who forced him again?

Zhang Miaomiao is not only great for miles. The charming voice giggled coquettishly: "What can we do to her, she is us, we are her, our family is here, of course she has been integrated into our family's memory."

Wang Yin was dizzy when he heard the words, Zhang Miaomiao was gone, he was really gone, and was merged by the huge monster in front of him. Although the huge monster in front of him was Zhang Miaomiao himself, it was no longer the Zhang Miaomiao he knew.

The only principle of the parallel soul is that if the soul of the soul needs it, the weak soul projection will be integrated into the powerful soul of the soul. Zhang Miaomiao, who has already lived in a galaxy, is obviously the most powerful soul of the soul.

The Zhang Miaomiao he knew was just the weakest parallel projection of the soul. After merging into this huge self, the consciousness and thoughts were no longer dictated by the Zhang Miaomiao he knew.

It was the huge Zhang Miaomiao in front of him who made the decision, even this Zhang Miaomiao knew him.

But to the huge Zhang Miaomiao in front of him, he is just an insignificant human being in the memory of the parallel soul, and he no longer has the emotional experience of personal experience.

This is the first time I really felt the sadness and helplessness of my friend disappearing before my eyes.

So not becoming a super life is nothing, but fortunately he was the first to reach Seven Stars in this time and space, and got the only one of me.

Otherwise, he will either disappear in the current time and space, or he will be absorbed by him in this time and space after reaching the seven-star life in other time and space.

Just like now, what can he do with Zhang Miaomiao in front of him, not to mention that his strength is not as good as Zhang Miaomiao in front of him, even if his strength exceeds this Zhang Miaomiao, so what, kill her, will the blue star Zhang Miaomiao appear after killing her?

This Zhang Miaomiao is the body of Blue Star Zhang Miaomiao. In fact, he is also the Zhang Miaomiao he knows, but the Zhang Miaomiao who has cheated him a few times will not appear again.

The friend is no longer that friend, but the body and part of the memory of that friend are still there.

Only then did he realize that Zhang Miaomiao had unknowingly taken root in his heart, that scumbag, that scumbag who dared to force him.

How could she just disappear like this, he hasn't even come back for revenge, and he hasn't even repaid her, leaving him the friendship of Xiantian Yuanye for so many years.

Unknowingly, the eyes were bloodshot and red, and the dew from the corners of the eyes quietly fell into the sea, causing huge waves. This is the sadness of the life of the nine-star peak.

Even if Zhang Wangxing was firmly imprisoned by the power of Zhang Miaomiao's galaxy, the teardrops that fell would smash the sea under his feet, causing winds and tsunami to flow backwards.

Not wanting the huge Zhang Miaomiao in front of him to discover his fragility, Wang Yin lowered his head, twirling the ocean level with one foot as if nothing had happened, and took a deep breath to calm his mind.

"Oh, I see. It's the Zhang Miaomiao I know, who has reached the seven-star realm and started to condense the soul, right, so he has already integrated into the soul of the king, right?"

"I understand this. I am the only parallel version. I understand."

The huge Zhang Miaomiao's body stopped for a moment, and a beautiful and huge arm extended from the sky.

The position of the palm shrinks rapidly, and it is extremely flexible to come to Wang Yin's side, and gently touches Wang Yin's cheek. The strange and warm scene forms a very uncoordinated, huge and shocking contrast.

"Human beings, you seem to be very sad. It is worthwhile for our family's avatar to miss you."

Wang Yin rubbed her cheeks and forced a smile: "No, no, it's her destiny to integrate into your body, Your Majesty, just like if she grows up first, you, Your Majesty, will also integrate into her. This is all destiny."

"I'm just a bit sorry not to see her again."

The huge Zhang Miaomiao asked curiously: "Why are you so sorry, isn't she the one in our family?"

Wang Yin was silent: "It's not the same, although you are her, you are no longer the one I know, you are just you, she is just the memory of your former soul, the fate of gathering and falling apart, maybe our fate should break up. "

The giant Zhang Miaomiao didn't speak anymore, but with a swipe of a flexible palm that formed an extreme contrast with the huge body, she grabbed Wang Yin and quickly shrank it back, holding it up to the beautiful eyes of the huge Zhang Miaomiao.

Under the body of her transformed blue star Zhang Miaomiao, there are six tentacles of unknown length that can't be seen, and the crystal clear and beautiful tentacles tremble slightly.

I don’t know how many miles of beautiful eyes looked at Wang Yin, and giggled coquettishly: "Your Majesty is making a fool of himself, this is me you are looking for, giggling, don't worry... we still remember our past."

Wang Yin looked at Zhang Miaomiao, the huge body in front of him: "No, you are no longer, even if you remember, you only know it from the soul, and it is no longer the kind of personal experience, real emotional experience."

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