The Heavens Are My Old Shell

One Hundred And Twenty Nine Chapters Original Intention Unchanged

"And if you meet us for a while, she won't express it like that."

Huge Zhang Miaomiao was annoyed: "Why not, our family knows the devouring evolution technique learned from you, and our family also knows the transformation technique. Don't you still want our family and continue to force you?"

"Besides, if I want to talk about it, I can talk about it, and if I want to talk about it, I can talk about me. If you want to control it, now I say I can not."

Hearing the emotional words of Juju Zhang Miaomiao, Wang Yin smiled, this is the sequelae of the fusion of blue star Zhang Miaomiao's memory, and said deliberately with a blink of an eye.

"Yes, you in this state are indeed similar to the Zhang Miaomiao I know. You may be able to devour evolution, and you can also change shape. You can also adjust your state to that when you met me back then. state of memory."

"But there is one thing you can't do anymore, so you are no longer the Zhang Miaomiao I knew, you understand."

Huge Zhang Miaomiao was confused: "That can't be done, as long as our family can do what Zhang Miaomiao could do in the past, and what our family can do, she couldn't do it in the past."

Wang Yin sneered: "Really, can you force me now? She could force me in the past, because her shapeshifting technique is based on the proportion of human body."

"Now your shapeshifting technique is no longer the proportion of her human being. It's so huge that you force me. Even if I force you to force you, you won't be able to understand."

"If you can still force me, I will admit that you are her."

Zhang Miaomiao's huge body, with cherry lips of unknown size, is speechless, which seems to be the reason.

Although the tip of her tentacles can be infinitely shrunk to the point where this tiny human being can be rolled up by virtue of the power of the galaxy.

But she doesn't know how big or small she wants, and she really can't shrink a certain organ on her body to the point where it can match the human being in front of her.

Her body is too huge, so huge that she can neither survive in the ocean of Zhang Wangxing, nor dare to break out of the void of the universe, fully expressing the timidity and cowardice of the octopus family.

This incomparably huge body enters the starry sky at a slower speed than many galaxies, and is extremely dangerous. Also, she loves water by nature. If she leaves Zhangwangxing, she doesn't know how long it will take for her to encounter a planet that can meet her water needs.

Even if she encounters such a planet, she doesn't know if it is suitable for her. If it is a Zhangwangxing or a world worse than Zhangwangxing, then her busy work will be in vain.

This is the loss of ignorance. After the baptism of human civilization and the information explosion in modern society, Zhang Miaomiao, the blue star, can simply abandon his huge body and rebuild his shape.

The giant body clearly knows such a method, but because she has never experienced the Blue Star human civilization and the information explosion in modern society, she can't make up her mind to go through the Blue Star Time and Space Separation Soul again, give up her cultivation base and rebuild way.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, but my mouth refused to admit defeat: "Do you think our family really wants to force you? Our family sees that we have met you once, and you have evolved mainly by devouring the innate essence liquid, so we want to send you I’ll give you some of our body’s congenital primordial liquid.”

"Galaxy-level innate essence liquid, swallowing it once is enough for you to swallow those ordinary stars countless times. It seems that you are unlucky to get it, hahaha... Hehe."

"Forget it, kiddo, let me tell you the truth, the Zhang Miaomiao you knew is still there, because we are already beings in the galaxy, so there is no need to waste absorbing a parallel soul with great potential."

"We just copied her experience and incorporated it into our memory. If you want to find her, go to her time and space."

Huge Zhang Miaomiao's words made Wang Yin's mood fluctuate.

"My lord, you mean that the Zhang Miaomiao I knew is still there, and you just made a copy of that Zhang Miaomiao's memory."

"Yes, we want to know from her memory whether there is a way to crack our current huge body. After all these years of evolution, we finally entered the life of the galaxy. We don't want to give up this body."

Wang Yin held back his mouth, and finally heard the giant Zhang Miaomiao admit that he is a galaxy life.

"Isn't it rumored that you are only an eight-star peak? Why is it a galaxy? Can't you conflict with the Queen Ant so close?"

The huge Zhang Miaomiao looked at Wang Yin like an idiot: "Who stipulates that life in galaxies will conflict if they live together, and some galaxies are husband and wife. You don't think that there can only be one life in a galaxy, right?"

Realizing that he was being ridiculed, Wang Yin said unconvinced: "Isn't it? Could it be that this starry sky is full of galaxies."

The giant Zhang Miaomiao replied: "Of course not, but in a galaxy environment, it is possible to live in several galaxies. Life that reaches the galaxy level can control its power within itself and will not affect the operation of the void galaxy."

"However, don't realize that there are galaxies beings everywhere. There are many galaxies in our universe because our universe belongs to the center of the heavens and worlds. In other worlds, there may not be many galaxies in the entire universe."

Wang Yin rolled his eyes when he heard this, and he guessed it right. Li Yingying, Hao Juanjuan, the center of the blue star world set by Dao Tianyi, a blind cat meets a dead mouse, so he was right.

The huge Zhang Miaomiao looked at Wang Yin: "It's a pity, I originally said that it would be cheaper for you, and I would give you some galaxy-level innate essence fluid from my king. Sneaked in by a thief like you."

Wang Yin was so angry that he almost used the big and small Ruyijue, and said angrily: "You are not good, your whole family is not good."

But looking at the huge body of Zhang Miaomiao in front of him, he still suppressed the urge to devour his innate primordial liquid, who knows if this galaxy octopus will take the opportunity to swallow him.

If you say no, then no, he'd better find a safe object to devour.

When he first discovered the dream world, he thought he could specialize in the dream world without devouring it, but he didn't expect that he didn't have the dream world, only the dream soul world, and he returned to the demon body to devour the innate essence liquid to evolve.

Pooh scum, it must have brought disaster to this king's dream world.

Blue star Zhang Miaomiao is an old yin comparison, this huge body of Zhang Miaomiao is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he is not familiar with this body, the risk of being swallowed by interacting with her is very high.

The nemesis Zhang Miaomiao is a thing of the past, if she continues to be cheated by her body, it is almost impossible to live.

The huge body Zhang Miaomiao regained her octopus body and continued to inspect her Zhangwangxing territory, her figure was so flexible that she didn't make a sound.

Wang Yin always feels that this guy is very timid. She doesn't look like she's patrolling the territory, but rather like she's too big to be taken as a prey, so she swims around all the time to prevent the enemy from locating her.

Back then, Blue Star Zhang Miaomiao stayed in the ocean obediently and didn't dare to run around. He was able to trick him only because he was much stronger than him.

Carefully recalling the octopus family, they are indeed very timid, as long as there is any disturbance in the ocean, they will run away like a girl.

This main body, Zhang Miaomiao, probably has no place to go, otherwise, he would have run away long ago, and would not always be dangling in the crust and sky of Zhang Wangxing.

But since he's here, he can't make the trip in vain. There are many high-level beings on this planet, and there are many eight-star and nine-star beings under the cover of spiritual consciousness.

He would rather kill his mistakes than let them go, he hasn't been promoted to the galaxy yet, evolution is the kingly way.

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