The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter One Hundred And Thirty: The Real Dragon Bloodline Fish Empress

Plopping into the ocean of Zhang Wangxing, Wang Yin lurks in the depths of an abyss exuding a strong female smell. Judging from the breath, there is an eight-star peak emperor life here.

Seven stars are kings, eight stars become emperors, and nine stars are emperors. This is a summary of his experience from Ant God. It is equivalent to the black giant tail of the queen bee. Under the life of the galaxy, it is the existence of the world's giant.

In the depths of the ocean is a streamlined eight-star peak snow dragon fish with its eyes closed and asleep, surrounded by a purplish-red flawless color light, hundreds of meters long.

Feeling the sound of Wang Yin, she suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, and the eight-star coercion smashed away, covering the entire thousand-kilometer water area, causing countless snow dragon fish masters who felt the call of the emperor to rush towards the sea area. Come.

Then the eight-star peak snow dragon fish asked Wang Yin cautiously.

"Who is fellow daoist, and why did you come to this place?"

Not bad, not bad, this is an eight-star snow dragon fish queen, as expected, higher life is different, they are all called Daoyou friends, unlike the two-legged fish, a small shrimp in the world of mortals, who call him a monster when they meet.

On the way to Haiyuan here, Wang Yin, who has already learned the identity of the fish queen in front of him from the consciousness of a three-star male snow dragon fish, is not surprised that the fish queen claims that he is after this fish specially. .

According to the news in the consciousness of the three-star male snow dragon fish, this fish is the largest within a radius of ten thousand miles in this sea area.

Facing the eight-star aura of Empress Xuelongyu, Wang Yin suddenly released her nine-star peak life breath, and smiled slightly at Empress Xuelongyu: "Hello fellow daoists, I am the bloodfly of the Ant God star, and I am here to communicate with fellow daoists." Let’s talk, talk about it.”

In the future, for things like bullying the weak, use the identity of a blood fly, and use the identity of a human being. The future Blue Star folks will know, isn't it embarrassing for the king... Hehehe.

Seeing a fellow who had never met before on the opposite side, releasing the aura of a nine-star emperor who clearly surpassed himself, Xue Longyu was dumbfounded for a moment. She has never offended such a life, so why did the nine-star emperor come to her.

His strength is not as good as others, so he had no choice but to put down his momentum and ask respectfully: "Hello, senior. I don't know if senior is far away from visiting Long Meiniang. Dare I ask senior to come to Meiniang, what advice do you have?"

Long Mei Niang is really beautiful. Wang Yin, who has integrated the snow dragon fish hormone into her body, carefully looked at the fish queen in front of her, and saw that the fish queen was full of coquettish posture and enchanting figure, and her strong female affection spread out in the surrounding space.

She was also suppressed by her eight-star pressure, making other male snow dragon fish dare not approach.

Right now he cuts to the chase and makes a request. Anyway, it’s not a life-and-death fight that requires all kinds of caution. He condescends with a nine-star life and gives you a chance to get close to an eight-star life. Even if you are beautiful, you have to lie down.

As long as the strength reaches the seventh star, the strength of the first level is far from the first level. All eight-star beings have to be obedient in front of the nine-star.

Turning to Long Meiniang, looking carefully at the enchanting beauty in front of her, she said slowly: "My evolution requires refining the congenital essence fluid, so I am here to ask the Queen of Fish for advice on reproduction techniques. I can't thank you enough."

He sighed in his heart, he had really practiced his face, he was able to make such an exaggerated request so seriously.

After hearing this, Long Meiniang's pretty face flushed, and she said with shame and indignation: "Senior, please respect yourself, don't insult Long Meiniang like this, otherwise Meiniang will die, and senior will have to pay a price."

Take a look, this is the reaction of advanced beings. Although they are not human beings, they will still be ashamed and angry.

Who said that only human beings can be ashamed and angry, even high-level beings will be ashamed and angry, even if the other party is a fish.

Isn't it a high-level life if it's a fish? People's eight-star peak is extremely high, and it's normal to be ashamed and angry.

It seems that if you want to achieve your goal quickly, you can't communicate with language, or you can work slowly to cultivate a relationship with her, but he doesn't have the time.

Try the last big move again, if it doesn't work, use Zhang Miaomiao's method to forcefully devour it, but the twisted melons are not sweet, so you have to pick them seriously.

"Fish empress, don't get me wrong. I don't intend to humiliate, but I really need it for cultivation. So I won't let your empress suffer. I have a monster race transformation technique that can be passed on to your empress. This art of transformation can prevent your empress from being huge. An embarrassment of evolution.”

"Your Majesty must also know the embarrassment of the king of the Zhang family. With my transformation technique, Your Majesty can avoid this embarrassment, and the future evolution will be unlimited."

If it weren't for Zhang Miaomiao, the life of the galaxy, this old Yinbi was turning around on his head, he wouldn't want to talk nonsense with this fish queen.

It's only the eight-star peak, he is already at the nine-star peak fish and dares to talk, suppressing and devouring every minute.

Long Meiniang was overjoyed, this was what bothered her the most in the past tens of thousands of years. Originally, she and Zhang Miaomiao were of the same generation, and their qualifications were no worse than Zhang Miaomiao's.

Zhang Miaomiao just took the first step by chance, and eventually evolved into a body covering the sky.

She stopped evolving when she saw this kind of trouble, otherwise Zhang Miaomiao would have entered the galaxy level, and she would have entered it long ago with the dragon blood in her body.

And Zhang Miaomiao has eight legs, she can run around the planet, but she doesn't have long legs, not to mention how ugly she has long legs like a snow dragon fish.

"It's true what you say."

Wang Yin replied: "You must take it seriously. If you don't believe me, you should first look at the transformation technique. My strength is stronger than your mother. I'm not afraid that your mother will not admit it."

Long Meiniang's eyes were filled with ecstasy when she saw Wang Yin's Yaozu Transformation Technique passed into her soul, this is the one that suits her so well.

Although her main body is now several hundred meters long, and she is not small after being transformed, it is just right for the huge Mercury.

Moreover, the advantage of this transformation technique is that after the human body shape is fixed, the main body does not need to restrict the body shape. No matter how much the main body evolves in the future, it will not affect the size of the human body after the transformation.

What's more, she has the blood of a real dragon. If she can evolve into a real dragon, then the talent of the dragon race can be big or small, and she doesn't have to worry about her size. Her size troubles only appeared when she was a snow dragon fish.

Immediately replied: "I have promised you, but I have something to explain to you first, this empress is now in the reproductive period, don't regret leaving an heir."

Wang Yin was stunned that there was still such a situation, and asked uncertainly.

"Our species is different. I only devour the innate primordial liquid, so I won't leave any offspring."

Long Meiniang showed Gao Jie a proud smile: "Senior, what you are talking about is the common race. Meiniang's Xuelong fish clan is the blood of the real dragon, the pure descendant of the frost dragon."

"Dragon's nature can reproduce with the heavens and all races, so there is a different saying that the dragon has nine sons and nine sons."

"Meiniang's ultimate form is the Frost Dragon. Of course, that's just Meiniang's dream. If an ordinary snow dragon fish family wants to evolve into a Frost Dragon, the process is incomparable."

"That's why Meiniang absorbs the essence of ten thousand races, and being able to reproduce with ten thousand races is a natural ability, which belongs to her natal talent. Meiniang's clan never intermarries with other clans, in order to maintain the true dragon blood of her clan, and not be diluted and destroy its purity. "

After finishing speaking, look at Wang Yin: "As for the senior, you don't have to lie to Meiniang. Meiniang recognizes your human body. You are a big human race in the heavens. If you reproduce with my family, your offspring will be mermaids."

"Someone from my clan once went to a place called Blue Star, and left mermaid clan with the local humans, and they still live in that world."

Wang Yin was shocked, this snow dragon fish family is so awesome that he has the blood of a real dragon, and the f*cking Long Meiniang actually knows his human body. It is a shame to be exposed face to face. If I knew it, I would have replaced it with a blood fly body. up.

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