The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 133 Alien World

Wang Yin heard Zhang Miaomiao's rage, but why didn't he run away? Didn't he run away and let you Zhang Miaomiao catch him?

Although he is now a galaxy life, coupled with the dreamlike speed of time and space, Zhang Miaomiao has nothing to do with him.

Face-to-face, he can't beat Zhang Miaomiao's first-level galaxy peak body, which is a reminder from Zha Jing.

Even if he could beat him, he wouldn't fight. After all, this woman's blue star time-space soul had helped him and would never forget it.

After entering the life of Seven Stars, the identity of the soul of the parallel time and space changed, which always made him dizzy.

This woman is at the pinnacle of a first-level galaxy and is about to reach the strength of a second-level galaxy. Even he doesn't believe that she doesn't know what he has been doing these days.

Now he came to trouble him only because his behavior had already had a bad impact on the dominance of the Zhang royal family. As the patriarch, she had to put on a show, after all, she was the king of the Zhang royal family.

In the rapid advance, it surpassed the speed of light by at least a thousand times, and Zhang Wangxing was thrown out of sight in an instant.

Arriving in the boundless space of the universe, Wang Yin's spiritual consciousness returned to the planet Zhang Wang, and seeing the huge body of Zhang Miaomiao still baring his teeth and claws, he roared and scolded him.

With a twitch of spiritual consciousness in his heart, he sent a voice transmission: "Scum girl, give me your innate essence liquid one more time."

The huge octopus on Zhang Wangxing jumped like a thunder, and turned into a beautiful woman who was as big as a blue star, and spat hard in the direction of Wang Yin.

"Fuck, you scumbag thinks beautifully, if you have the guts, come here and let your sister vent her anger first."

Wang Yin pointed his fingers at the huge Zhang Miaomiao, and said tauntingly: "Come here to beat you up, don't forget if I'm a fool, no one can take away what is my king, when I surpass you, I will come back and collect it. "

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking to shrews and cursed at the street. The giant Zhang Miaomiao turned into his body, turned around and flew into the depths of the universe.

Watching Wang Yin disappear quickly, the huge Zhang Miaomiao woman said to herself: "Who is that, we did as you asked, I hope the exercises you provided are useful, and we will accompany you in the small evolution in the future."

"Bah scumbag, do you really think it's so easy to advance to the galaxy? If we didn't send out a lot of innate essence liquid and let them transfer it to you, you think it's a dream to upgrade today."

Wang Yin didn't hear these words, otherwise he would be in a daze, who... who asked Zhang Miaomiao to help him.

It turned out that he was able to break through the galaxy on Zhangwangxing, because Zhang Miaomiao provided a large amount of galaxy-level innate primordial fluid. He thought it was the energy needed to break through the galaxy, which was not as high as he thought.

The life in the galaxy belongs to the Daluo level of the heavens. He has just experimented in the endless void, and the entire galaxy began to turmoil with a palm.

A huge black hole like a planet was exposed in the void at the palm, and the destructive force inside swept everything, and was about to rush into and tear the real world apart, so he was so scared that he quickly withdrew his strength to repair the black hole.

Such a huge power realm, without the support of the origin of the galaxy, how can it be easily broken through.

So those galactic beings, Da Luo Jinxian and so on will definitely not fight easily, this shot is to destroy the power of the galactic system, how many evils will be done.

As if knowing his conjecture, Dameng Zhajing promptly gave a space gate of the extraterritorial battlefield, and attached the message You are dreaming.

Tell him that life in galaxies devours and fights each other a lot, and when encountering galaxies in the future, they need to fight, and directly open the extraterritorial battlefield, and killing both sides will not affect the real universe.

After reading the message, he felt relieved, this is not too bad, otherwise he would fight timidly.

There is no sun and moon in the void, and he passed through many low-level worlds during the period, except for those who went for a stroll when he was bored on the road for too long, he didn't stop.

These worlds are full of civilization, but the level is only as useless as Blue Star, and at least Zhang Wangxing is the life level world that is helpful to him, and it is worth his stay.

From here, it can be seen that the former Blue Star was not incapable of passing by, but people saw that your civilization level was too low, so they didn't bother to stay.

The world inhabited by gods that Ant Red Fox mentioned has not yet arrived, so it is too far away. Converted to the distance of ordinary light speed, he feels that he has traveled thousands of light-years.

After all, his current speed is thousands of times faster than the speed of light when he was a five-star life.

Suddenly, a strange world below attracted his attention. The reason why it attracted his attention was because this world was actually inhabited by humans, and it was a real human breath.

The strange thing is that in addition to the human breath, there are also many intelligent and violent life breaths. These breaths are very weak to him, but they are all fatal to ordinary people.

Why do human beings live together with these lives? These lives have a strong smell of blood, and they are obviously aliens that survive on blood.

Don't these human beings know that it is dangerous to live with these beings?

Driven by curiosity, Wang Yin quietly landed in the world below, a street full of high-rise buildings, all kinds of people in a hurry on the street, and vehicles similar to Blue Star were busy.

All kinds of office workers, catering and express delivery are available. It is a replica of Blue Star. The difference is that the language here is a foreign language that cannot be understood, and the clothing style and customs are unheard of.

I came to the spiritual consciousness and observed that outside an old castle manor, the sight penetrated the outer wall of the castle and looked inside. A group of monsters with mucus on their bodies, showing sharp teeth and claws, hung all over the walls and ceiling of the manor. He roared.

Isn't this an alien, he has seen it in movies before.

Especially the alien with a protruding mouth full of fangs, with a beautiful head sticking out of its throat and tongue, and the beautiful head opened its bloody mouth wide open, it was his childhood nightmare.

Hehe, interesting, why do you see the alien in the Blue Star movie here, and what is the relationship between it.

Wang Yin walked slowly to the manor, and the locked gate of the manor opened quietly, and was quietly locked again after Wang Yin passed.

The road is unimpeded, and the power that is everywhere in the body and can't be found is like an arm. This is the power of God.

This power can even cross galaxies silently, destroying the planets in another galaxies and disappearing without a trace. Of course, all the planets he experimented with were lifeless and barren planets.

When the world of mortals changed to the nine-star life, the power was all rough, and now it is wherever the consciousness goes, and the range of the galaxy he is in is all his power field.

This kind of power is not the power of cultivating immortals, cultivating demons, and cultivating demons that we found from the Zha Jing, nor is it the power of life in other galaxies.

Because he had never felt this kind of power in Zhang Miaomiao, Ant Red Fox, or the Ice Soul Fairy in Wu Universe.

Finally, Zha Jing replied that this is the power of the wilderness, the battle of yin and yang, and the green and green skills of jealousy. After the synthesis, the phagocytosis and evolution technique reached a certain level and became the power behind the life of the galaxy: Yuanli.

It is higher-level energy than those primitively evolved galaxies, as well as the spiritual power, magic power, and immortal power of the cultivation system, the magic system, and the cultivation system. The host should gradually become familiar with it.

In addition, because the host never took the initiative to check the situation of Blue Star, he relayed the news on behalf of Blue Star's true blood avatar. Since the host's Yuanli had broken the power shield of this world's galaxy, the Blue Star Time and Space Office had discovered the coordinates of this galaxy. The Demon Starway is under rapid construction, and the host is requested to assist the Tiantian Time and Space Office to clear out a safe place for the Demon Starway to land in this galaxy.

Wang Yin rolled his eyes and didn't bother to answer, he was not a nanny and had to do everything for them, he wanted to conquer this world and figured out his own way.

In the castle manor, all the screaming alien creatures that hung on the walls and ceiling suddenly fell silent. What did they see?

They actually saw a human being, and just entered their territory, entered the castle manor, passed in front of them slowly, and walked towards the main floor of the third floor of the castle.


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