The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 134: I Am Food

The alien monsters who were provoked were furious and rushed towards Wang Yin collectively.

Is this not seeing them, or not paying attention to them, when did food become so bold.

In the sharp and ear-piercing roar, countless aliens opened their fangs and bit Wang Yin fiercely with their viscous and disgusting mouths.

As a result, before they got close to the three-meter distance from Wang Yin, they all disappeared without a sound, just like there was an invisible big mouth within three meters around Wang Yin, which swallowed all the alien monsters that flew over, leaving nothing behind. The next bit of dust.

After countless pounces, when Wang Yin was about to go up to the third floor, the remaining aliens finally stopped in fear.

They understood that the person who swaggered into the castle was not a person, but an existence they could not afford to provoke.

The terrifying alien with its mouth wide open on the third floor jumped three meters away from Wang Yin and braked quickly not to move.

I already know that there is a person in front of me, and three meters is the allowed safe distance.

Looking at Wang Yin, in the wide open mouth of the terrifying alien, a mucous tongue revealed a charming beauty's head, and the beauty's head opened a black hole, full of dense barbs and bone spurs, whimpering and neighing.

"Who are you, and why did you kill my son-in-law."

Wang Yin's eyes were full of curiosity, and he looked at the beauty's head in the disgusting tongue in front of him. Could this be the guy who scared him to sleep and always had nightmares when he was a child.

After his eyes penetrated the body of the opposite sex, he suddenly smiled.

"Beauty, you have such a good figure and good looks, why are you doing such a disgusting horror? Is it just to scare people, or do you think it is safer to wear this skin?"

After speaking, in the bewilderment of the slimy tongue beauty's head, he reached out and grabbed her head.

The beauty's head was frightened, and she screamed horribly, and wanted to shrink into her body, but how could she break free, she was already Wang Yin of the galaxy life.

Not to mention that Wang Yin is at the Daluo level of the galaxy, she and all the aliens in this castle manor, a human or a monster who enters the world of mortals for a turn, can wipe them out.

These terrifying and bloody aliens are just some foreign objects that can only dominate among ordinary life and ordinary human beings.

Wang Yin grabbed the head of the terrifying alien beauty with his left hand, and slowly peeled off her outer skin with his right hand.

While she was hoarse, wailing in pain and fear, layers of bloody, disgusting and mucus-covered skin were torn off by Wang Yin and thrown to the ground.

Seeing Wang Yin, the terrifying alien flexibly tore off the palm of her skin, which was white, thick and clean without a trace of dirt.

The slime on her body that can corrode steel will automatically disappear when it touches this palm, as if she has finally stopped struggling after carrying endless magic power, she understands that this is the palm of God.

She had heard the legends of countless generations of alien ancestors. In the past, there was a kingdom of gods in an unknown star field in their world, and countless gods lived in the kingdom of gods.

These gods hated their alien race so much, that's why the ancestor escaped from that divine kingdom and came to this world.

This existence may be the gods who came out of the kingdom of God. Facing the gods, any resistance and struggle are useless.

In a blink of an eye, the skin of the terrifying beauty's deformed head has been torn off by Wang Yin, revealing a majestic, plump and alluring body inside. This terrifying beauty's deformed head is actually the queen of this group of alien castles.

Wang Yin smiled: "Isn't it a waste of money to hide such a beautiful body?"

The beautiful headed alien is full of despair and shame, and her inner core is revealed to outsiders. This is something that only the favorite male of the alien family can do, and it is done by this food that is suspected of being a god.

"My lord, this is just my inner core, not my body. It is my body with the outer shell that you peeled off."

After listening to it, Wang Yin was curious, and placed it horizontally on the endless luxury carpet of the ancient castle, and sat cross-legged beside it to explore and study it.

"Isn't this the same as a human body? It has complete functions. Why is it not a body?"

The beauty with a strange head has resigned herself to fate and closed her eyes: "Master, you will find out after a while."

Oh, after hearing these words, Wang Yin stopped moving and patiently observed any changes.

After a while, the skin of the beauty's head began to ooze mucus. The mucus crawled and solidified, and quickly made up for it, returning to the shell that was torn clean by Wang Yin.

A brand-new, same as before, with a huge mouth full of horrible mucus, and a tongue in the throat with a beauty's head inside, reappeared in front of Wang Yin's eyes.

If he hadn't already known that the inside of this alien was a female body similar to a human woman, Wang Yin would have been hard to believe that this was the alien queen whose shell he had just peeled off.

"What's going on here, is your shell a skin or a protective shell?"

The beauty's head inside the disgusting mucus tongue no longer shrank back to hide from Wang Yin, she knew that she couldn't hide from this kind of existence, so she replied honestly.

"This is my complete body. I am incomplete without the outer shell. The food-like body inside is my inner core. Only queens who need to reproduce in our family have this inner core."

"You peel off my shell and only the core is left, just like those foods that are stripped of flesh and blood, leaving only the heart."

Wang Yin admired: "Well, your vitality is really strong, human beings only have the heart and died early."

The beauty's head said in despair: "If you don't let me grow a shell and keep my core exposed, I will die too."

Unexpectedly, the alien became quiet and communicated well, and she was no longer so fierce, or she was just fierce to food.

What she was facing now was his irresistible existence, and it was the God she thought was the one who calmed down.

"Tell me, what's going on in your world, why there are humans, and there are many creatures like you."

Seeing that Wang Yin no longer hurt her body, the beauty's head respectfully made a special salute to Wang Yin, invited Wang Yin to sit on the sofa in the castle, poured Wang Yin a cup of unknown tea, and replied.

"My lord, this is our homeland. Are you asking about the lives outside? It's just the food we raise in captivity. It's reproduced from the seeds brought back by our ancestors from a star field far away from the kingdom of God."

Looking at Wang Yin very curiously, it was the first time for her to see a god.

"My lord, are you a god? Doesn't the god keep food in captivity?"

Seeing that Wang Yin's body was exactly the same as the food outside, the beauty's head was deformed and asked cautiously: "My lord, is your body also skin?"

Wang Yin was expressionless: "No, I'm the kind of food you mentioned outside."

The beauty's head was so frightened that she crawled on the ground, and quickly explained: "My lord, calm down, I'm not saying you are food, but those creatures outside are food."

Seeing that Wang Yin was still expressionless and did not reply after explaining, the beauty's head stood up and walked in front of Wang Yin. The hideous mucus shell split open automatically, revealing the mucus all over inside, plump and hot body.

Its slender white hands covered with slime suddenly spun into his chest cavity, pulled out a diamond burning with black flames, and threw himself on Wang Yin coquettishly.

"My lord, please calm down. Mu La Chan Chan apologizes to you for her slip of the tongue. This is the core of Chan Chan's soul. It is dedicated to your master and represents Chan Chan's most sincere apology."

Wang Yin looked at the alien with a terrifying shell and a beautiful body speechlessly. It's nice that this alien has a name.

I didn't expect that her shell could be used like this, so her hunting method is to expose the inner core bait, when the anxious man pounces on it.

It was really scary to find that what was waiting for him was a bloody mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth.

"So when you need to hunt for food, you just use the way you are doing to me now to trap food."

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