The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 135: Alien Vampire

Mu La Chanchan: "It's not all. We are mainly responsible for the leadership of food. For example, the world's high-level government and business leaders are all from our tribe."

"The food is all in the lower level. We feed on their labor and blood. Only the very hungry aliens will do this kind of thing."

Wang Yin chuckled: "So you survive by exploiting these foods and pretending to be exactly like them?"

Mu La murmured: "There is no pretense, our core is the same as theirs."

So this is a world exploited by aliens. The human beings outside not only have to work hard for them, but also have their flesh and blood eaten by them.

After apologizing wholeheartedly, Mu La Chan, who took good care of Wang Yin, led Wang Yin to take a bath in the huge swimming pool, and Wang Yin's words contained deep meaning.

"Humans thought that you aliens couldn't take a bath, but they didn't expect that the swimming pool is so big and you can enjoy it."

Mu La Chanchan was very surprised: "We are food superiors, food lives under our guidance, who thinks that we don't take a bath."

Touching his nose and shaking the foam off his body, Wang Yin wondered, since he is a creature at the top of the food chain, how could he not take a bath.

For example, he doesn't have to take a bath now, and his body will never get dirty, so he doesn't need to take a bath frequently.

This is to enjoy life, otherwise, after evolving into galaxy life, the lifespan will reach the destruction of the era, what's the point of living a boring life.

After washing his body, Mu La Chan was under Wang Yin's eyelids, absorbing the horror shell and turning it into a disgusting liquid, which turned into a thin transparent layer covering his body, which ordinary people would not be able to detect without looking carefully.

Then put on a beautiful and weird dress, took Wang Yin to the garage of the castle, and sat in a famous car from the alien world.

Drive out of the old castle and drive towards the street full of feasting and feasting: "My lord came to our world for the first time, and Chan Chan took me around to enjoy the scenery of our world."

Wang Yin was speechless as he watched Mu La Chan, who had changed into a human lady, who was just a human lady.

"Didn't you say that your shell can't leave your body? Why is it leaving now?"

Mu La gurgled and chuckled: "My lord, I just said that I can't live without the shell for a long time. If I don't have the shell for a long time, I will die, but it's fine for a short time."

"What's more, the layer of mucus on my body can act as a shell, but it needs to be replenished frequently."

It seems to be the reason why Wang Yin stopped talking, and after a while, the two of them entered a bar with dazzling lights and clear rhythm music, quietly drinking the bright red and mellow liquid brought up by the human bartender.

Shaking the cup was as red as blood wine, Mu La murmured with a mocking laugh: "Look, my lord, this is our alien's favorite color. The bright red and attractive color of blood will greatly increase our appetite."

"When we guide these foods and blend these colors, they are more intoxicated and active than us, so they are not what food is."

Wang Yin didn't say a word, and glanced at the crazy and swaying humans around him. It is true that life is willing to sink, and outsiders cannot save it.

He grinned: "You are not afraid that I will wipe you all out, annihilate you all in ashes, and return these human beings to a blue sky."

Mu La murmured: "You won't, my lord, you are a high god, and you understand the law of natural selection better than us."

"If you really wipe us out from the world, my lord, these foods won't be able to survive anymore, because survival by relying on us is the rule of their genetic continuation."

"They are like a flock of sheep. They will not resist or stand on their own. We just need to feed them. If we all perish and there is no replacement to feed them, they will also perish."

Knowing that he was enslaved, exploited, and eaten of flesh and blood, but in order to have a full meal, he chose to turn a blind eye to these things and voluntarily be enslaved by aliens, which is the most tragic thing.

"Tut tsk tsk", a tall and beautiful woman with flaming red lips came up next to her.

"Oh, isn't this Mrs. Chu Chan, why are you free today?"

Mu Lachan glanced at Wang Yin flusteredly, with a serious face: "Alice, don't talk nonsense in front of your lord."

"My lord, let me introduce you. This is Alice, my best friend, the thirteenth lady of the vampire Edinburgh family."

After the introduction, he looked at Alice very seriously, with a tense pretty face: "Alice, don't wait to meet your lord."

Vampire Alice, seeing her friend Mu La, who usually has no scruples with her, introduces herself very seriously.

Although I don't know why my friend is doing this, I know that my friend is seriously warning me.

Otherwise, relying on my friend's violent and bloody instinct, I wouldn't sit here and drink peacefully.

Quickly put away her playful look, and saluted Wang Yin respectfully: "Alice has met you."

Is this a vampire? Ever since she started to evolve, Wang Yin has seen everything strange.

Blue Star's father also has vampires, as well as zombies and zombie monsters, which seem to be different from the species on this planet.

Yuanli instantly formed an enchantment, covering a range of five meters in front of him, and with a casual move, the vampire Alice was shocked, and walked towards Wang Yin uncontrollably.

Wang Yin took Alice's little white hand, and under his terrified eyes, greeted Mu La Chan, and found a quiet corner of the bar to sit down again.

Pulling Alice into her arms and rubbing her hands, a piece of flesh and blood was rubbed off Alice's body.

After crushing the flesh and blood, I saw countless small and strange blood-sucking insects. I knew that this vampire Alice was actually a kind of alien.

Compared with the vampire of Blue Star's father, this Alice is more like a strange monster composed of countless tiny vampire bugs.

The vampire on Blue Star's father is more like a vampire monster formed by a foreign bat that prefers to suck blood.

Let go of Alice in her hand, and Alice, like a frightened fawn, sat back tremblingly next to Mu Lachan, not daring to say another word.

Now she fully understands why Mu Lachan has warned her so seriously. The man in front of her is an unfathomable existence.

Two vampires on the dance floor are trying to seduce a man and a woman. The man is tall and handsome like a rich second generation, and the woman is petite, pure and beautiful like a college student.

Two vampires, a man and a woman, danced in a charming and majestic manner, deliberately separating the couple who were obviously a couple.

Tall, handsome and rich, the second generation was seduced by the hot and charming female vampire in front of him, and gradually his blood boiled with enthusiasm, followed the female vampire, and turned to the bathroom of the bar.

He opened the bathroom partition door and got in. It was self-evident what he wanted to do.

It's just that the tall, rich second generation, and the female vampire don't know that the so-called bathroom they see is all an illusion created by Wang Yin's charm technique.

The two actually turned slowly to the corner of the bar, came to Wang Yin's eyes, and started the female vampire's blood-sucking performance.

This is specially created by Wang Yin, which is in line with the image of the environment that female vampires and tall and rich second generations need in their hearts.

He wants to observe closely how these alien vampires look for food differently from the blue star vampires.

Mu La Chan and the vampire Alice watched a fellow of the same race lure the prey to come to them. They just wanted to make a sound to remind them, but found that they could no longer move the sound, so they knew it was an arrangement by the adults.

Although the two were anxious and helpless, such gods generally existed, and they were just toys in front of him.

At this time, the tall, rich, second-generation handsome guy was already impatient, and he lifted the hem of the female vampire's skirt and rushed forward.

The female vampire's eyes were blood red, and she deliberately hid it by the neck of the tall, rich second generation. She quietly opened her hot red lips, and four up and down sprang out from the red lips. The hollow and sharp fangs bit down on the neck of the tall, rich second generation. .

With a muffled snort, Gao Dafu's second generation body trembled, and gradually became stiff and stopped.

When the blood of Gao Dafu's second generation was about to be swallowed clean and her life was dying, Wang Yin snapped her fingers. Hearing the sound, the hot female vampire suddenly stiffened and stopped swallowing.

The tall, rich second generation finally woke up, opened his eyes like this, and fell into the arms of the hot female vampire.

What emerges in the eyes is a kind of low-level life, and the fear and trembling of meeting high-level foragers.

With a trembling mouth, he shouted, "Ghost...Ghost...You're a vampire...Help me."

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