The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 146 Heavenly Dao Energy Refining

Shaking God King Sifang Empress was shocked, gathered all the divine power and energy in her body, and violently bombarded the unknown force on her body, trying to break free from the confinement, but she was helpless like a mayfly shaking a tree.

The two of them were as heavy as if they were pressing down on the whole world, and it was difficult to move even the consciousness of the soul. The boundless pressure made them, who were already god kings and queens, feel the suffocation that mortals have.

With eyes full of desperation, a man in a strange costume walked up to the two of them, squatted beside them, and silently looked at them carefully.

The man exuded a mysterious aura, his eyes were full of curiosity, he stretched out his fingers to pinch them here and there, and said words that made them feel ashamed and angry.

"Oh, is this the king and queen of the gods? There is nothing special about it. This meat is no different from ordinary people."

Not far away, Wei Yan'er, who was lazily resting, looked depressed and turned her head to one side. The man my aunt said seemed to be like heaven, and he started to watch animal performances inexplicably, as if he was mentally retarded.

It's just that a certain demon king doesn't know, his image has been greatly damaged, and he continues to be curious about the baby.

"Hello, Empress God, are you also called Empress Sifang? Let me tell you that Empress Sifang is really nice. Don't call it Empress God. It's earthy and ugly, like an old woman."

"Ah, why am I a rogue, I'm just curious about your identity as the Queen of God, to see how you are different from ordinary people."

"So it turns out that you are not only called Empress Sifang, but also Empress Taochi, oh oh, are you Empress Taochi from Qianye God Realm? This Empress Sifang is actually just your clone of Empress Taochi."

"This status is incredible. It turns out that Qianye God Realm is the real God Realm."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spy on your soul, I just saw you feeling excited after seeing the god, and you accidentally entered your soul."

"Don't worry, I won't tell King Shaking God that everything you told him is just making up stories, and you won't tell him your favorite, which Bu Chang Ge is, how can there be such a name, Brother Bu Chang, he is very fond of it." Is it short?"

"Why, although you love Bu Changge, you hate him even more. Oh, so that's how it is. That short man named Brother Bu Chang, Heitian Demon Emperor has a ruthless heart. He slaughtered countless creatures for practicing demon skills."

"Even his old hometown, Blue Star, was slaughtered by him, and the Heavenly Dao of Qianye God Realm was supported by him."

"It turns out that the God Realm Tiandao who was supported by him wipes his ass every day, and becomes a tool for him to modify his image to deceive the world, erase the memory of people in the world being hurt, and portray him as a great man in the world."

"That's why you came to the Sifang World. You want to refine the consciousness of the Sifang World with the help of the Shaking God King, and incarnate the Heavenly Dao in this small world. You have also searched for several small worlds where the world consciousness has appeared, and you have sent your avatars to go there."

The King Shaking God next to him opened his eyes wider and wider, and slowly appeared on his forehead that I am a fool, I am a fool, I am a fool, a row of green lights flashed, all made by fools, with exclamation marks in large characters.

The man in weird attire spread his hands to Empress Sifang, and said innocently again: "Don't blame me, he heard it himself, and I didn't tell him."

Empress Sifang was so angry that she was peeped into the secret of her heart, and was heard by King Shaking God face to face. She was so ashamed and annoyed that she really wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

Wang Yin looked at the god, king and queen in front of him, and he already understood the cause and effect. All the gods in the four directions, including the god king, are all false gods. No wonder they don't even have one star of life.

Only this Sifang Empress, God Empress is the real supreme boss, but she is also just a clone of the boss. This clone came to the Sifang World to refine the consciousness of the Sifang World.

In the eyes of the real Qianye God Realm boss, although the world consciousness of the small world cannot be compared with the will of the gods, the consciousness of the heaven in the small world is also attributed to the category of the heaven.

If you can refine the consciousness of the heavenly way in a few small worlds, you can accumulate a little to make a lot, and you can learn from the side how the heavenly way works in the gods.

If you are lucky enough to forge a new Heavenly Dao that is comparable to Qianye God Realm, and let the new Heavenly Dao serve you, you will be able to overthrow the rule of Qianye God Realm Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, after coming to the Sifang world, the avatar of the Empress Taochi, who incarnated as the Sifang Empress, chose the most powerful Shaking God King in the Sifang World as her assistant to help her obtain the origin of this world.

The realm of Shaking God King is not enough to refine the will of the four directions, but she can refine it with the help of her own body, Empress Taochi.

It's a pity that she was caught by Wang Yin before refining the Sifang World, and she was inquired about the real God Realm information.

Wang Yin was trying to figure out the soul of the Empress of the Quartet, when she got news from Blue Star by accident that the girl elf in the torso of the pseudo-world tree had burst into anger and cursed.

"I knew these two guys were not good guys, and they actually wanted to refine me. Fortunately, Ben Guliang was smart and smart and didn't fall for their tricks."

After scolding, she hugged Wang Yin and swayed coquettishly: "Shangshen is so good, Sifang loves Shangshen to death, thank you Shangshen for helping Sifang catch these two villains"

Feeling the rich innate essence liquid obtained from the four directions world, Wang Yin patted the girl elf very satisfied.

"Not bad, not bad, Sifang is very good. See if you have the demon clan transformation technique passed on to you by this king. You have already successfully transformed. As long as you reach the strength, you will be able to get out of this spiritual body."

"Don't worry, my Majesty assures you that you will be able to advance in a short time, and you can freely enter and exit this acquired spiritual root."

Girl Elf: "Yeah, good Sifang, thank God, as long as God needs it, I am willing to follow God from all corners of the world."

Wang Yin shook his head: "It doesn't matter, as long as you manage the four worlds well and advance to the advanced world, you will help me."

Girl Elf: "Yeah okay, God, I can't enter my parallel time and space, will it be dangerous?"

Wang Yin was a little surprised. This girl elf is indeed a transformation of the consciousness of the four worlds, and she can actually sense the danger in the parallel world.

Comfortingly said: "No, you have already taken advantage of this king's innate teaching, and you will be able to advance soon. As long as you maintain the speed of advancement, after reaching a certain level, your world is the body, and other parallel worlds cannot integrate you. "

Maybe that's the case. He doesn't know much about the advancement of the planetary world. I don't know if it is the same as life. You need to find your unique self in order to achieve the current space-time body. It should be similar, so let's deal with it first.

Wei Yan'er, outside the tree trunk, finally discovered the identities of the god, king and queen, and shook her aunt vigorously. You have to cover your mouth with your hand.

"This is the god...the god king...and the god queen, why are they lying here?"

Wang Yin said with a smile: "Aren't you afraid that they will affect the growth of the Wei family, so this king arrested them."

Wei Niao's eyes once again glowed more intensely. Today, she was stunned by a series of happiness that fell from the sky, and she pulled Wei Yan'er to thank her crazily.

"My lord, it's very kind of you. In the Weiwei family, you are the only one to look after you. You can do whatever your lord wants you to do. If you don't want to let you fall asleep again, Your Majesty."

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