The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 147: The Empress

Shaking God King's eyes were red and angry, and he sang the hat song in complicated pain.

One two three four, two two three four, three two three four, the man will do it again.

Ask what love is in the world, it is the person you love who makes you greener, and the queen who used to belong to him is not pure, and he still sings and weeps for her.

Letting go of the King Shaking God's language control, Wang Yin looked at the King Shaking God: "This woman uses you so much, do you still love her so much?"

Shaking God King's lips trembled, his eyes were weeping blood, and he didn't know how long it took before he uttered a word forcefully.


"So knowing that she is just a clone, there is still a main body in Qianye God Realm, and Heitian Devil Emperor is her man, do you love me even if you are just a spare tire?"

This time, King Shaking God responded quickly, as if he had passed the most painful level in his heart and got used to the green of nature.

"Love... No matter what her status is or what her past is, this king doesn't mind."


Wang Yin sneered: "Sure enough, licking a dog is not worthy of pity. It's better for me to help you vent your anger. You have to thank me."

"If you sing "The King of Hats" again, I won't return your queen to you."

Wei Niaoyao and Wei Yan'er subverted the three views, and worked harder to help Wang Yin obtain and collect it.

Wang Yin smashed it, smashed it, the Sifang Empress is indeed rich in innate essence liquid, but unfortunately it is only a clone, and the demand for him at the current galaxy level is much lower.

Perhaps her main body, Empress Taochi, a boss of this level, can meet his current evolutionary needs.

Empress Sifang was ashamed and angry, pretending to be unconscious. Ever since she became the avatar of the empress, she had never suffered such a big loss. Even when she was not avatar, Empress Taochi carried her to whip someone.

Even though she is only in the small world now, she still can't afford to lose face.

Wang Yin knew that she was pretending to be dizzy, and in the soul search, he knew that she was only the weapon of Empress Taochi. With a movement of Yuanli, he forcibly propped up her eyes and said to her with a smile.

"Don't be angry, you have a lot of experience in your life as an empress, so you don't need to pretend to be a blank sheet of paper in front of this king, and see you next to you, the world's Taoist companion."

"This is your real licking dog. Then the Heitian Devil Emperor is just playing with you. I see in your soul. As far as you know, the Heitian Devil Emperor has dozens of confidante. There are ten."

"It's the most hypocritical and shameless, professional harem man, you really might as well be with this shaking dog."

"I look down on you the most, people who don't cherish people who love you very much around you, and have to go up to others and be someone else's harem backup."

If King Shaking God met his confidant, he was so moved that he nodded crazily, and said in his mouth: "Yes, yes, Sifang, I really love you."

Wang Yin kicked him away, hating iron but not steel: "Get out, you licking dog."

The girl elf in the tree trunk was angry: "The god king licks the dog and you shout all over again, and this mushroom will strike you every day when you go out."

Wei Yanyao, Wei Yan'er swallowed her saliva, and asked cautiously: "My lord, then what kind of man are you?"

Satisfied, Wang Yin said in a loud voice, "Is there even a need to ask, this king is an aboveboard scumbag."

Wei Niaoyao, Wei Yan'er, King Shaking God, and Empress Sifang rolled their eyes and were almost fainted by the thunder.

Picking up the Shaking God King and the Sifang Empress, Wang Yin waved his hand, and he grabbed the dragon veins and dragon energy of the entire Sifang planet in his hands. The power of life in the galaxy, against the dragon veins and dragon energy on a small planet, it would take time to grab it.

In the hands of golden light, white light, red light, black light and various dragon spirits, the golden dragons, white dragons, red dragons, and black dragons transformed into golden dragons struggled and roared in his hands.

Pushing it into Wei Yan'er's body, he said: "This is all the dragon energy in your world, and I will hand over this world to you. According to the immortal family skills I taught, you can reach the golden fairy realm in the future. If you can reach it In the realm of the Golden Immortal, I am coming back to teach you the skills of reaching the Daluo Golden Immortal."

Wei Yan'er got the dragon energy, and her whole body was full of golden light. In the space of the pseudo-world tree, dragons roared and tigers roared non-stop.

After a while, all the dragon energy, condensed by the power of Wang Yin's galaxy, evolved into a solid nine-clawed golden dragon, circling and roaring around Wei Yan'er.

Behind it was a colorful golden phoenix that was so weak that it was embarrassingly small, following the golden dragon, circling and dancing, screaming excitedly.

Wang Yin nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad. Now you are not the ordinary dragon aura of the Blackwater Empire, but a real nine-clawed golden dragon. This is the real dragon vein of the great emperor who can rule the world."

"The Great Emperor of Black Water outside, just a black dragon of miscellaneous light, actually wants to unify the Quartet, isn't he courting death?"

Wei Niaoling's surprises today were already enough to numb her, but she couldn't stop being numb after seeing this scene, she pulled Wei Yan'er to kneel down madly to Wang Yin: "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

Feeling thumping and jumping in the chest: "I never thought that my Wei family would have such a day."

Wei Yan'er knelt down, and after thanking him, she whispered: "Actually, His Majesty Heishui is very talented, and it's not that bad. He has already defeated the Flame Empire. If he hadn't met the Lord, he might not be able to unify the Quartet in the future."

Before Wang Yin could speak, Wei Niao has already slapped Wei Yan'er on the head, teaching Wei Yan'er a lesson.

"You are stupid, do you know why he just defeated the Flame Empire, and then met an adult."

"It's because his dragon aura is impure, he's just an ordinary black dragon, and being able to bring the golden light is the great luck brought by his development of the country and the good weather."

"If he doesn't aim too high, he will naturally enjoy a lifetime of happiness in running the Blackwater Empire, but he will lose his life if he annexes other countries. That's why just after defeating the Flame Empire, he encountered an adult to end his fate."

"Because his dragon veins are weak, he can't eat the flame empire, and he will spit it out after eating it."

"Auntie told you that it's just a man, cut off relations with him as soon as you go out, and that Auntie did it secretly, it won't affect your reputation."

"Our Wei family started from the Blackwater Empire, unified all the countries in the four directions, and became the real kingdom of the emperor. At that time, all the beautiful men in the world will be yours, and the Sangong Sixth Court will turn over as you like."

Wang Yin gave Wei Niao a thumbs up, and praised her as a woman who can handle things clearly, but can a woman also be a Sangong Liuyuan? Seeing Wei Yan'er's eyes shine, she doesn't seem to reject it, is it dragon spirit? Add body influence.

The reason why Emperor Heishui took such a catastrophe was indeed that his luck was not enough, and he coveted the fruits that did not belong to his luck.

Only then will Wang Yin encounter him in the war against the Flame Empire, thus notice him and lose his fate as the Son of Heaven.

Wei Yan'er is also a woman who dares to love, dare to hate, and thinks clearly, but she is not as young as Wei Niaoyao can afford to let go. After Wei Niaoyao read the lecture, she also knew that she was in love, so she bowed to Wei Niaoyao.

"My aunt taught me the lesson, and Yan'er will remember it. In the future, Yan'er will definitely become the supreme empress of the Quartet, and will live up to my aunt and adults' entrustment."

After speaking, he raised his head and found that Wang Yin had disappeared with the Shaking God King and Sifang Empress. He was so happy that he jumped on Wei Niaoyou and yelled.

"My aunt is gone. Now the world of the four directions is finally ours. I'm so happy. Yan'er can really collect all the beautiful men in the world, and open the Sangong Sixth Court to flop."

Wei Yanling slapped Wei Yan'er on the head with a thud: "Of course it's true, pay attention to your image, my aunt told you that it's our Wei family's secret to meet an adult, and no one should tell it. When my aunt goes out, let Heishui The emperor will always shut up."

In the imperial queen's bedroom, the Heishui Emperor, who had just woken up, suddenly felt cold all over his body.

Scanning the resplendent and splendid hall but not seeing Empress Wei, he feels that the world is very strange for no reason.

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