The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 148: Smuggling Into Chiba God Realm

In Qianye God Realm, Wang Yin came to a palace where golden dragons circled and cranes danced, carrying the King of Shaking Heavens, King Sifang and Empress Wang Yin.

The mountain behind the palace is a peach grove with green branches and leaves, covered with huge fairy peaches. This is a side hall of the Taochi Emperor Palace in Qianye God Realm.

Quietly coming out of the fairy maiden's dream world, looking at the beautiful peach pond in front of him, he was amazed that this is the God Realm.

The dream world is really a good way to steal incense and jade. As long as the other party is human and knows the target person's information, the heavens and myriad worlds can go to it at any time.

Successfully arrived at the Qianye God Realm, mainly in the Taochi Empress Palace, most of them were people.

The celestial fairy official became the path of the dream world, and was stunned by his charm technique and hid in the palace. Choosing this celestial fairy official is because she is one of the female officials on duty in the side hall of the Taochi Empress.

In the soul of the Empress Sifang, this female official has an impression and is not the confidant of Empress Taochi, so her identity is very suitable for smuggling. When she comes out of her dream world, the chance of encountering Empress Taochi herself is very low.

He didn't dare to come out of the Dream Realm of Empress Taochi directly. Before he came, he had checked the Zha Sutra, Qianye God Realm was the real God Realm in Qianye Daqian World.

And the Qianye Great Thousand World is the one that truly covers a thousand great worlds among the heavens and myriad worlds.

Great Thousand Worlds does not refer to one big world, but refers to a super world composed of at least a thousand big worlds in this big world.

Qianye God Realm contains thousands of big worlds, and countless small and medium-sized worlds, it is a small big thousand world.

Consisting of more than 2,000 large worlds and countless small and medium-sized worlds, it is the medium-sized Great Thousand World.

Composed of more than three thousand large worlds and countless small and medium-sized worlds, it is the Super Great Thousand World.

The Super Great Thousand World, and there is also the theory of the Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds, which is the representative of all the Great Thousand Worlds, and its reputation spreads all over the world.

The legendary Three Thousand Great Thousand Worlds in the heavens is composed of three thousand such super great thousand worlds.

It does not include the medium-sized world and the small world, and it does not include the middle world and small world that are as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River.

Empress Taochi is one of the rulers of the Qianye Great Thousand World in such a Great Thousand World. Even if this Great Thousand World is a small Great Thousand World, it is not comparable to those of the Middle Thousand World and the Small Thousand World.

Therefore, the strength of Empress Taochi is the real strength of the Great Thousand World. Converted to Wang Yin's understanding, it is the same level as his galaxy life, and in the Great Thousand World, it is the real Da Luo Jinxian level.

Moreover, Empress Taochi is still a veteran ruler who has been in Da Luo Jinxian for hundreds of thousands of years, and no one knows how many steps she has taken in the life of the galaxy.

If this woman is the ruler of life in galaxies above level five, and a senior existence among the Daluo Jinxian, he can run as far as possible for his life.

Fortunately, the Da Meng Zha Jing did not remind him that this trip to the Empress Taochi would pose a fatal threat to him.

It shows that although Empress Taochi is a veteran master and a veteran galaxy life, she is only in the early stage of Da Luo below level 5, and has not entered the middle stage of Da Luo above level 5.

Galaxy beings below the fifth level, or Daluo Jinxian, have the charm to escape from the dream world, and their physical speed is invincible at the same level.

Like star life, galaxy life is also divided into one to nine levels, and each level is divided into three stages: early stage, middle stage, and late stage.

Now he is in the middle stage of the first level of the galaxy, and will soon enter the peak of the later stage. He wants to sneak attack on Empress Taochi, hoping to reach the second level of the galaxy with the help of Empress Taochi's dominant level innate essence liquid.

The biggest bargaining chip is naturally in the hand, Empress Taochi's avatar Sifang Empress.

With the help of Zha Jing, he blocked the soul connection between Empress Sifang and Empress Taochi, and he could wantonly learn about Empress Taochi's ins and outs from Empress Sifang's soul.

If Empress Taochi hadn't been too cautious, she didn't even know the level of strength of the doppelgänger, only knowing that the body would not be lower than the second level of the master, Wang Yin would not be so timid to play smuggling.

However, in the detection of his consciousness, he saw that there were countless soldiers and generals on duty outside the Taochi Holy Land, all of whom were at the lowest level of immortals, so he gave up the idea of ​​rushing in. Fortunately, he chose smuggling.

When it's time to wave, it doesn't matter where the wave is, such as a scumbag place like the Sifang God Realm.

But in this kind of real God Realm lair, there is more than one dominant-level galaxy life of the big boss, and even the ten women in the court of Heitian Devil Emperor are all dominator-level empresses.

Now let's see if Empress Taochi, who is also a human being, can stand up to his dream enchantment, if he can't stand it, he will pick the peach blossom, if he can stand it up, he will retreat quickly.

In the flickering figure, Wang Yin cast a dreamlike time-space art, flickering, and touched the living place behind the main hall of Empress Taochi.

In Empress Sifang's memory, Empress Taochi is now in the bedroom, waiting for news from their avatars.

The passage of time in the heavens and myriad worlds is not consistent. One day in Qianye God Realm may have passed a thousand years in other small worlds.

Therefore, Empress Taochi, who had found many small world consciousnesses and was about to refine them, stayed in the bedroom wholeheartedly, waiting for the good news from her avatar.

The four worlds belong to the Blue Star Time and Space Great Thousand World, and Empress Taochi is originally a human in the last days of Blue Star Time and Space.

After achieving mastery, breaking the barriers of the Great Thousand Worlds, returning to the Blue Star Heavens once, and sensing the awakening of consciousness in the Sifang World, sent the Sifang Empress to refine it.

From this, we can see the huge difference in the passage of time in the world of the heavens.

She is a human being of the Blue Star Age of Dharma, who entered the Qianye Great Thousand World due to a chance, and after hundreds of thousands of years of being promoted to ruler, Blue Star is still the Age of Dharma.

The apse of Taochi Scenic Spot is resplendent and magnificent, and the fairy spirit is lingering in the bedroom. The Empress Taochi is sitting on a high couch, looking at the mirror image of time and space in front of her. Just like Lanxing time and space viewing and monitoring, she also mirrors the time and space in front of her and divides it into several pieces to watch together.

There is a clone of her in each block, but now she is frowning slightly, checking the situation of the clones in the four worlds, because the mirror image monitoring the clones in the four worlds is black.

This is the occurrence of incomprehensible interference, either man-made or God's will.

The voice of the confidant Lian'er's female officer came from outside the palace to report: "I want to report to the empress, the first-grade fairy peach in Taoyuan has undergone a change, and I caught a defected fairy peach fruit spirit, please check it with the empress."

The majestic voice of Empress Taochi came out: "Bring it in."

The female officer outside: "Yes."

The door of the bedroom opened slowly, and there was a celestial beauty in a female official's costume, holding a huge tray in her hand, and in the tray was a bright red, crispy and delicious giant fairy peach.

Xiantao was unruly, she was jumping and cursing, but she was restrained on the tray and couldn't jump out of the tray.

The female officer Niao Tingting came to the front of the Taochi Empress, raised her head and looked directly into the empress's eyes: "Look, empress, it is this fairy peach."

Empress Taochi raised her eyes and was startled. It wasn't Lian Er's eyes. Before she could react, she was in a trance and was pulled into the dream world of her childhood.

That world was the former Blue Star. She was smart and smart since she was a child. She grew up with her childhood sweetheart Han Gong, and she fell in love with Han Gong.

Finally, at the age of eighteen, the two broke through the bottom line and had an intimate relationship. At the same time, the zombie virus broke out collectively this year, and Blue Star fell into a bloody survival in the last days.

In order to protect her, Han Gong used a steel pipe to sharpen his sharp knife and fought bloody battles several times.

But God seems to have no regard for the true feelings in the world. One day Han Gong rescued a man named Bu Changge.

This man was scheming and vicious. When he saw her, he was astonished. Behind his back, he knocked her out and used secret techniques to erase her memory, making her forget Han Gong.

Then he secretly framed Han Gong's life. Fortunately, Han Gongfu escaped from birth, and by chance, he traveled to an ancient court era called Sifang World.

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