The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 16 Traveling To Dragon Kingdom

The innate monster mist energy produced by so many monsters fills the mountains, and the green monster mist is formed by the atomization of the essence of innate life. In some areas, it even forms a monster gas so thick that it can drip water. That's why many ghosts appear. It's normal to think about it.

Monsters may have appeared in other places, but they will not be full of monsters like Qinglong Mountain. At most, there will be a few fox monsters and snake monsters. The mist is evil, so there are only monsters.

This is all caused by his discovery of the evolutionary method of the blowfly. It is a chain reaction caused by the great achievements of the wild and the yin and yang.

Now he believes that the Great Dream Scripture is the supreme skill of all heavens and myriad realms, and even a leak of breath can cause a mountain to evolve into a demon, isn't it supreme?

This is still when his strength is low, if his strength rises in the future, will there be any changes, will he be beaten by Tiandao's father, what should I do?

There is no turning back when you open the bow, afraid of a woolen yarn, a society where there are people and demons, and a society where demons have demons, the worst thing is that he concentrates on being a demon.

Yang Mei shrank back in the innermost corner of the cave, and looked at the cave environment curiously. Wang Yin's human body had been placed elsewhere by him, but it didn't scare these women.

It has been nearly ten days since I was caught in the cave. From the initial panic and restlessness to now being at peace with the situation, Yangmei’s mood is different. It’s safe here. She is obedient and cute, not only helping them find good food and drink, but also helping them clean up.

The most important thing is that they are allowed to use mobile phones, but they cannot take pictures.

At that time, many women happily contacted their family members, asking them to come and save them, but the family members couldn’t do it. It was useless for you hundreds of thousands of people to encircle the mountains and destroy them. What can we family members do?

The only thing I hate is that bastard demon king, who always finds her to talk to her in different ways. There are so many women in the cave. I have been tossed by this bastard more than a dozen times, and I would always be found and nagged by him in the corner, and my mentality was so tossed that I wanted to explode.

I believe you are evil, you just think that I am not talkative, and you won't be bullied if you toss me.

Looking around, it's not like a ghost cave. Not only is it clean and tidy, but there are also many dreamlike firefly lanterns floating in the air. Beckoning, these lanterns will fly over to dance and sing around them.

The only regret is that I can't take a closer look. These fireflies are all hugging each other, and they often exchange hugs, so I am speechless. When I ask them what they are doing, they answer that they are taking turns devouring the primordial liquid to evolve. It really is a nest of demons, and even the fireflies are abnormal.

In addition to fireflies, many unknown little demons in the cave also sang cheerfully, full of natural laughter and laughter, and people who are depressed and insomnia can fall asleep soundly.

Then she discovered another very interesting thing, that is, her favorite clothes turned into monsters. Sure enough, listening to the demon king's bastard lectures too much would cause sequelae.

"Master, master, I will transform into your favorite handsome guy in the future, and massage your body every day to prevent your breast hyperplasia." Suddenly, the bra on his body trembled, and a subtle neutral voice sounded in his mind. She rolled her eyes and was too lazy to answer, she knew who it was, it was the five hundred and twentieth sentence she uttered after the bra on her body began to demonize, it was the same sentence every time from last night to now.

From being shocked at the beginning to being speechless now, Yang Mei feels that she has adapted well, not only bras, but also dresses and gloves to join in the fun: "Me too, I want to transform into the master's favorite male lead to serve the master, the master is not happy Hitting me from time to time is equivalent to beating up the master's favorite hero, and let the master's favorite domineering president stage a beating, awesome."

Little socks and high-heeled shoes trembled when they heard the words, and they were ready to participate in the discussion. Yangmei was so made people quiet.

"Shut up and sleep well."

When I don't exist, is it true that I am the master or you are the master.

An eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl next to her turned around, opened her big and bright eyes and asked, "Sister Yangmei, are you talking to me?" Yangmei touched her head, and this girl followed her to listen to the nagging many times. Talking about Dao, she is one of her fighting alliances, and she looks really good-looking, and she replied with pity: "No, my sister is scolding her clothes."

Eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl: "Oh... Sister Yangmei, my clothes can talk now. The king said that he will send us home tomorrow. I don't know whether I should take them home. I'm afraid they will scare me." family."

Yangmei sighed quietly: "It must be taken home. They are our clothes. They are our things, as long as the family members don't find them."

"And didn't you notice, apart from our clothes, even our hair can move by itself."

"This world is already different. In the future, weirdness will definitely spread all over the world, and it must be useful to carry them. After all, we are the first batch of people whose clothes have changed, and we are also beginning to change unpredictably."

"Besides, our family already knew that monsters were rampant in Qinglong Mountain. We came back from Qinglong Mountain. They expected any abnormalities, and they couldn't scare them."

Eighteen-nineteen-year-old girl: "Well, it's okay, Sister Yangmei is thoughtful, and Cai Cai can't think of such things."

Yang Mei took out her mobile phone: "Cai Cai, let's add friends, and we can inform each other if we go out."

The other women took out their mobile phones to participate when they heard it, and part of them will go back tomorrow. This kind of strange experience, regardless of their age, tightly knit them together. A woman who can participate in the army of killing demons and demons, the ideological awareness in life is originally They are tall, not to mention that they are among the best in terms of consciousness and appearance.

Hundreds of thousands of people participated in the Demon Slaying Battle of Qinglong Mountain. Naturally, it cannot be concealed. As a result, Blue Star World has set off a wave of tourism to the Dragon Kingdom. People from countless countries are eager to see the appearance of the legendary monster. What is the intention, and only the person involved knows, and the Longguo government can't control it.

People from the Dragon Kingdom all ran to Qinglong Mountain again, because it is said that Qinglong Mountain can win the life of dicks and rejuvenate aunts. These people who came to travel to Dragon Country followed the people of Dragon Country to run to Qinglong Mountain.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. The Dragon Kingdom has worked so hard to block the news of the Qinglong Mountain incident. However, in this era, there is no need to go through the official. There are many sources of news for the people. All kinds of new media are full of Qinglong Mountain live broadcasts.

Tourists who had experienced the unique scenery of Qinglong Mountain went back one after another with various expressions. The few who returned with a full load were elated, the majority of those who had lost their vitality were pale and dejected, and complained endlessly.

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