The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Seventeen We Don't Want To Be Human Anymore

Yangyun City's proposal to develop the Qinglongshan tourist area has been put on hold forever. The officials are embarrassed to develop this special scenic spot that has become a haunt of demons. It is powerless to close it. They can only open their eyes and close their eyes and let it go.

Some extremists proposed to use the suppressing weapon to completely destroy the entire Qinglong Mountain, but this dangerous idea was immediately killed by some peaceful people around them.

Just kidding, anyone who knows the situation of Qinglong Mountain knows how weird it is. Even a speck of dust can be a monster. Dust is everywhere. No one knows how many of these monsters have infiltrated human society.

If you destroy Qinglong Mountain, the human society will be retaliated and destroyed by these monsters.

Don't talk about other monsters, just talk about dust monsters, can you destroy them? Well, even if you can destroy dust, do you know where the dust in the blue star is a monster? Human beings are not capable of living without dust.

At present, these monsters are observed to be peaceful monsters, but they have special hobbies, like tempting humans to compete with them for exercise.

But this hobby is not a life-threatening hobby. Opposites attract. It’s nothing more than the weirdness of the opposite sex. What’s more, they also considerately serve you to create the image of a god and goddess to prevent you from being frightened.

In reality, how many ordinary people can get close to the goddess and male god of their dreams once in a lifetime.

Now you can go to Qinglong Mountain to get to know each other as long as you want, and you can also change various styles of gods and goddesses, and you can also understand how to make demands on monsters, and change the image of your favorite gods and goddesses, because monsters can invade their thoughts and know their tastes , can transform the images of their favorite gods and goddesses into an incomparably real one.

Anyway, everyone knows that monsters rely on the charm technique. Some monsters simply don’t pretend, and ask what flavor they like, gods and goddesses. After asking, they immediately transform into a competition.

Even if they knew it was an illusion, many people were willing to do so. This was the contact with demons that they could really feel. There was an endless stream of people who wanted to benefit from it.

This kind of contact is much more enjoyable than eating those expensive powders that are harmful to the body. Many powder eaters even quit the powder specifically for this, and went to the mountains to find out the truth.

I hope to be lucky enough to bump into a monster that can only be real. If the monster favors them, they will embrace the beauty, and it is not the envy and jealousy of men from all over the world. It's perfect to save money on food powder.

Women are not far behind, you men can find the Goddess in disguise, and we women can also find the Goddess in disguise.

Therefore, a lone yang does not grow, and a solitary yin does not grow. Yin and yang will always have me in you and you in me. Everyone loves and kills each other. A crisis of suppressing the country's killer weapon disappears invisible due to various reasons.

In an international university in Yangyun City, Wen Juan was asking Wang Yin, Yang Tian, ​​Jiang Zhonghao, Wu Lao, three demons and Wu Lili, and she didn't want to be a human anymore, and asked to restore her true body of the demon clan.

Now the whole world knows that monsters in Qinglong Mountain are running all over the place, and even in major cities, monsters are often seen. A few days ago, there was an incident in Tianyang Yunshi Shopping Center where a monster in clothes was jealous and refused to let the owner buy another set of beautiful clothes. .

Afraid that the master would replace the old clothes with new clothes, the monster rolled on the ground and refused to let the master buy new clothes. Even the master could only roll on the ground, and it was impossible not to roll, and it could not be taken off in public.

In the end, the owner felt sorry for this once-favorite style of clothing and gave up the idea of ​​buying new ones. Therefore, the human beings who met on the road and rolled around were ignored. It was because of her evil spirits.

In such an atmosphere, Wen Wenjuan's unlucky group of five no longer wanted the identity of the human race, and the human body that had been seized could not use the monster charm technique, and the evolution of swallowing was slow, and he (she) did not want to give up evolution.

Wang Yin originally wanted to give them another dream-like Dafa to restore their painful memories, but finally felt that it was her (their) chance to meet him from a thousand miles away.

I would like to persuade you, you have already seized human beings and are comparable to the transformed monsters, and your realm is higher than many monsters. It is not worth the loss to restore the real body of the monsters. However, the method of devouring monsters and the charm technique can be unlocked for you, so you can do it well. Enjoy your time in human society.

From then on, Wenjuan, Wu Lili, Wu Lao, Jiang Zhonghao, and Yang Tian became the first batch of human races who could use magic to charm and devour their vitality. Fortunately, the five of them once experienced a dream of the demon clan. The living habits of the flies are vividly reflected, and all five of them firmly believe that they are the fly demon clan, and they quickly comprehend the charm and devouring techniques.

So a few years later, the human world finally appeared the Dafa of Sucking People, the Dafa of Smoking Demons, and the Fascination Dafa. There are many evil methods and demons that are chased and killed by righteous people. Rape shows presence.

In Wu's hometown, the new demon-like human Wu Lao is playing the role of the human race in a serious manner, answering the phone calls of overseas grandchildren.

"Grandpa, don't persuade me. I'm coming back. I'm going to travel to Qinglong Mountain. You don't know how popular Qinglong Mountain is. There are people wanting to go everywhere in foreign countries. Because of the official control of import and export, the flow of people is stuck, and the air ticket to return to China has soared by two Hundreds of thousands of copies will take a lot of time to buy.”

"Because we are studying abroad, we can buy air tickets first. I want to go back and learn fairy arts...I, I still want to find fairies."

Old Wu's kind voice sounded: "Eggy, don't follow others' advice. Qinglong Mountain is just a bunch of monsters and monsters. There are no fairies, so they won't teach you the magic of immortality."

I smiled disdainfully in my heart, little human, but you still want to learn my Daqinglongshan monster clan skills, you want to eat farts.

I scratched my head, but if this kid went to Qinglong Mountain privately, it wouldn't be cheap for those hungry tigers in the mountains. He was very angry with those hungry tigers in the mountains, and they wanted to devour his old and fragile body.

He quickly snorted, and pretended to say: "Yeah, but your grandfather and I have a relationship. For academic research, I have found some samples of Qinglong Mountain Great Immortal spells and adapted them into Devouring Dafa and Fascinating Soul Dafa suitable for our human cultivation. You If the kid wants to learn, just come to grandpa directly."

On the other side of the ocean, Wu Dandan was ecstatic: "Grandpa, is it true? I know that you must have a way. You are too powerful. Eggy will go back immediately."

Mr. Wu hung up the phone with a smile and solved the problem perfectly. It is impossible for us monsters to teach you human boys with the complete charm and devouring technique, but the deleted and imitated version can be taught.

Alas, copycat piracy is everywhere, even monsters and sorcery are pirated, and it is really a long way to go to combat copycat piracy.

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