The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 165: Heavenly Sword Patriarch Appears

The head of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace, Jian Huangtian floated above the main hall, and pressed with one hand to signal everyone to silence, the head's power made the scene quiet.

Said to the Great Elder Jian Tiantian, and Master Yao Lutian: "This curse is very strange, I have never heard of it, I have never seen it, my brother Cangsheng is a thing of the great way, Yao Lutian can make him disappear with a single word, does it mean that he has Tianxian in his mouth.

A few people were stunned, and then they remembered that the ancestor of Houshan, when he closed the door just now, told them to appear in the world, a congenital sage who can speak the law and follow the law.

When the catastrophe is approaching, don't disturb the ancestors, lest the ancestors enter the world to meet the catastrophe and lose the heritage of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace.

Now several ancestors are breaking through with all their strength, trying to ascend to the upper realm immediately, and report this earth-shattering change to the ancestors of the upper realm, and ask the ancestors to protect the Nine Heavens Sword Palace in the ancient world.

Master Yao Lutian was dizzy, the congenital sage who speaks the law is really terrible, and asked cautiously: "Lu'er, can you say the law, what is it?"

Yao Lutian happily jumped to the beautiful woman's side: "Yes, yes, it was taught by the big villain who came with Lu'er, and Lu'er will show you."

The majestic and majestic Chinese shouted: "Nine Heavens Sword Come."

Humming, humming, following the shouts, the huge sword peak of His Royal Highness Nine Heavens Sword Palace shook suddenly, and densely packed sword lights rose into the sky from the Sword Valley in the back mountain.

The head of Jiutian, the elder Jian Tiantian, the elder of the law enforcement team, the beautiful master Yao Lutian, the other disciples of Chang 04 who came from Jianfeng, and all the male and female disciples in the square with uniform swords, flew out without the control of the master, They circled around Yao Lutian's head endlessly.

On the disciples of the elders who have not yet come out of the sect, all the master's swords were drawn out of their sheaths with excited screams, as if listening to the call of the sword god.

Flying towards Jiutian Square while the master was trembling, these elders and disciples lost their souls, and they couldn't recall their love sword even if they tried their best to use the sword formula.

Some elders and disciples threw their whole bodies on the sword, desperately squeezing the sword into various corners, trying to prevent it from flying out.

As a result, the long swords had spirits, and after a mournful howl, they shattered on the spot, and they wanted to fly around their masters and fly towards Yao Lutian.

After these shattered spirit swords came to Yao Lutian's side, they recondensed into long swords with cracks all over the body, and joined in the light of the sword that covered the sky and the sun.

The elder disciple who hugged the blade of the sword and held it down, seeing his love for the sword shattered like a knife, burst into tears and instantly collapsed on the spot.

All the other elder disciples who saw this scene quickly let go of their favorite swords and shouted in unison: "Let go, everyone let go of your swords, don't block them, if you block them, they will explode themselves, they will explode themselves. "

Among the densely packed sword lights in the back mountain, a gigantic sword light with a length of one thousand meters finally broke through the ground of the Sword Valley, emitting a blazing white sword energy that pierced the sky.

This huge sword swept across the world, like an emperor in the sword, and under the protection of many spiritual swords, it flew to the top of Yao Lutian's head, cheering and screaming.

"Look what is that? It's the ancestor of Tianjian. My God, it is the ancestor of Tianjian. Our Nine Heavens Sword Palace really has the ancestor of Tianjian. I always thought it was a legend. I didn't expect to see it today. I will die now." It's all worth it, it's all worth it if you die."

"My God, it's really the Heavenly Sword, the ancestor of the Heavenly Sword, the master of all sword weapons in our Nine Heavens Sword Palace.

On the huge sword edge, on the eight giant peaks surrounding the huge sword edge, all the disciples and elders crawled on the ground, screaming and tsunami.

"Meet the ancestor of Tianjian, the ancestor of Tianjian is eternal and invincible in the world."

Meixu, the head of the Sword Palace, trembled, "Ancestor Tianjian, are you finally willing to show your face, or are you afraid not to show up? In the list of ancestors he received who retreated to avoid the innate saint, there is also the old Tianjian." ancestral,

This thousand-meter giant sword that has reached the peak of crossing the catastrophe, can maintain itself, and practice is the first generation of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace, the founder of Saber, the ancestor of the Heavenly Sword.

The ancestor of Tianjian is not the title of a person, it is directly the title of this giant sword that emits a thousand-meter white sword light sword energy, this is the treasure that belongs to the Nine Heavens Sword Palace and suppresses the luck of the first palace, it is in the Nine Heavens Sword Palace. One of the five old monsters alive, but it lives with a sword.

With the appearance of the Heavenly Sword Patriarch, the sword-shaped giant peak of the main hall of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace is about to move and gradually rises higher. Wang Yin quickly motioned to Yao Lutian to stop the sword from moving, and the sword-shaped mountain became quiet.

There are hundreds of thousands of flying swords in the Nine Heavens Sword Palace in the sky, like dark clouds covering the top, and endless dazzling spiritual lights. The spiritual swords revolve around the sword-shaped mountain peaks. Looking from a distance, they are vigorous and shocking.

Countless people living near the Nine Heavens Sword Palace, government officials, merchants, and monks looked pale at this scene from afar.

"What happened to the Nine Heavens Sword Palace? Is there an ancestor who ascended during the tribulation period? This situation is so scary."

"You are stupid, does Feisheng use so many swords? Any spiritual sword in the ancient times is only the same master, no ancestor has this treatment.

"What is the grade of the thousand-meter sword light? The coercion is so heavy. My ancestors didn't have such a coercion. Could it be that the legend is true? That is the ancestor of the Tianjian of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace."

"Hiss... I didn't expect the Nine Heavens Sword Palace to be so terrifying. It really has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, and it is a giant that cannot be offended."

All the elders and disciples in the Nine Heavens Sword Palace fell numb after bowing down to the ancestor of the Heavenly Sword, and looked up at the surging waves of swords in the sky.

"This, this, is this summoned by Senior Sister Lu? It's amazing."

"This is not so powerful that it can be described. Senior Sister Lu is the sword god descending to earth, so all these spirit swords came to worship."

"Yes, yes, even the ancestor of Tianjian has come."

In the center of the square, Yao Lutian was having a great time playing, as if he had not frightened them enough, he put his hands together and shouted triumphantly again: "Look at my ten thousand swords in one, slash."

Accompanied by the tender drink, hundreds of thousands of swords surged like a sea tide in the Nine Heavens Sword Palace, bursting out with blazing white light in an orderly manner, and condensed in the sky into an incomparably huge sword that pierces the sky and reaches the earth. This giant sword flew high and straight into the depths of the sky , with the momentum of destroying the world, he slashed straight to the east.

Before the blade of the sword hit the ground, when it was still hundreds of miles away from the ground, the coercion caused the ground to blow up with strong winds, flying sand and rocks, destroying the city and pulling out the stronghold.

Master Meiyan was frightened and quickly stopped Yao Lutian: "Okay, okay, Lu'er stop, we all believe in you, don't hurt the creatures of heaven and earth.

Yao Lutian's intentions were still unfinished, but he dared not disobey the master's order, and waved his hand resentfully: "It's gone, everyone go back to their original positions."

Upon hearing the order, the giant sword of the sky re-dispersed into hundreds of thousands of 940 spirit sword artifacts of various levels in the flash of brilliance, and quickly returned to their respective places under the leadership of the giant sword of thousands of meters.

Including the shattered spirit sword, it also recovered strangely without any cracks. The lost and recovered beloved sword made the elder disciple who had just lost his beloved sword feel like a knife cut his heart to weep with joy.

The master Jian Huangtian, the great elder Jian Tiantian, the law enforcement elder Jian Dongtian with a dark face, Yao Lutian's master Jian Yutian, and other Jiutian Sword Palace elders, all the senior officials respectfully greeted Wang Yin.

Inviting Wang Yin to enter the palace and sit on the high seat of the master in the main hall, Jian Huangtian brought all the elders, all of them were waiting under the seat like ordinary disciples.

No way, they already learned from Yao Lutian that it was this seemingly ordinary foreigner with strange attire who gave her the status of a sage.

Even the words of the constitution of the mouth can be freely rewarded, and the status of a saint can be rewarded at will. It can be seen what an untouchable existence this man is.

When he came to the main hall, Yao Lutian laughed and laughed all the way, and waved his hands happily: "Here comes the chair."

The white light flickered on the spot, and an unusually large, very exquisite and comfortable chair appeared, and the master happily sat on it.

Surrounded by the big villain, who complimented and flattered the head and all the elders, he hummed in his heart. It turned out that the head and the elders were all flatterers, and they always blew their beards and stared at Ben Guliang

Today I ask you to serve Master Ben Guliang.

He waved to the two of them and said, "You two, come over and give my master a massage."

Well, she also knows that these two are her elders, and she didn't order them to serve her, so there is finally a cure. .

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