The Heavens Are My Old Shell

One Hundred And Sixty Six Chapters Xuangong Recruits Demons

Then in the majestic ancient world, the giants, the masters of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace, Jian Huangtian, and the great elder Jian Tiantian couldn't help running to Jian Yutian's side in shame, one bent and knelt down and beat his legs diligently, and the other stood behind him eagerly Squeeze your shoulders.

Jian Yutian blushed all over his face: "If you can't do it, you can't do it, senior brother, senior brother Bai Tian, ​​don't kill the younger sister, Lu'er, let go of your senior master, senior senior Bai Tian."


Yao Lutian held back his mouth and let go unwillingly, Jian Huangtian and Jian Tiantian.

Jian Huangtian and Jian Tiantian, these two masters who have cultivated to the third level of heaven, are sweating profusely with fear.

It's better to try it out than to hear it a hundred times, and they really felt the feeling of being involuntary, and they knew why the ancestor of Dujie was as afraid of a saint as a snake and a scorpion.

This is simply the world's most unrivaled top-level terror. If Dujie Patriarch is allowed to eat feces and regain freedom after eating, Dujie Patriarch may be killed on the spot. This is still the best. If not Let you regain your freedom and keep eating soberly.

"Ouch..." Jian Huangtian and Jian Tiantian, who had imagined it, retched at the same time.

Quickly bowed to Yao Lutian to coax, Nima, this girl is also a super boss, she can't let her miss the master, the elder.

"Thank you little ancestor for sparing my master, little ancestor Lu'er, from now on you will be the ancestor of Nine Heavens Sword Palace, an ancestor who is older than the ancestor of Heavenly Sword."

"It's Patriarch Jian Lutian, don't bully senior uncle, senior uncle, and many senior brothers and sisters."

As long as the Nine Heavens Sword Palace becomes an elder or above, they all use Jian as their surname to show the highest status in the sect.

Yao Lutian stuck out his tongue and made a grimace: "Hehe, I called you fierce Lu'er, now you know that Lu'er is amazing.

"Master, where is Senior Brother Xiaotian?"

The glamorous master Jian Yutian pampered Yao Lutian's little head.

"Brother Xiaotian ran into the Sword Valley, chose the natal spirit sword and lost it."

Yao Lutian pouted to express his displeasure: "Hmph, is the sword more important than others? When they come back, they don't even come to see them."

"Master, can Lu'er help senior brother choose? As long as senior brother says he needs something, Lu'er will find something for him."

Turning her eyes, this female hero now speaks the law with her words, and she has Tianxian in her mouth. I don't know if I can invite my brother to come over, and a delicate Chinese voice rang out: "Zhuge Xiaotian came out.||."

A yellow light flashed on the spot, and a handsome, strong and domineering young man appeared in front of her and the beautiful master. Although the beautiful master Jian Yutian had seen it many times, it was still difficult to understand the meaning of the spell she yelled.

Yao Lutian clapped his hands and laughed happily: "It's fun, it's fun. From now on, Lu'er won't be afraid that the senior brother will hide. When she can't find the senior brother, she will call out, and the senior brother will come out to play. "It's so fun."

Pulling Zhuge Xiaotian, whose eyes were full of bewilderment and still not recovered, he ran to Wang Yin at the top of the high sitting hall.

"Big villain, this is Brother Xiaotian, my dual cultivator. From now on, if you ask me to sing about pulling carrots, I will let Brother Xiaotian beat you to death. Master said, I can't sing about pulling carrots with outsiders."

Turning around to Zhuge Xiaotian, whose eyes suddenly widened after hearing her words, said happily.

"But brother Xiaotian, the song of pulling carrots taught by the big villain is very nice, you learn it from him and teach Lu'er later, otherwise he will find an excuse to teach Lu'er again."

Wang Yin leaned back speechlessly on the throne of the leader, still using a familiar tone and familiar formula, that's why he integrated the world consciousness into this silly girl's spirit, so that she would be blessed with stupid people. He already vaguely knew that this silly girl who is it

It's just that she wasn't so stupid back then. Could it be that he felt wrong? Let's observe again.

Otherwise, she is so beautiful, but she has a silly brain and a hard-fated professional target. Any man who knows her background will rush to bite her.

The head of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace, the great elder Jian Tiantian, the law enforcement elder Jian Dongtian, the glamorous master Jian Yutian, everyone who heard Yao Lutian's words staggered and almost sat on the ground, Lu'er, do you know what you are going to say?

Zhuge Xiaotian finally came to his senses, although he didn't know why, he suddenly appeared in the main hall.

But after hearing Yao Lutian's words clearly, his throat felt sweet, and he was almost so angry that he spit out blood, pointing at Lutian.

"Okay, Yao Lutian, Junior Sister Yao, I thought you were so simple and beautiful, and I, Zhuge Xiaotian, was the most fortunate Taoist companion in my life."

"I didn't expect you to betray me and ask me to learn how to sing from your adulterer, you, you, go to die."

Already so angry, Junior Sister Lu'er changed to calling Yao Lutian, Junior Sister Yao, and slapped Yao Lutian on the head after speaking, vowing to kill the woman who betrayed him on the spot.

It's just that before the palm touched Yao Lutian, he was interrupted by the law enforcement elder Jian Dongtian with a loud drink.

"Boldly, the subordinates in the main hall will commit crimes, and pull them down to face the wall for a hundred years."

Jiandongtian is the cultivation base of Jian Tianjing, which is equivalent to the cultivation base of Yuanying monks. Because the realm of sword cultivation is different from that of ordinary monks, it is not called the ancestor of Yuanying.

Zhuge Xiaotian couldn't bear the roar of a Nascent Soul patriarch, even if he was at the peak of Foundation Establishment, he was instantly stunned by Jiandong Tianzhen.

With a cultivation base of Sword Heaven Realm, you don't need to make a move to capture the peak disciple of Foundation Establishment, and the sound of Jian Dongtian is enough.

Summoning the disciples on duty outside the hall, he quickly rushed in and carried Zhuge Xiaotian away. The head of the sect, Jian Huangtian, smiled at Wang Yin Cancan.

"The juniors are ignorant, so don't blame the seniors."

Yao Lvtian came back to his senses, Brother Xiaotian was carried away when he wanted to beat her, and hid behind Jian Yutian with a look of fear.

"Master Xiaotian, what's the matter, why did you beat Lu'er?"

The glamorous master, Jian Yutian, wanted to cry but had no tears. What evil did she do to teach this apprentice, and what was even more sinful was this apprentice, who actually said nothing about the law and followed the saint.

Touch Yao Lvtian's head: ~ You, you, don't know anything, but foolish people have foolish blessings, the master decides for you, Zhuge Xiaotian is not suitable to be your Taoist partner,

The master master and the master master Bai Tian testified to dissolve your relationship with Zhuge Xiaotian. "

Yao Lutian acted like a baby: "No, no, master, Lu'er really likes to play with brother Xiaotian, brother Xiaotian is very fun."

Master Meiyan patted his forehead, you did it for fun for a long time, is it that Xiaotian is very powerful.

Seriously said, "No, Zhuge Xiaotian is the master's son, and you are a good disciple of the master. The master has the final say on your affairs. From now on, Zhuge Xiaotian will not be your Taoist companion."

"Master wants to remind you that no one in this world is worthy of you. With the capital of an innate sage, you should practice hard and ascend as soon as possible, you know?"

Seeing that the master became very serious, Yao Lutian finally stopped pestering Zhuge Xiaotian, and he agreed.

"Oh, I got it, but what the big villain master said, Lu'er can live as long as the sky in the ancient world without ascending."

Jian Yutian and everyone who heard this, Jian Huangtian's head, Jian Tiantian and other elders touched their hearts at the same time, and almost fainted. The words of this saint became more and more frightening. Is it true?

Facing Yao Lutian, they became even more trembling. They actually had a disciple who became a disciple of the Dao of Heaven, so they asked someone to reason with him.

Wang Yin on the throne of the main hall, while listening to Jian Yutian and Yao Lutian, oh, it's Jian Lutian talking now, asked about Jian Huangtian, the head of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace.

"That is to say, the head of Sword Emperor Tian has never seen a demon in the sky, and no one in the Nine Heavens Sword Palace has ever gone mad."

"Yes, senior. Our sword cultivators focus on sword cultivation. The sword is a sharp weapon for killing. It requires not only the talent of the sword heart, but also a firm and ruthless will."

"Besides, sharpness is a killer weapon. Even if you become a demon, you will only become a sword demon, and you will not be invaded by demons such as heavenly demons."

"Senior, if you want to find the heavenly demon, you have to start with the demon of the heart. The demon of the mind will only appear if you practice the profound arts. Because the profound arts are all running in the body, the qi, blood, and aura are most likely to appear illusions. If the will is not strong, the demon of the mind will appear."

"And the heart demon is the heavenly demon, which is a collective term for those who enter the monk's soul. When they leave the monk's soul, they are the heavenly demon. The inner demon is the illusion of the inner demon, and the outer is the illusion of the heavenly demon."

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