The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 167: Reincarnation Of The Old Man

So it turned out that he found the wrong partner, no wonder he couldn't get rid of the demon from Jian Lutian, poor Gu Liang, you have been wronged.

I thought that you are so nervous that you can’t get out of the demons, and it’s because the sword cultivator can’t get rid of the demons after a long time. Because the sword cultivator kills, the sword energy is running when practicing the sword, and he has already cut off his own blood phantom.

This disciple of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace, whose last name is Tian, ​​is divided into Sword Human Realm, Sword Land Realm, Sword Heaven Realm, Sword Saint Realm,

The sword man realm is equivalent to building a foundation, the sword land realm is equivalent to Jindan, the sword heaven realm is equivalent to Yuanying, and the sword saint realm is equivalent to crossing the catastrophe.

After reaching the Sword Heaven Realm, the sword can be used as a surname, so Yao Lutian becomes Jian Lutian, and the peak sword master can cut through the void and soar in the sky.

Because the Nine Heavens Sword Palace is the holy land of sword cultivators in the Desolate Ancient Continent, the realm of sword cultivation in the entire Desolate Ancient Continent is not very different from that of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace.

"Hehe, let's go down."

After knowing the details, Wang Yin didn't bother to deal with these mortal sword sects, so he waved his hand to let them go down.

Just as he walked to the door, a distant voice came from the hall: "Jian Yutian stays here, I have something to ask."

Jian Yutian's body was stiff, this unfathomable and untouchable existence, leaving her to do something, could it be that she had some intention to serve her as a master and apprentice.

Jian Huangtian and Jian Tiantian turned green and left decadently. Both of them were brothers and sisters who entered the Nine Heavens Sword Palace at the same time with Jian Yutian. When they were young, the relationship between the three was intricate and complicated.

Although hundreds of years have passed now, all of them are seniors of the Sword Heaven Realm 807, and the past is still unforgettable in their hearts. This untouchable existence, directly nominated Jian Yutian to stay, made the two of them feel instantly that their heads seemed to be green Light.

As a result, when they walked out of the hall, the two true disciples gathered around and anxiously asked the master if their younger brother was found. All face the wall and think about the past.

A group of true disciples were so confused that they were swept away by their master. What kind of fire did the master eat, and will he help us find our brother?

After all the elders left, the main hall of the sect leader suddenly became quiet, with a kind of embarrassment factor, Jian Yutian just stood there without saying a word.

Jian Lutian looked left and right curiously, wondering what the villain wanted to do.

Even though Wang Yin's bloodfly body is humanoid, his eyes are also as black as ink and as quiet as a deep pool. Looking at Jian Yutian leisurely, the hairs on Jian Yutian's whole body are covered with chills, and he always feels that these eyes are very strange and unhuman.

Finally, Wang Yin's slow voice came again: "I am very curious, how did you let your daughter become an apprentice, and then let the apprentice become a son."

After finishing speaking, he stared straight at Jian Yutian, not letting her have any mood swings.

Jian Yutian's face turned pale, his eyes flashed with astonishment, and then quickly stabilized and calmed down, asking back with an expression that he didn't understand what Wang Yin said.

"Is the senior talking to me? I don't know what the senior is talking about."

Wang Yin stood up abruptly from the head seat, and in Jian Lutian's dazed eyes, walked towards Jian Yutian step by step, leaned against Jian Yutian's majestic shore, carefully smelled the fragrance on her body, and said meaningfully.

"Do you know why this king chooses Yao Lutian as the spokesperson for this world, and teaches her the ability to follow the law and express the constitution of heaven in her mouth?"

"Because she is the reincarnation of a fellow countryman of mine."

"But you, as her reincarnated mother, sent her to the mortal world to be raised, then used your apprentice to change her identity, brought her back, and asked Zhuge Xiaotian to pretend to be your son as her Taoist partner. What is the purpose? , don't let me know the details of your soul-searching.

Jian Yutian's frightened expression was finally hard to hide, how could such a top-secret thing exist in front of his eyes, and Jian Lutian covered his cherry lips with both hands and exclaimed that he didn't know what the big villain said.

Besides, is the master her mother? Why is the master her mother? Isn't her mother the wife of a small town and villa in the Beixia Empire?

"Senior, this junior really didn't understand what you said. Lu'er is my apprentice. How can senior say she is my daughter?"

"If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry," Wang Yin grabbed Jian Yutian's collar, lifted it up into the air, and threw it on the seat, turning around.

"Thirty years ago, you were pregnant, but you didn't know who the biological father of the child was. Because at that time, you and Jianhuang Tianjian were in a triangle love relationship. You separated from Jianhuang Wushuangxiu because of a temper tantrum, and Jiantian took advantage of the back foot. , After you found out that you were pregnant, you were ashamed and unbearable, and used the excuse of going out to practice, quietly left the two of you, hid and gave birth to Yao Lutian, and took Yao Lutian alone for three years, until the child was three years old."

"Things are still normal at this time. What I don't understand is that since you have decided to take Yao Lutian to live a secluded life and (aeda) raise her up, why did you suddenly send her to Yao Lutian when she was three years old?" To be a daughter to a couple in the mountain village, and when she was sixteen years old, she was accepted by her side by means of apprenticeship."

"Also arrange for a child who has no blood relationship with you, Zhuge Xiaotian to be your son, and ask Zhuge Xiaotian to marry Yao Lutian, and why did you not hesitate today, and in front of Sword Emperor Tian Jianbai, dissolve Yao Lutian and Zhuge Xiaotian? The relationship between husband and wife, did this king make a mistake, can you tell me why?"

At this moment, Jian Yutian calmed down, everything was exposed by the existence in front of him, and he said what happened in the past, and it was not wrong, and it would be self-deception if he concealed it, he replied in a flat and pleasant voice.

"Senior has sharp eyes, Jian Yutian admires it very much, it's true that Lu'er is indeed my daughter."

Jian Lutian couldn't believe it: "Master, what did you say, what's going on here."

Jian Yutian walked towards Yao Lutian with a face full of love, and gently hugged her in his arms: "This senior is right, you are indeed the daughter of the master, and you should call the master your mother. The couple in the villa are just your adoptive father and mother. I gave them a lot of property, and asked them to raise you instead of your mother."

Yao Lutian still couldn't believe it, this matter was beyond the scope of her simple brain cells.

"Why Lu'er doesn't understand, master, why are you a mother, why is Lu'er's mother a foster mother, master, don't tease Lu'er, Lu'er is afraid."

Jian Yutian comforted this, who was her daughter's apprentice in the first place: "Master didn't lie to you, the master is your mother. As for the reason, there are not so many reasons. It's just that my mother was hurt by feelings at that time. She wanted you to be safe and secure, and live a normal life happily. , you don’t have to be tossed and wandered like your mother.”

Yao Lutian calmed down, she wasn't really stupid, if she wanted to know if it was true or not, she could just go back to the villa and ask her parents.

"You lied, what are you afraid of?"

Wang Yin looked at Jian Yutian coldly: "If you want Yao Lutian to live an ordinary life, why did you take her back to the Nine Heavens Sword Palace and pass on her skills to make her a Golden Core Sword Cultivator.

"Be careful and don't let this king search for your soul, then you will have no secrets."

If it wasn't for Jian Yutian's vague sense of Da Luo's dominance, how could he have talked so much nonsense about her, and would have rushed into Jian Yutian's soul to check everything.

The information he knows now is all synthesized from Yao Lutian's soul, what he saw and heard when he was a baby, and Jian Yutian's past from the sword emperor Tianjian Tiantian's soul.

Jian Yutian looked at Wang Yin coldly, feeling angry that his secret had been exposed in his heart, and the corners of his mouth were sarcastic.

"Senior, if you hadn't searched my soul before, how would you know so many things about me? I've never told anyone about these things. Senior, why bother to pretend to be like a pig with green onions in your nose."

This woman is really cheap, and she will start stabbing people when she is provoked, regardless of whether Wang Yin is someone she can't afford to offend.

"Because you are an old friend and a reincarnated mother, this king said that he didn't search for your soul, but he didn't. It's up to you to believe it or not, but if you don't say the reason, this king will still know after the soul search. Don't complain when the time comes. Ben Wang, I won’t save face for you.”

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