The Heavens Are My Old Shell

One Hundred And Sixty Nine Chapters Fox Demon Yangtan

Leaving Jianyu Tianmother and daughter, Wang Yin searched for the depths of the ancient continent.

Jian Yutian said that within the territory of the Northern Xia Empire, there are many sects of families who practice Xuangong, and it is the place where the most obsessed.

As for their mother and daughter, Jian Yutian will set up a holy sect of truth next to the Nine Heavens Sword Palace, specializing in the study of his daughter's comprehension, and follow the magic power when speaking.

Yao Lutian is naturally the Holy Master of the Mantra Holy Sect, and after leaving the Nine Heavens Sword Palace, she resumed her name Yao Lutian.

Jian Yutian was ordered by Yao Lutian to be a sage of swordsmanship and became the founding elder of the Holy Word Sect.

The sword emperor Tianjian gathered together during the day, and the elders who were the former heads of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace were so jealous that they asked to quit the Nine Heavens Sword Palace and applied to join Zhenyan Shengying.

All the disciples panicked and followed closely behind, wanting to join the Shingon Sacred Sect.

But because of the first generation of the Holy Word of the Word, there were only Jian Yutian, Yao Lutian, mother and daughter, and the mother and daughter did not want to recruit ordinary disciples.

Many ordinary disciples "Zero Zero Three" are in a hurry. The Holy Word Sect does not accept ordinary disciples. The head of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace and all the elders also ask to join the Sacred Word Sect, leaving them as ordinary true disciples. What are the disciples doing?

All the dragon heads of the Zongmen are gone, and these dragon tails drink the northwest wind.

So there was no one in the barren ancient continent before, and I don't know if there will be newcomers in the future. All the cultivation families, sects, and empires were dumbfounded.

Hundreds of thousands of handyman disciples of Nine Heavens Sword Palace, outer disciples and inner disciples, under the leadership of Zhenchuan disciples, held banners, surrounded the main peak of the giant sword of Nine Heavens Sword Palace and the other eight elder sword peaks, swearing off their merits, and demonstrated on land and in the air.

That's right, it's a strike, not a strike. The elders in charge have all run away, and they still practice shit.

Therefore, it is necessary to strike collectively and require the head of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace and all the elders to fulfill the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the head elders, which is a bit of professional ethics.

Don't leave all the disciples of Nine Heavens Sword Palace behind, and go to the Holy Word Sacred Sect to eat hot and spicy food.

These hundreds of thousands of disciples also mobilized their respective family forces at the same time to participate in the strike and protest movement. The vast strike and protest movement stunned the emperor of the Kangbeizhong Empire.

It even caused endless turmoil in the ancient continent, and even the monks of the Firebird Empire a hundred thousand miles away were moved by Beijing.

Nine Heavens Sword Palace, that is the supreme holy land of sword cultivators in the ancient continent, and now the master and all the elders of this holy land of sword cultivators have abandoned their own sect.

All asked to leave the sect and join a sect called the Shingon Holy Sect, which is unprecedented.

What the hell is the Holy Word of the Word, fellow Taoists, please tell me, I am waiting anxiously at home.

At the same time, the latest news came that the two ancestors of the Nine Suns Demon Sect who had been enemies of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace for a long time were thrown into the world of mortals by the words of the Holy Master of Mantra, and turned into two crickets.

The entire ancient world was in an uproar, and the rest of the ancestors of Dujie disappeared without a trace.

"Great calamity, great calamity, great calamity in the ancient times, if you tell the ancestor of Du Jie to become a cricket, you have to obediently become a cricket.

"Let's go to the Nine Suns Demon Sect to have a look. I haven't fought and robbed the ancestor-level crickets yet."

"Forget it, be careful that day when the Holy Master is happy and restores him to the ancestor of Dujie, you will burp."

There are countless streets and alleys in the ancient continent, among the Zongmen family and the imperial court, there are discussions everywhere.

"Did you hear that something big happened in the Nine Heavens Sword Palace. Sword Emperor Tian and all the elders demanded to resign and join a sect called the Holy Word Sect."

The sound of swallowing saliva was heard row by row.

"Why don't you know, this is news that scares me to death. Pindao happened to be passing by the side of Nine Heavens Sword Palace at that time, and saw hundreds of thousands of disciples from Nine Heavens Sword Palace, shouting earth-shattering protests, which made people cry."

"Amitabha, Pindao belongs to the Northern Xia Empire. At first I thought it was a rumor, so I went to look it up. Hey, it's so good, so my Buddha should add insult to injury and hollow out the corners of those homeless disciples of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace."

"I pooh Qianling wolf demon, don't think that the Sa family doesn't know you if you shave your head bald. If you want to provoke the relationship between Buddhism and Taoism, and put blame on the Dao sect, the Sa family thinks you want to eat farts.

"Infinite Shou Buddha Qianling Wolf Demon, don't run away, you are just a bad monster, remember to look at the environment next time you blame yourself, otherwise the poor will kill you and eliminate demons.

"Hey, hey, donkeys, don't make trouble, hurry up, someone tell me what's going on with this Mantra Holy Sect, darling, let so many family members of the Sword Heaven Realm follow Guoben to protest."

"Buddha Amitayus, you are the bald donkey, and your whole family is bald donkey."

"Don't interrupt me, Taoist. I know the details. It is said that the Holy Word Sect is a newly opened sect. The first generation suzerain claims to be the Holy Master. I heard that it is... yes... Gudong, I am so nervous, I swallow my saliva first. "

"Damn it, you're promising, okay? Tell me what it is. Do you need to be so nervous?"

"It's a saint. It is said that the first great elder who founded the sect was determined to be the pinnacle of the sword master by the holy master... The two ancestors of the demon sect were also ruled by the holy master.

In a word, it becomes a cricket.

"Oh, I'm so nervous, so nervous, saint, the peak of the sword master."

"Are you at the peak of the sword master? It's the ancestor of the peak of crossing the robbery. In the entire barren ancient continent, there are only a few dozen masters of crossing the robbery. Now the holy master of the Holy Word Sect will order one at a time, and kill two... ..”

"Sure enough, if you say you are a sword master, you are a sword master, if you say you are an ant, you are an ant."

"Nima, this is simply a god, only a god can do it."

"It's so awesome, you don't know, the two ancestors of my family have already rushed to the Holy Word Sacred Sect, and they knelt down to pray to join.

"Brother, what is the cultivation level of your family's ancestors?"

"Thanks to Xiongtai's question, the two ancestors of my family have just entered the Nascent Soul Stage, which is equivalent to the first level of the Sword Heaven Realm of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace."

"Hiss..., it's true, this is not a rumor, it is true that one word can determine life and death, and one word can bestow wealth and sage, no, no, let's get out of the way, this young man also wants to join the Holy Word Sacred Sect.

"Hehehe, if you want to join the Holy Word Sect, you are dreaming, do you know why the hundreds of thousands of disciples of Nine Heavens Sword Palace and the family with millions of people behind them are whining and protesting.

The young man who said he would rush to join immediately stopped and asked, "Why?"

"Because the Mantra Sacred Sect announced that it does not recruit ordinary disciples, but only recruits disciples at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm and the Sword Heaven Realm to study the mantra of the saint together, so the hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace protested."

"Because their head elders all ran away, leaving them unable to join. There is no Sword Heaven Realm in the sect. From a super holy land of sword cultivators, it suddenly became a micro-end sect. The families behind their sect are all crazy."

"That's what I heard as well. What hurts their hearts the most is that even their ancestors have hidden themselves."

"If you can join, it's your turn. The Mantra Holy Sect is next to the Nine Heavens Sword Palace. If you can join, you will be overwhelmed by the disciples of the Nine Heavens Sword Palace.

"My darling, what I mean is that after the Mantra Holy Sect, even if the ordinary 5.6 disciples are at least Nascent Soul bosses and Sword Heaven Realm bosses, the Holy Sect is weak, so we should just call it the Holy Land of the Divine Sect."

Gudong Gudong Gudong, continuous, swallowing saliva sounded.

"It's so awesome, my brother kneels and licks."

"I'm too awesome to kneel and lick, a sect whose disciples are all Nascent Soul masters, shocked me so much that I'm a heroine.

"A group of ants kneel down and lick their farts, get out of the way and don't stop me from kneeling down and licking."

"This heroine, this young master was also shocked to the point of being the king of kings. One section is longer than the other. If you don't know me, I will study your silky smoothness with this young master."

"I hate Ben Guliang and don't love Wang Zhongwang, but Ben Guliang loves Lily Blossom."

Wang Yin from the Manggu God Realm flew quickly, and came to a deep pool with rippling blue waves and a monstrous aura, and bumped into it without hesitation. Enter the deep pool.

"Whoever trespasses on the Fox Demon Yang Lake...will die.'

"Wu Lili, it really is you."

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