The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 170: Fox Qianqiu From Blue Star

A seductive woman rushed out of the cave in the middle of the pool. The woman's blood skirt was flying in the air, and the woman's aura was soaring. I don't know how many creatures were killed by her, so she developed this charming face.

Hearing Wang Yin's greeting, he stopped, his eyes flashed the color of reminiscing about time, and after a while, Yu Rong appeared in astonishment and asked cautiously: "You are the king of Qinglong Mountain."

Before Wang Yin rushed into the deep pool, he turned into the demon king of Qinglong Mountain, raised his chin, put on a royal demeanor and replied, "I am the king."

Carefully looking at the woman in front of him, he couldn't help being amazed, it was really Wu Lili, the granddaughter of Mr. Wu, one of the unlucky five in Qinglong Mountain back then.

It's just that it is no longer a human body, but now a fox demon body, and the soul is incomplete. Only Wu Lili's three souls, and the remaining seven souls he met in ancient times, are in the lower realm Yao Lutian.

Seeing Yao Lutian from entering the ancient world, he felt a strong familiar smell, until he entered the depths of Yao Lutian's soul, he didn't know that Yao Lutian's soul was incomplete, only the seven souls could not see the three souls, and the seven souls were Wu Lili whom Lan Xing knew.

The seven souls are deep in the soul, tightly guarding what he has woven. In the first dream, the husband never left, which made him feel extremely sour.

Unexpectedly, the dream he wove at will, to Wu Lili at that time, was the most beautiful love in her life.

Because there are only seven souls in the three souls and seven souls, Yao Lutian was in a state of no brains and sweetness when she was a child. Apart from her high talent in cultivation, she was useless 04.

This is also the reason why he bound the refined ancient world to Yao Lutian. At first he thought that Wu Lili was framed by the power of the ancient world, resulting in only seven souls remaining, and he condensed the world consciousness of the ancient continent into Wu Lili's seven In the soul, it is also a means to protect the life of Wu Lili's seven souls with the mentality of punishing the ancient world.

Finally, from Zhuge Xiaotian's body, he found a trace of Wu Lili's three-spirit aura, following this trace of the three-soul aura in the deep side of the ancient god world.

The woman smiled slightly: "My lord, the little girl is no longer Wu Lili, you can call the little girl Hu Qianqiu."

Wang Yin frowned and approached Wu Lili, carefully sizing up her appearance which was completely inconsistent with the past.

If it hadn't been for going deep into her soul, creating a dream for her, remembering her soul breath, bumping into her would be another person directly.

"What's the matter with you, when did Manggu Shensi come?"

The former Wu Lili, now Hu Qianqiu twisted her plump waist, and with the fragrance blowing towards her face, she cast a coquettish glance at Wang Yin, and leaned gently on Wang Yin's body.

Jiaoruan sweetly replied: "I didn't expect to meet the king in this foreign land. Hu Qianqiu thanked the king, and I still remember the little girl Wu Lili."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his slender hand to gently stroke Wang Yin's cheek, and carefully watched this demon king who once had a great influence on her life.

The soft words in the warm fragrance of nephrite made Wang Yin close her eyes slightly, feeling the warmth of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.

This was one of the two women who was really involved in fate for the first time when he was reborn as a blowfly. At that time, other people at the bottom of the mountain just devoured and left, and never communicated like them.

By the way, that Wenjuan is still in Qinglong Mountain, and this Wu Lili actually ran to the Manggu God Realm and let him meet her. The fate is so wonderful, but I don't know how she came to the Manggu God Realm.

Hu Qianqiu narrowed his eyes slightly, observing Wang Yin's every move, and found that after Wang Yin put down his guard and enjoyed her tenderness, the corners of his mouth cracked open, revealing four sharp teeth.

These are four dominator-level fangs and sharp teeth. Even if she is only a first-level dominator and has just entered the primary realm of Da Luo Jinxian, it is not something a life under Da Luo can bear.

Even if she is also the first-level ruler of Da Luo, she will suffer a big loss if she fails to defend against the attack due to her mental calculation or carelessness.

Seeing that Wang Yin didn't notice her killing intent, Hu Qianqiu's eyes flashed with unforgettable hatred, and the pleasure of being about to avenge her.

He muttered in his mouth: "But the little girl is actually, I wish the king would die."

The mouth opened in lightning, turned into a bloody mouth, and bit Wang Yin's neck fiercely.

Bang, where the mouths and necks of the two meet, between Wang Yin's flesh and blood and Hu Qianqiu's four sharp teeth, with Hu Qianqiu's ruthless bite, infinite destructive power erupts.

This force pierced through time and space, rumbled and collapsed the void of the Manggu God Realm, black clouds covered the sky of hundreds of ordinary worlds in the lower realm, and thunder and lightning flashed.

A beam of Heavenly Will quickly appeared, repairing the destroyed area of ​​the God Realm, and at the same time, a childish and majestic voice rang in the ears of the two.

"Two fellow daoists, Manggu has just formed and can't bear the energy of the master's battle. If you two need to fight, please go to the outside world.

Ordinarily, as the will of heaven, she shouldn't have appeared in this kind of junior master battle, but now that the Manggu Daqian God Realm has just been reborn, the barriers are still very delicate and fragile, and cannot withstand the master's attack energy.

The immature and majestic voice saw the two people signaled that they knew, and left in a murmur. They had to hurry up and activate the Great Tribulation of the Gods, fill the immortal squad of the God Realm, and strengthen the barriers of the God Realm. This Fox Qianqiu recruited from a foreign land was difficult to serve.

In order to kill Wang Yin with one blow, Hu Qianqiu used his familiar relationship to lean on Wang Yin's neck, unreservedly, and did not care about the attack that would destroy the environment of the God Realm, making Mang Gu Tiandao secretly mark it down.

At this time Wang Yin had already opened his eyes, and was staring at Hu Qianqiu. Hu Qianqiu bit his neck fiercely with his sharp teeth, but did not scratch a single hair on him.

Looking at Wang Yin with eyes full of horror, it took him a while to recover, stretched out his hand to rub Wang Yin's neck, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is so powerful, I didn't expect you to be so tall when you entered the master class.

Wang Yin chuckled, this little fox has changed a lot, and her skin has become thicker, so she reached out to touch her beautiful head.

"Do you hate me so much? You want to kill me as soon as you meet."

"Not bad, not bad, you have a great fortune. This is a galaxy life. If you follow the standards of this world, you will be the master of the early Da Luo. It's really amazing."

"Besides this lord, I'm afraid you are the first one to step out of Blue Star's modern society, the master of big wear.

Seeing that Wang Yin had exposed her mind, Hu Qianqiu didn't panic and escape, and continued to lean on Wang Yin leisurely.

"Sister-in-law, do you know that Lily once loved your first dream, and when she woke up, she just wanted to be with you forever and never be separated, but why did you destroy that dream.

"Ever since you let Lily have a second disgusting dream, and Lily woke up completely, she wished for you to die."

"Lily hates monsters the most, and flies are the most hated among monsters. Her behavior is disgusting and unethical, and her food is even more filthy and despicable."

"But you let Lili combine dreams and reality to be a fly monster for decades. If Lily doesn't kill you, I'm really sorry for myself.

Hearing 253 Wu Lili's resentful complaint, Wang Yin sighed, the root of his hatred is indeed here, not everyone likes to be a demon, Qinglong Mountain's evolution method back then was guided by the way of heaven, coupled with his devouring evolution technique driven by essence, the trend of the times Unavoidable, the human world can only follow and become a demon.

However, it is a natural development for other human beings to cultivate into a sky demon, and they are naturally superior and have no repulsive psychology.

Unlike Wu Lili, who passively fell into a dream and turned into a fly, she has truly experienced the feeling of a fly's survival, reproduction, especially food and dirt, which is more embarrassing than a monster drinking blood.

Of course, you can't say that, or this woman will hate him to death.

"What's wrong with being a fly, you see, my king was born as a fly, and now he is still the ruler of the galaxy.

Hu Qianqiu suddenly burst into anger, staring at Wang Yin with red eyes: "But I am a human, a human, not a fly, not a garbage monster like you, don't compare me with you."

Wang Yin slapped her head, this woman has deep grievances, she has to zoom in and restore her human body while shaking.

"You see, I'm actually a human being. I fell into that cave and was reborn on that blowfly. It's the same situation as you were reborn on this fox clan. You just dreamed and experienced the life of a fly. I lived directly and truly. Fly, I have eaten all the food you dreamed about, and left many offspring, are you as miserable as I am?"

Wu Lili looked at Wang Yin incredulously, her mouth gradually opened wide: "You said you are a human being, but you also gave birth to a lot of flies... Hahaha."

The sudden change of news made her overjoyed, and she squatted on the ground laughing.

Wu Lili, who became the queen of the fox demon, has indeed changed her personality. Not only is she decisive in killing, she is ruthless and cruel, but she is also charming and enchanting regardless of her image. .

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