The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 171: Three Souls And Seven Souls

Standing up straight, Hu Qianqiu, who had finally had enough of laughing, said: "I didn't expect you to be human.

"I am a human being just like you, and I have no choice but to evolve into a demon. The dream I gave you is just a dream. The life of a fly in your dream has never appeared, and it is only half a day in reality.

Pat Hu Qianqiu on the shoulder: "This king actually doesn't need to explain this to you, it's just that I'm from Blue Star's hometown, so I don't want you to be too hostile."

Silently added a sentence in my heart, because Yao Lutian was sticking to his husband's job, Hu Qianqiu didn't know about this matter, the three souls ruled the outside and the seven souls dominated the inside, and the seven souls were the most tender and delicate side, so it was only the seven souls who fell in love with the husband Yao Lutian.

Thousands of miles away from the fox demon Yangtan, countless immortals looked forward to the movement of Yangtan, but none of them dared to come close to watch.

"Was the volatility just now the dominator of the battle, it's scary.

"It must be. My family in the lower realm burned books and reported that the sky in the lower realm is about to collapse when the world is destroyed by thunder and lightning. I asked if the sky is about to change drastically. I didn't expect it to be just the aftermath of the clash between masters."

"The collapse of the sky in the lower realm is just an appearance. I just came back from the lower realm and saw the barriers of the God Realm. I don't know how much space has collapsed. Now unknown forces are repairing it."

"Sigh... It's better than before. At that time, we were all the top powers in the lower realm. I didn't expect that now, the celestial beings are just a foil."

"This is because our world has been upgraded. I heard from my ancestors that our world was only a middle-thousand world before, and the barriers of the world were very fragile, so the God Realm is called the Immortal Realm. The highest power can only accommodate the Jinxian Emperor level, and no master can appear.

"Now that it has been upgraded to the Great Thousand World, everyone's future is boundless, not only the ruler can be expected to be a quasi-sage, but also can be expected to fly all over the sky.

"This fellow Taoist, what level is your ancestor?"

"My family's ancestor lives in the fox demon Yangtan, in the blessed land of the cave, and is the sole ruler of our fox clan. What you are looking at is my family's ancestor's location, and we are the guards outside Yangtan."

The sound of swallowing saliva was heard, and the onlookers jumped aside in fright. The fox monster Yangtan was covered with bones.

"I didn't expect it to be a great power of the fox clan. Lingzu is one of the three masters of our god world. Disrespect and disrespect.". "

Fox Demon Yangtan, Wang Yin is carefully understanding the situation of Hu Qianqiu: "So your three souls and seven souls, after traveling through this world, split apart, and the three souls were reborn on the body of the ancestor of the fox clan who had just died, and the seven souls fell into exile. In the lower realm, reincarnated as Yao Lutian."

"Yes...but it's not reincarnation, it's that Jian Yutian who just conceived a child, before the embryo conceived the soul, my seven souls fell into her body and became the idea of ​​the fetus in her womb

The two entered Hu Qianqiu's cave and discussed the taste of the radish planted by Hu Qianqiu. Hu Qianqiu gradually narrated the reason why she came to this world.

It turned out that in the demon body Blue Star, after she evolved to the world of mortals for three turns, she broke the soul shackles set by Wang Yin's demon body, woke up from the second dream, and knew all the causes and consequences

Knowing that she is not a kingfly, not a blowfly becoming a demon.

She grew up as a member of Wu's old family, a pampered and spoiled girl who couldn't accept becoming a fly, and learned the magic of monster evolution, which caused chaos in her private life.

It's just that I didn't expect that the general trend of the world was unstoppable, and under the guidance of Qinglong Mountain, the entire Blue Star was completely demonized, and the whole world entered the era of cultivating demons.

And because she hated monsters, she gave up her evolutionary advancement, her strength plummeted, and she became the weakest life at the bottom.

Not to mention the era of cultivating demons all over the world, even the era of ordinary blue stars, the lowest life forms are the most vulnerable to being bullied.

Ordinary people without strength, it is your fate to live a safe life, and there is nothing you can do if you are bullied and deceived. This kind of thing exists in every world.

What's more, after cultivating the demon, the bad guys have the strength to do evil, and they are even more unscrupulous.

Wu Lili met this kind of villain. She was already beautiful, and the queen of the demon cultivator was even more attractive. Her strength was only at the third rank of the world of mortals, and she was still without a master, so she was targeted by a local hooligan.

That rogue, rank seven in the world of mortals, placed on an ordinary blue star, with powers at rank seven in the world of mortals, is simply a fairy-like figure.

Finally, a hooligan gangster forced her to a desperate situation where she could not escape. Unwilling to be humiliated, she blew herself up and died.

But by chance and luck, he met Manggu World and upgraded it to a junior Great Thousand World, Manggu Heavenly Dao consciousness extended beyond the territory, recruiting and digging talents from all walks of life everywhere.

It seems that the major cities of Blue Star used to have a policy of recruiting talents, so they became the Manggu Tiandao of the Xinnen Small Great Thousand World, wishing to dig all the top talents in the Great Thousand World into his own world.

So after Wu Lili blew herself up, in the midst of her three souls and seven souls wandering, she bumped into a ray of ancient heaven, which extended into the consciousness of the Blue Star Great Thousand World.

Manggu Tiandao was overjoyed, it felt a very strong aura of good fortune in this soul, wrapped Wu Lili's soul consciousness with all its strength, and shrank back to the vast world of Manggu.

Unexpectedly, the God Realm of Manggu Great Thousand Worlds was established at the time-space junction of the Thousand Great Worlds. Because the advanced stage has just been completed, the barriers of time and space in the God Realm are very unstable.

Manggu Tiandao took Wu Lili's spirit into the Manggu God Realm, but encountered the turmoil in the time and space of the God Realm, and accidentally dropped the seven souls into the ancient continent.

But the current Hu Qianqiu directly thinks that Manggu Tiandao did it on purpose at that time, because it is impossible for a Tiandao to commit the mistake of violating her seven souls in his own territory.

Even she, who only has three souls, has quickly reached the first-level galaxy master. If she has all three souls and seven souls, she may have taken Mang Gu Tiandao as her own now.

Perhaps Manggu Tiandao, aware of the great fortune in her body, deliberately spread her strength to prevent her from becoming too big and uncontrollable in the future.

The three souls who fell into the Manggu God Realm were drawn by Manggu's will of heaven, and were reborn into the ancestor of the Fox Clan who devoted themselves to the Manggu God Realm and passed away after death. identity.

Annoyed that she was once weak and deceitful, and combined with the great change in the nature and temperament of the fox clan, she began to use the Qinglong Mountain swallowing evolution technique to wantonly devour the lives of immortals in the Manggu God Realm.

His strength has been soaring all the way, and he has become one of the three major forces in the God Realm, the "lord of the demon clan.

The name of the fox demon Yangtan has been widely spread throughout the ancient world. According to legend, the water in Yangtan is composed of yang energy.

When Hu Qianqiu was reborn, he borrowed the will of Hu Qianqiu from the original body of the celestial being to go to the ancient continent to try to get back the seven souls. That's why Jian Yutian accepted his daughter as an apprentice, but at that time the seven souls had been reborn independently and could not be forcibly taken back. West.

She possessed her will and threw herself into a boy named Zhuge Xiaotian, letting Jian Yutian (okay) adopt Zhuge Xiaotian, took the opportunity to grow up with Zhuge Xiaotian, and formed a Taoist couple with Yao Lutian, trying to use The way of double repair, devoured and absorbed Yao Lutian's seven souls.

It turned out that among her three souls, the devouring evolution technique carried by her progressed rapidly, and soon reached the seven-star golden fairy life, recovered all the space-time souls to obtain the true self, and gave birth to a new seven souls.

She also no longer cared about the seven souls in the ancient world, and let them grow independently into Yao Lu

It wasn't until Qixing Life found out that it was Manggu Tiandao who helped her maintain her soul in the first place, allowing her to practice separately, so she and Yao Lutian could survive independently.

Unexpectedly, this time Zhuge Xiaotian's will suddenly reported a change in the ancient continent.

After she consciously contacted Zhuge Xiaotian's will, she discovered that Qi Po had become, for some reason, an ancient sage on the ancient continent who spoke the words of the heavenly constitution and did not follow the law.

So he simply gave up taking back the seven souls, signaled Jian Yutian to release Zhuge Xiaotian, and her relationship with her seven souls as a Taoist companion, and withdrew the will that possessed Zhuge Xiaotian. .

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